Parting Goodbyes


Kobu slammed the door of his locker shut and proceeded to walk to he and Kiru's class.

"I told you I didn't want to go!" he growled as Kiru grinned.

"You know you have to! And I'll be rooting for you all the way! I even bought a little white board to support you!" Kiru said happily.

Kobu sighed as he entered Kakashi's classroom with Kiru trailing behind him. They both saw Sasuke and his group of friends. Kobu didn't want to look at Sasuke's face, he didn't want his face to heat up and immediately get a reputation of something he was not.

"Haven't seen you for a while." He heard Sasuke's deep voice say.

"I've been out." He said.

Just as it began to feel awkward, the bell rang and the wave of students rushed in the room, as if they had been waiting outside but in reality were elsewhere. Kobu sighed in relief and quickly took a seat next to his brother. Twenty minutes and Kakashi had not shown up, so the class took the opportunity to talk up a storm. Ten minutes after, they failed to hear their Sensei enter the room, and they failed to see the red headed quiet boy behind him. Once Kakashi took his seat, he glared at the class.

"Everyone please be quiet" he said in a stern voice. No one paid any mind to him.

"Everyone please shut up" Kakashi said in a bit of a louder tone. After that attempt failed, he decided to take a different approach.


The class immediately shut up as they saw Kakashi with a long ruler making contact with his desk. After a brief minute, he then cleared his throat.

"Good. Now then, class… I'd like you to meet our new student. This is Gaara no Sabaku." He said, pointing the long ruler to the red headed boy staring coldly at the class.

His eyes seemed to scan the room, playing the game of who flinches and who doesn't. There were only three people who didn't move when his eyes met theirs. Sasuke was the first, who completely ignored his presence and gave him an annoyed look. Shikamaru who seemed to have been half asleep when Gaara's eyes landed on his. And Kobu, whose shades couldn't really capture the emotionless stare. However, as soon as Kobu laid his own eyes on him, the hairs on the back of his neck immediately stood up. Something didn't seem right about the guy, and he knew it. Kobu noticed his eyes lock on something next to him, he seemed as though he had found a target for something. Kobu glanced over at his brother, who was completely trying to avoid looking into Gaara's eyes.

"Is it just me or is he looking over here?" Kiru asked, trying his best to keep his eyes on his desk, his lips hardly moving.

"Yes, quite a lot actually." Kobu responded.

"Oh God, just tell me when he takes a seat. He looks like he just went through an exorcism. I know you've said not to judge a book by its cover, but for the love of Christ Sakura, that quote is clearly a double standard. " Kiru said as he pretended to write something down on a piece of paper when he was really just scribbling.

"Yeah, there's something a bit off about him. But don't worry buddy, he's not at the front anymore." Kobu whispered with a reassuring pat to his brother, to which Kiru quickly picked up his head,

"Really?" he asked.

"Yup… he's one person behind us." Kobu finished whispering, to which Kiru had gone very pale.

"Bro? Buddy? Kiru?" Kobu kept whispering to his brother as he refused to move for the rest of the class.


"My goose bumps haven't gone down!" Kiru whined as he continued to rub his arms.

"Ahh, shut up, it wasn't that bad." Sakura said as she had removed her wig, cap and sunglasses and had shoved them into her backpack.

"He's out to get us Sakura, I'm telling you! I felt him glaring at us the whole time! We're going to die!" Kiru said. Sakura sighed and shook her head.

"Look, maybe we should give the kid a break. He didn't speak to us, so maybe he just wanted to tell you something." She assured him as she unbuttoned the academy dress shirt to reveal her white tank top under, hiding the bandages that pressed her chest down that she had still not gotten used to.

"Or you know, he might creep up to your room and rape you in your sleep, we just don't know Kiru, we just don't know." Sakura finished as she couldn't help but hold back a chuckle as her brother came to a halt.

"Sakura, that's not funny! I'm sleeping in your room tonight, I hope you know that!" he called out as he ran to catch up to her.


The chauffer quickly ran to the side of the black limo and opened the door. A tall man stepped out and fixed his suit before signaling his chauffer to leave. He knew it was going to take a bit to speak with his "dear brother". Once the security guards caught sight of him walking towards the main gate to the Uchiha mansion, they quickly opened the gate for him, after all, no permission was needed for family, or at least, that was what all of the guards had been informed of. Once he appeared at the large oak doors with the Uchiha emblem finely carved into it, he rang the doorbell. A maid had appeared within a minute and immediately opened the doors fully once she saw who it had been.

"I see my dear brother still has slow service around here." He said as his emotionless black eyes scanned the maid as though she were trash.

The maid immediately bowed in apology as she quickly hurried off to inform Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha of who had just arrived. After a few minutes, Mikoto had rushed to greet her brother in law as he smoothly kissed her petite hand, as much of a powerful man that he was, he always remembered to have his manners towards the lovely and fair Mikoto Uchiha, to which she smiled and bowed in respect. Fugaku took his time to walk down the steps, completely unimpressed by the visit from his brother. He stopped in front of the man and stared at him with a hint of anger in his eyes.


"Fugaku" Greetings were done, simple and short.

Mikoto looked from one to the other and was quickly able to tell that they were biting their tongues due to her presence.

"Well, I have to look over something in my room! I will see to it that I inform the cook of special dinner plans for you." Mikoto said with a bright smile towards Madara.

"Thank you my dear, but I'm afraid I didn't come here to attend dinner." He said with a light smile towards her.

"Ah, I see, well then I'm off!" Mikoto quickly said as she felt the tension in the air begin to rise. Fugaku remained staring at his brother with the most unwelcome look not just anyone was able to pull off.

"It seems you have forgotten your manners, dear brother." Madara chuckled.

"Sit." Fugaku ordered as he went to sit on the leather black sofa his wife had recently just bought. Once they were both seated, Fugaku continued to stare at Madara with cold eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" he suddenly asked, his voice dripping with dead sarcasm.

"Well as you know my wife recently left." Madara said as he made himself more comfortable and sat back onto the sofa.

"Congrats" Fugaku simply said.

"Yes, it seems you have gotten to keep the prize dear brother. To be honest, I'm surprised she's stayed with you for so long." He said in a calm manner. Fugaku bit his tongue to remain in his professional state.

"You also know that I have a company in America." He stated as Fugaku seemed to grow bored of the conversation already.

"And that I have no heir to the company, what with my age and all. Doesn't seem fair you were able to trap Mikoto with your two sons."

"Why are you even showing your face here?" Fugaku growled at him. Madara smiled what Fugaku knew to be a wicked one.

"Simple. I believe since you've given Itachi a shot at your company, which may I say, is probably the most successful company in Japan, I decided not to leave your little one out of the game just yet."

"Cut the crap, what do you want?" Fugaku seemed to grow more impatient by the second.

Madara sighed, "You honestly can't tell when I'm trying to offer something to you, can you? To give you and your son this wonderful opportunity to-"

"Dammit what Madara!"

"... I want Sasuke to represent me in my company in America."

Fugaku scoffed. "My son in your company? Why should I come to aid your company when you walked out on ours?" he asked.

"Ahh dear brother, never quite leaving the past where it should be, no?" Madara asked."You said your firstborn was more qualified, you said Sasuke didn't even meet the qualifications. Why keep Sasuke from being successful when they can both be recognized for their talents?" Madara asked.

"Simple. You play dirty and I will not have you influence my son into thinking your ways are the correct ways of leading a business." Fugaku said as his eyes never faltered, staring down the man across from him. At this, Madara couldn't help but let out a long, dark laugh,

"Ah, dear brother, such hypocrisy that you show in your words. I've scanned the documents from the company our dear father left us, and believe me, honesty and integrity were not in any of those files."

Fugaku scowled, "I have changed the ways of that company for the better and you know it. Itachi understands that better than Sasuke and that is why I chose him. Last I heard from him, he didn't even want to run the company, he left Itachi no competition."

"So it wasn't at all about favoritism? Are you quite certain that it wasn't because you wanted the "perfect son" to run your dear business?" Madara asked, his eyes beginning to reflect the boredom he was feeling. Fugaku remained quiet at his words.

"Sasuke is not a child anymore, and since you were too busy taking care of your golden child, you left him in the dark to raise himself and become the man you couldn't teach him to be."

"How dare you come to my home to give me this bullshit? Remember who you're talking to little brother." He growled, the venom dripping from his voice as he came to stand up straight, to which Madara slowly followed suit.

"You have no right to keep him away from having his moment and you know it. What are you going to assign him to? Becoming CEO after twenty more years? Having him shred the papers that you don't need around?"

"Get out" Fugaku growled.

Madara merely chuckled, "Like it or not, your son is going to have to create his own path, so I advise you before he goes down the wrong road, let him decide." Madara said. Fugaku didn't reply, his expression still revealing anger but not saying a word to him. Just as they were having a staring contest, they heard the door open. They both turned their heads with the same dead look to see Sasuke holding his backpack by one strap. Once he met their gazes he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Hello uncle" he greeted respectfully.

"How is my favorite nephew?" he asked as he motioned for him to walk over to him.

"Okay I guess" he said as he stood in front of him. He disliked the way Fugaku was staring at him, as though there were something he didn't like or wasn't present. But then again, what was new? Madara then turned his attention back to Fugaku, so Sasuke stared at his father in confusion.

"Sasuke… your uncle has something to discuss with you." Fugaku's pestered tone not going unnoticed by his brother before having Sasuke sit and explained the situation.


Sakura placed her back pack on the floor and sighed as she went to the fridge to take out a cold water bottle.

"Can I have one?" Kiru called.

"I don't know can you?" Sakura raised her brow.

"May I have one?" Kiru corrected.

"Yes, you may." Sakura answered and tossed him a water bottle.

"You should have gone to practice today." Kiru said as he took another sip of water.

"No way, I only have a little ways to go to "transfer" from your school and fall off the face of the earth and I do not want to risk getting kicked out before-hand." Sakura said as she twisted the cap back on her water bottle.

"So when is next practice available?" he asked. Just as she was about to respond, her cellphone went off. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it was one of Asuma's assistants.

"Hello?" she asked into her cellphone.

"Hey Saks it's Genma!"

Sakura smiled as she hadn't heard his voice since the last competition.

"Sakura, you're never going to believe what I'm about to tell you!" Genma shouted over the phone.

"Um, okay spill."

"Well, since you missed practice today, I might as well load you up on what Asuma told the other racers."

"What? Spill already!" she said.

"After finals, the top five racers will be chosen to tour around the countries!" Genma yelled being very excited himself. However, the news all but pleased Sakura.

"Um… I'm sorry, say again?" Sakura asked as she heard him sigh loudly. "

"Sakura, we want you to travel with the rest of the racers in different states, countries, it'll be great!"

"Great for who exactly?" Sakura asked.

"Are you kidding me? You finally have the opportunity right in front of you Sakura!" Sakura began to look worried.

"I never … I never agreed to this though."

"Are you crazy? Sure you did, it was on your contract!" he said.

"… Contract?" Sakura asked as she found that his words didn't make any sense.

"Yes Haruno, the first contract you ever had to sign before racing? C'mon don't tell me you didn't read it! You had your parents sign it smart one!"

"What?" she asked. "You can't tell me you don't remember even a little bit!"

"Ah Genma, I'm going to have to call you back" she finished quickly as she shut her cellphone, ending the call. She began to pace back and forth across the room before grabbing her keys and ran out of the room.


She pressed her foot down on the brake quickly and took out her cellphone.

"Pick up pick up" she quietly whispered before she heard a click on the other end.

"What's up?"

"Sasuke! Get out of the house I have to talk to you!" she said rather quickly.

"Actually… I have to talk to you too…"

"Okay well I'm already here! I'll go in" she said as she quickly hung up and stepped out of her car. She rang the bell to the gate rapidly.

"Yes Miss Haruno?" came a voice in a machine.

"Hi, I'm here to see Sasuke" she said rather quickly.

"Of course ma'am please step back a bit" the voice said as she complied. The gates opened and as soon as it was wide enough she sprinted to the front doors. Just as she was about to knock, they opened to half Sasuke standing at the other end.

"We have to talk…" he began. She nodded as she stepped inside his home and the doors shut behind her.

"Why'd you get here in such a hurry?" he questioned.

"Well I have to tell you something…" she began.

"I know... that's why you're here." He stated as a matter-of-fact tone.

"Let's go to your room first." She said hesitantly. Sasuke stared down at her as if she had grown another head.

"Why?" he asked almost too calmly.

"Don't get any ideas, but your maids are behind that wall trying to listen in on us." She said in a very quiet tone. Sasuke nodded before taking her hand and leading her up the stairs toward his room. As soon as they entered, he closed his door and turned to her.

"I have a little problem" she said.

"For the love of Kami Sakura, if you say you're pregnant-"

"What?! No we haven't even done anything!" she growled.

"Okay so spill it already" Sasuke muttered.

"Well, I recently missed practice so, didn't really know about any of this but… the upcoming competition… you know the one you and Kiru kind of forced me to go to… there's a catch to winning it."

"What's the catch?" Sakura stared at the ground briefly before staring back up at him.

"Well, my contract… the contract I had to sign into… I didn't read it…" she paused staring at Sasuke intently while he held his expression of 'are you kidding me?'

"Okay well, if I happen to win this… I might get a sponsor… and I might get to travel different countries." She finished with a worried look on her face. Sasuke stared at her with a grim expression.

"Please don't be mad." She stated quickly as he opened his mouth.

He sighed, "I'm not mad… it's just that my uncle came by today"

"You have an uncle?" she asked questioningly.

"Yes but that's not the point"

"Okay well spill it!"

"My Uncle has a company in America and he wants to train me to take over the company." Sakura immediately felt her stomach flip.

"So… you're leaving?" Sakura asked sadly. Sasuke sighed as he walked over to his bed and sat down.

"I don't think I have a choice…"

"Of course you do! You can choose not to go!" she said as she sat next to him.

"What about you and your problem?" Sasuke asked flatly.

"I can turn it down no problem! I'll fail the rest of the competitions if I have to!" she said while meeting his eyes with determination.

"Sakura, maybe these disasters… these problems mean something. I already know it's a done deal that my brother is going to run my Father's company. This is probably my only shot at something like this." Sasuke said hesitantly. Sakura stood slowly and faced him.

"… What are you saying? Sasuke we just got passed everything and now you just want to forget it? What about everything we went through?" she said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"I didn't plan this." He stated, no longer able to look at her. She sniffed a bit before wiping her tears rapidly.

"I know you didn't but you didn't exactly stop it either." She almost growled.

"There's a way we can get through this you know" he said after a long period of silence.

She scoffed as she wiped away more tears, "Yeah what'd you have in mind?" she asked.

He remained quiet, trying to gain any amount of courage available in his body, "I wasn't joking when I told your brother I'd marry you." Sakura's eyes widened as her heart beat quickened.

"Sasuke, we can't-"

"Hear me out for a sec." She quickly shut her lips. "We can be together, we can travel and live together. Tell me you don't want to do that." He stared at her expression. She sighed as she knotted her fingers together.

"When do you plan on leaving?" she asked while staring at her fingers.

"When do you graduate?" She quickly picked her head up to meet his eyes.

"How is that fair? What about what I want to do for a living?" she asked.

"That's why I'm giving you an option Sakura… you don't have to go if you don't want to." He said as he stood and shoved his hands in his pockets. She sighed as she placed her hands over her face.

"I'm so tired of this… I've only known you for five minutes, if I would have known you came with all this baggage I never would have…" she trailed off as she leaned her back against the wall.

"Do you want to end this then?" he was suddenly right in front of her. She let her hands drop and she took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Then marry me."

"It's not as easy as eloping in a church by a Casino by tomorrow you know." She glared at him.

"Why not?"

Her eyes widened in shock."Are you being serious?! Sasuke I can't just throw everything aside just to marry you!" she shouted.

"Well then I guess it's pretty damn clear where this is going." His eyes turned cold in an instant.

"Sasuke?" she asked as she reached for him. He quickly took a step back and looked away from her.

He felt that familiar pain in his heart, "Just get out, Sakura." His voice low as he still refused to look at her.

"So that's it then?" her voice was breaking. She clasped a hand over her mouth to hold in her sobs before running out of his room and out of the house.

To Be Continued

Hi everyone! I know it's been a while, but it's been a long quest, what with finishing school and then starting again. Well since it's another year down, I decided to look at all of my unfinished stories and I just thought to myself, "Man I sucked!" Seriously though I hate my old writing style -_-. I guess that comes with the package of almost being 20 (I started when I was like 14/15 XD) LOL. Over these years I've read and gained experience and I really want to try to appeal more as an author. So unfortunately that'll have me recreating my old stories to form more suitable stories lol. So obviously I've only stuck with two that I actually liked. If you'd like to see any of my stories that I have not uploaded to be recreated, please comment and tell me! I welcome any opinion so long as it is not a cruel pointless one. I really missed typing anyways so I'm pretty sure I can try to catch up. Anyways, thank you to my old fans and to my new fans. I hope to hear from you guys. :D I love you all and Happy Holidays!