See Prologue for Disclaimers and Other Notes

Thank you to my two wonderful betas: Stephen Greenwood and BeckyCSI.

If it weren't for KeeganElizabeth, who listened to my moaning and groaning about this epilogue, there would be no ending to this story.

Shout out to "Leaping Lizards" and if there are any other regular series episodes I failed to mention, please let me know--I like things to be right.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed this story.

This is the end of this story. See notes at conclusion of this chapter.

:) chauncey

Remembering The Good Ole Days

Epilogue, Part I

December 2044

It was a cold winter day when they buried his wife.

Gilbert Grissom didn't know if he could go on without her.

Their four children were grown, living their own lives.

He was an old man, a widower now.

He despised that term.

He had always thought he would go first, after all, he was older by a good fifteen years. It stood to reason he would be the first to go, but at 73, she just didn't wake up one morning.

The memory flashed through his head: he woke up slowly, getting his bearings before opening his eyes. He felt her beside him, but he knew instantly something was wrong. She was far too cold.

Gil remembered the last thing he had told her before he drifted off to sleep that night:"I love you, Sara."

"Ditto," was the last thing she said to him.

Tears rolled down his face as her coffin was lowered into the ground. He threw a single rose onto the top of the casket, looked at their fine children, shivering in the cold, and braved a small smile at his youngest son. Gil felt the blood stop for a moment in his brain. He knew immediately what had happened before he collapsed.

September 2045

It would have been her 74th birthday. Their children, grandchildren and Gil and Sara's friends were scheduled to attend a party at Desert View Nursing Home to celebrate the day Sara Sidle-Grissom had been born.

Gil decided to invite his new therapist to the party. After all, he had told her a lot about their life together and she had asked appropriate questions without interrupting him. Jill seemed very interested in his life story. He rather liked the young woman and unless he misinterpreted her at some point, he knew she was single.

Because Gil Grissom had an ulterior motive.

Greg Sanders and Warrick Brown were the first to arrive for the party. They had gone to Griss' room where he was dressed and waiting patiently in his wheelchair. Warrick wheeled him down to the small dining room where the party was to be held. Greg was busy talking to another of the residents, making small talk for no reason other than for the amusement of himself and the legless man.

When they arrived at the small dining room, the three men looked around at the decorations. The activity staff at the nursing home had decorated the room with bright helium balloons and streamers.

Nick had sent a bouquet of flowers, Sara's favorite blossoms, from his ranch in Texas. The beautifully arranged flowers were the center piece of the table which also held a large bowl of red punch with matching cups; a rather large white sheet cake bearing the words: For Sara, with all my love.

Catherine Willows soon breezed into the room with a very handsome young man on her arm. She was now 82 years old and didn't look a day over 50. She could afford the expensive plastic surgeries, after all she did run seven of the most poplar casinos in Las Vegas. The young man at her side was only necessary arm candy and was introduced to Grissom as Karsh Hemingway; Gil became somewhat amused at the man's name.

Warrick eyed Catherine and wondered to himself for at least the millionth time, What if?

The grandchildren all attacked the wheelchair bound man when they entered the room screaming, followed closely by each of their parents.

Jamie had come with his fiancee, Ashton, along with his two children from his previous marriage, Kyle and Jake, both twins age six.

Billy came alone, as usual, he was married to his job, the most like Gil of all the Grissom children.

Gina came with her husband Hunter, and their two: Keegan and Jennifer, eight and five respectively.

Cody Grissom came bearing his new wife and child, Dakota and Emily, a four month old, in his arms.

Grissom held Emily, cradling her for a long time in his left arm, as he watched his family and appeared intent when someone entered the room.

Billy noticed his father eyeing the door and wondered if he was he expecting someone. God I hope he doesn't think mother is going to stroll in here. He was worried about his father.

Jamie and Cody talked to Catherine, Lindsey and Warrick about nothing in particular, until someone mentioned Bruno. They remembered the boxer fondly.

Gil told the tale how he and Sara had acquired of their beloved pet. Lindsey began to tell the story of the time Sara had hired her to bathe the beast and the havoc it had caused in the perfectly cleaned townhouse when Sara was pregnant with the twins. Lindsey had the whole room laughing at the memory. Billy, shyly, told of the time he had placed his twin sister on the dog, like a horse and Bruno 'bucking' her off. Gina laughed, butunconsiously fingered the scar on her shoulder left by the incident.

The families were milling about, happily sharing stories of the Grissom-Sara romance. Gil kept eyeing the door as Billy surreptitiously watched his movements.

The party was in full swing with entertainment provided by the grandchildren. Kyle was attempting to play the piano in the corner of the room and his brother, Jake was playfully singing an old Vegas standard, Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime.

Grissom appeared to have nodded off as Warrick and Catherine stood close to him.

"Shhh, Warrick, I think he's asleep. I'm going to get someone to help Gil to his room, he looks worn out." Catherine called Lindsey over with a quick signal.

"I'm not sleeping Catherine. I was thinking of Sara." Grissom said. "And I had a surprise for one of my children, but it doesn't look like it's panning out."

Jill Dillard walked into the therapy department of Desert View Nursing Home early that Monday morning, surprised to find the room dark but the door to the room open and Dr. Gil Grissom sitting silently in his wheelchair.

"Why didn't you come to the party yesterday? I invited you." Grissom questioned, trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"I didn't want to impose on your family and friends." Jill flipped the lights on and made her way to her cluttered desk.

"But you were welcome. You are now a friend of my family," he said soberly.

"Thank you, Dr. Grissom, but I just didn't feel comfortable in that situation. I'm sorry to have disappointed you." The brunette said with a frown.

Grissom wheeled his chair toward the door and semi-shouted over his shoulder, "I'll be back in an hour or so."

Jill performed her daily rituals of making coffee, checking for messages and missives from her boss, scanning her palm print into the scanner to verify her attendance and to effectively 'clock in' for work. Her assistants had yet to make it to work so Jill sipped her coffee as she began to catch up on her notes on the residents at the nursing home.

Exactly an hour later, Gil Grissom wheeled himself into the therapy department, followed closely by a young man who closely resembled him.

Jill could tell it was one of his sons, but didn't know which one. She was immediately transfixed by the man. He was so handsome with dark chocolate colored hair, slightly curled, longer than the current style but that still had a professional look to it. His eyes were his father's: startlingly blue and intense. She couldn't take her eyes off him.

Grissom introduced them: "Jill this is my son Billy. Billy, this is my therapist, Jill. I've been wanting the two of you to meet."

Jill offered her hand to the second son of Gil and Sara Grissom.

He took it, but was shocked by the electric current that ran the length of his arm.

Jill felt a jolt of desire. She looked again into the cool blue eyes of the man standing before her and smiled seductively.

Billy cleared his throat, but kept his hand laced in Jill's.

Gil smiled.

They were perfect for one another.

He knew they would be.

He rolled his chair out of the room, unnoticed by the two young soon to be lovers.



COMING SOON TO A FAN FICTION SITE NEAR YOU: "The Reunion" Another epilogue has been written by Keegan Elizabeth to reflect a true ending to the story.