As mad as I was at Edward for putting me on the spot with Charlie I was a bit excited at the prospect of seeing my mother. It had been so long since I'd seen Renee. But at the same time something in the back of my mind kept bugging me about the timing of the whole thing.
Why had Edward been so insistent on my going to Jacksonville this weekend? Why couldn't he have been a little more patient with Charlie? I really hated fighting with Charlie. I was probably over thinking the entire thing. After all Edward had been stuck on house arrest right along with me.
Surely I could understand his desire to get away. I decided not to dwell on it any longer. I began to look forward to Friday. Edward called the airlines to redeem the vouchers that Esme and Carlisle had given me. Of course Edward was right about Esme's reaction to my use of their gift. She was overjoyed that we would be going to Florida.
Alice seemed disappointed that Edward got to "celebrate" my new found freedom with me and she didn't. I felt a little guilty so I promised her that we would go shopping in Portland or Tacoma very soon. I must have been forgiven since she quickly began planning what I should pack for my weekend at Renee's.
With a detailed packing list from Alice in hand I walked downstairs to say my goodbyes. There was no need to push my limits with Charlie any further than I already had. I swear I must be getting paranoid. It seemed like everyone stopped talking when I entered the living room. Esme and Rosalie quickly exited the room. Jasper nodded his goodbye and presumably headed up to Alice's room.
Were they talking about me? I wonder if I asked Edward about it if he would tell me the truth. As I was deciding whether or not to say anything I met Edward's eyes. He was there at the foot of the stairs smiling a stunning smile. He reached out for my hand and pulled me close to him and held my gaze for a long moment. At this point I'm not sure that I could remember my name let alone what it was that I was about to say. "Let's get you home. Charlie will be waiting." I waved to Emmet and Carlisle and we left.
The remainder of the week passed quickly. Friday morning arrived without incident. I was awakened by Edward voice "Good morning, my love." Waking up this way was so much better than using an alarm clock. I could stay here in his arms all day. I turned to face Edward and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could swear that he was able to read my thoughts in that moment. Maybe it was my facial expression that gave me away.
"Ah my love, we'll have time for that later. I'll be back to take you to the airport after Charlie has left for work." I was only briefly disappointed. I knew that Charlie would be leaving soon. "Ok, ok. I guess I should get up and get dressed." I grabbed my bathroom bag and turned for the door. Edward grabbed my wrist and pulled it up to his face. He inhaled my scent and kissed my hand. He was gone before I could blink.
With my toiletry bag in hand, I made my way to the bathroom. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. I dismissed the feeling almost immediately. I chalked it up to the rather uneventful nature of this week. For once Bella, the danger magnet, was able to live the normal life of a teenager. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something about "normal" wasn't quite right. That nagging feeling along with my remaining sleepiness was washed away by the warm water of the shower. I tried to hurry so that I wouldn't keep Edward waiting.
Charlie was waiting for me at the table when I walked into the kitchen. The look on his face made me panic. It was clear that he wanted to get something off of his chest. I slumped down into the chair. Oh please don't let this be another sex talk.
I thought this conversation had been completed the other night. Before I could get too worked up he cleared his throat and began to speak. "I can't say that I'm excited by the prospect of you spending the weekend with Edward." I grimaced. "I'm not spending the weekend with Edward dad. I'm going to visit mom. I thought we were clear on all of this."
"Bells, I just worry about you. I want you to be safe. Promise you'll be careful." He sounded truly concerned. "There is nothing to worry about dad. We'll have adult supervision the entire weekend. I promise I will call as soon as we get to Jacksonville. I'll be back on Sunday."
That seemed to be enough to satisfy him. Charlie finished his breakfast. After he rinsed off his plate he walked over and patted me on the head before he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. Edward would be here soon so I got up and grabbed a pop tart and went to gather up my things.
Charlie had not been gone more than a few minutes when Edward arrived. He knocked on the door although he knew I was home alone. As usual my heart, which immediately began to misbehave, reacted first. The thumping in my ears made it difficult to concentrate on breathing. Although I knew Edward had only been gone for less than hour it seemed much longer than that. He greeted me with a kiss that literally left me breathless. It was over far too quickly for my liking.
As I finished off my pop tart Edward looked at me with disapproving eyes. "Is that all you're having for breakfast?" I shrugged my shoulders at his question. I hadn't put too much thought into breakfast. I'd simply grabbed the easiest thing. "We'll pick something up for you when we get to Seattle" he stated. That was fine with me so I nodded in agreement.
He quickly grabbed my bag and put it into his car. I locked up the house and walked down the driveway to the Volvo. Edward took my hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. It was at that moment that the gravity of this weekend hit me like the proverbial "ton of bricks". Until this very moment I had given no thought to what it would be like to have Renee and her curiosity in such close proximity to Edward for such an extended period of time.
To keep from being overcome by panic I shifted my attention out of the window of the Volvo. It would do me no good to freak out in front of Edward. At the speed he drove it was difficult to make out much of the scenery except things in the distance.