He never realized where his aimless walking brought him until it was too late. He looked at the weathered cobblestone steps in front of him. It was barely illuminated by the full moon whose light pierced through the towering trees surrounding the area.

He felt a headache coming on and sat on one of the benches littered along the side of the path, thankful that not a soul was there to see him vomiting out his intestines('and why would there be? Today's practically a national holiday!'). The last thing he needed was some stranger without a life telling all of Konoha that Uchiha Sasuke cannot hold his liquor. He had to uphold whatever semblance of dignity he had left after all.

As he took in his surroundings, Sasuke laughed ruefully upon the realization of what his subconscious was trying to tell him.

It was where she told him that they weren't worth it. That marrying him wasn't worth losing her position as heiress, her only chance to change the clan. That she never really believed they'd last anyway.

It was where he couldn't. . . Couldn't see past his anger and through her thinly-veiled lies. Couldn't see that it was her father who threatened to disown her if she didn't disassociate herself from the traitor and marry the future Hokage. Couldn't realize that it was herself she was lying to. Couldn't see the small amount of hope in her eyes that he wouldn't believe her and fight. Fight for them.

And the coup de grĂ¢ce.

"I-I'm getting married tomorrow."

Clearly not my best work (Do I even have one? . . . Didn't think so) and, looking back, my writing didn't mature at all.

This was supposed to be happier and have an actual ending, but I'm out of ideas and I'm so tired of procrastinating and hating myself later. Possible editing in the future.

Constructive criticism would be AMAZING and I'd probably love you forever. Merci :)