guardian music angel : Yup. Thanks for reviewing all my chapters.

penguincrazy: Well, I am surprised that people are still reading this story. To be honest, I really wasn't considering updating it anymore until your review just popped up out of the blue, haha.

Chris ran down the stairs frowning when he saw that his mother and brother had already started breakfast without him. "Happy birthday, Wyatt." Chris said upon getting to the table. "What are we going to do today for Wyatt's birthday, Mom?" Chris asked as Piper placed a plate with a couple pancakes on it.

"Um…" Piper stuttered as she glanced at her eldest son. "Why don't you ask Wyatt while I go get some more food out?" Piper asked rushing back into the kitchen.

"So, what are we doing, Wy?" Chris asked looking up at Wyatt.

"We aren't doing anything, Chris. It's just going to be me and Dad. He's taking me all around Europe and stuff then we're coming home for a family dinner with Aunt Pheebs and Aunt Paige and them." Wyatt replied glancing up just in time to see Chris frown for a second. "Don't worry, Chris. I won't make you sad. I'll make sure Dad orbs in when you don't notice and orbs out before you realize it." Wyatt replied knowing that was the exact opposite of what Chris actually wanted.

"But I want to see Dad. Can I come with you guys? I want to go to Europe, too." Chris said.

"Well, too bad. Me and Dad both don't want you coming along. And you're going to tell Mom you don't want to go with me and Dad, got it?" Wyatt said and quieted down noticing Piper walking back into the room. "Thanks for the breakfast, Mom. Do you think I could go get ready for Dad, now?" Wyatt asked and Piper nodded.

"Honey, I know you want to spend time with your father but…" Piper started explaining but Chris cut her off.

"It's okay, Mom. I didn't really want to go, anyway." Chris answered with a fake cheerful smile that Piper could definitely see through. "Can I go say bye to Wyatt at least?" Chris answered and Piper couldn't help but say yes. "Thanks, Mom." Chris said jumping out of his seat and running upstairs and into his brother's room.

"Chris, what are you doing here? I thought I said you couldn't come." Wyatt said looking up for a second.

"Yeah, I know but I just wanted to see you and Dad before you guys leave." Chris replied taking a seat on the edge of Wyatt's bed.

"Chris, can you just go? You're bothering me." Wyatt said obviously annoyed with his brother's presence. When Chris didn't move, Wyatt sent him the deadliest glare he could muster. "Chris. Go away." Wyatt ordered but when Chris just pouted, Wyatt waved his hand and orbed Chris back into his room before magically locking his room. Suddenly a piece of paper appeared on his bed magically and he quickly took it and skimmed through it before frowning. His dad wanted to take him to the zoo instead of all around Europe?

While Wyatt was bothered by the fact that instead of going to a foreign place, his father was only taking him to a local zoo, he was also happy that Leo promised to stay the whole day. "Wyatt?" he heard Chris calling from outside again making him roll his eyes. "Can I please come?" Chris asked as he started to cry but he quickly tried to wipe away the tears before Wyatt flung the door open.

"Chris, why do you keep…" Wyatt started out harshly before he noticed Chris's tear-filled eyes. Wyatt sighed before replying, "Fine. I'll tell Dad you're coming, too but he said he's only taking me to the zoo and not Europe."

"Thanks, Wy!" Chris immediately exclaimed and gave his older brother a hug before running to his room to get ready.

Wyatt rolled his eyes before walking back into his room leaving the door open so Chris could come back. He pulled on a jacket because he knew it would get cold later and reminded Chris telepathically to bring a jacket. Leo orbed in and smiled as he watched his son get ready before asking, "Wyatt, you ready?"

Immediately, the newly 11 year old turned to his father, expression brightening. "Dad!" Wyatt exclaimed before giving the man a hug.

"Alright, come on. We got a big day ahead of us, birthday boy." Leo said with a smile.

"Wait, Dad." Wyatt said when they started to orb out and Leo immediately orbed back to the room with a concerned expression. "I promised Chris he could come with us." Wyatt explained just as said boy ran into the room with an excited expression.

"Hey Chris. How are you?" Leo asked with a smile before giving his younger son a hug, as well.

"Great, Dad! Isn't Wyatt awesome? He's letting me come with you guys!" Chris said happily.

"Alright, are you two ready, boys?" Leo asked and when he received two nods, he orbed into the largest bathroom stall just outside the zoo. "Come on. Let's go pay." Leo said as the three walked out of the bathroom and towards the entrance of the zoo.

"Why do we have to pay, Dad? Why couldn't we just orb right inside? They wouldn't notice." Wyatt pointed out.

"Because that would be stealing. It's illegal. Even if we're magical, we have to follow the rules mortals make." Leo replied as he paid for an adult ticket and two children's ticket. "You two are good people. Good people only break the rules when it's absolutely necessary." Leo explained as they walked into the zoo. "So, Wyatt, anywhere you want to go first?" Leo asked.

"Are there dragons in the zoo?" Chris asked and Wyatt immediately rolled his eyes.

"No, stupid. This is a MORTAL zoo. Why would there be dragons? I want to see the lions. I read that lions are the strongest animals and they're called the King." Wyatt commented as Leo smiled and started leading the two towards the lion exhibit. "And did you know that lions can kill people without even doing anything? They're that strong!" Wyatt said before stopping at the exhibit.

"They don't look that strong. All they're doing is sitting around." Chris said and noticed Wyatt's look of disappointment.

"Dad, are there magical zoos? 'cause Chris is right. This is boring. They're not even doing anything." Wyatt spat before flinging his hand out and flinging a male lion against a rock drawing gasps from the other spectators.

"Wyatt!" Leo scolded, his eye widening slightly at the exposure of magic.

"What? At least now they're doing something." Wyatt replied, his mouth curling into a smirk as he watched the male lion go ballistic and run towards him, somehow knowing that Wyatt was connected to whatever made him fly against the rock.

"You two wait here, I'm going to get the memory dust." Leo said before running into the bathroom and orbing out.

"Wyatt! What did you do? Now Dad's probably gonna be called away by the Elders to take care of the people who saw you do that!" Chris accused.

Wyatt immediately turned on his little brother with a dark glare. "Dad's going to take care of it. And you're going to take the blame. You couldn't have left it alone. Now you're going to get in trouble for me using my magic. Why didn't you stop me?" Wyatt demanded making Chris speechless.

"Dad SAW you use your magic. You're not gonna blame this on ME, Wy. I'm not going to take the blame for this." Chris replied, glaring back.

Wyatt then grabbed his little brother by the collar and practically dragged Chris into the bathroom. "Pardon me, Christopher?" Wyatt demanded dangerously, holding his little brother against the wall with Telekinesis. "You are going to take the blame for this because I TOLD you to take the blame for this." Wyatt growled, Chris's eyes widening in fear. "And if I find out you told Mom or Dad differently, I'll kill you. Understand?" Wyatt asked and immediately Chris nodded. Suddenly, Wyatt dropped Chris to the ground and Chris looked at him in confusion but understood when Leo burst through the door.

"Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, what was that? You know better than to use your magic in public!" Leo scolded. "You're lucky I was able to get the help of the Cleaners otherwise you would be in huge trouble right now! But since this is your birthday, we'll leave off your punishment until later." Leo said.

"But Dad, it wasn't my fault!" Wyatt exclaimed and Chris's jaw dropped to find that there were tears in Wyatt's eyes. He was going to get in trouble for what Wyatt did… again.

"What do you mean? What's wrong, son?" Leo immediately asked, kneeling down in front of Wyatt and looking at him in concern.

"I didn't want to but Chris just telling me he was bored and that he wanted the lion to do something! I didn't want to, Dad, I swear! I just wanted to make Chris happy because he's my baby brother. He told me that the only way he'd be entertained was if I did something with the lion! I promise I didn't want to!" Wyatt cried before launching himself into Leo's arms and when he looked up, he sent an evil smirk to Chris while keeping up with his sniffling.

"It's okay, buddy. We got it under control. Everything's fine." Leo assured before turning to Chris. "Chris, you know better than to ask your brother to do something like that for you. You know he would do anything for you. That's taking advantage of a situation and if you don't stop right now, you're on a pathway to evil." Leo scolded.

"But Dad!" Chris started.

"No buts, Christopher. We'll talk about this with your mother later. Come on. We still have the rest of the day at the zoo." Leo said before allowing Wyatt to lead them over to the elephants.

"Dad, wait, I have to go to the bathroom." Chris said suddenly as they headed over to the Reptile Room.

"Alright, go. There's a bathroom over there." Leo said pointing to the right. Chris nodded before running to the bathroom. A minute after Chris left, Wyatt and Leo heard a familiar jingle and Leo immediately turned to his older son with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, Dad. You can go." Wyatt said with a shrug.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise. Come on. I'll take you home." Leo said before putting his hand on Wyatt's shoulder and orbing him back home. Just as the final orb disappeared from view, Chris ran out of the bathroom with a grin.

"Alright, Dad, I'm… ready? Dad, Wyatt, where are you?" Chris asked. "Come on, guys, this isn't funny!" Chris yelled before closing his eyes tightly and trying to sense for the two like how Leo told him before. He bit back a grin when he felt his brother's and father's presence but frowned when he realized he sensed his brother at home and his father was 'Up There'. Maybe he was sensing wrong so he quickly gathered his thoughts again and once more, he found his brother at home but this time his dad was at home, too. 8 year old Christopher Halliwell couldn't help the tears that gathered at the corner of his eyes when he realized his father and brother had left without him. After a couple minutes of crying, he quickly wiped away his tears and called out, "Aunt Paige?"

He saw his aunt orb in with a questioning look on her face. "What are you doing here, Chris? Wyatt and Leo went home a long time ago!" Paige said.

"I--I know." Chris said before starting to cry again and Paige looked sadly down at her youngest nephew before taking his hand and orbing him back to the Halliwell Manor.

"Leonardo Wyatt, how could you?!" Paige immediately demanded as she entered the kitchen after taking Chris back to his room.

"What? What did I do?" Leo asked looking genuinely confused.

"What did you do? What did you do?! You forgot your son at the zoo is what you did! And when I say son, I mean your younger son. Chris. Remember him? Let me remind you, he DOESN'T have blonde hair and he DOESN'T have blue eyes. He's NOT WYATT. But maybe that's why you forgot." Paige yelled.

"YOU FORGOT CHRIS AT THE ZOO?!" Piper shrieked making Leo flinch slightly. "Wyatt, honey, why don't you take Aunt Paige out to the living room and start with the presents." Piper said sweetly and Wyatt nodded before grabbing his youngest aunt's hand and dragging her to the living room and orbing the rest of the family into the living room, as well.

"Me first! Me first!" Peyton said happily from her mother's arms as she blinked and shimmered a present into his lap. Phoebe grinned before holding her daughter closer as Wyatt opened the present from his Aunt Phoebe's family. "Wyatt, you love it, right?" Peyton asked with an expectant tone that made the others smirk.

"'course I do, Peyton. Thanks for the hat." Wyatt replied before holding up a normal looking hat looking happy even though on the inside he felt slightly disappointed.

"Wy, it's not just a hat." Peyton huffed, glaring at her eldest cousin as if she expected the 11 year old to know that without telling.

"Sweetie, I think you have to tell him what it is. I don't think he knows." Phoebe hints as Piper walks in looking pleased while Leo looked guilty.

"Alright, guys, I have to go but I'll be there for your birthday, Chris, I promise." Leo said with a smile, hoping this would make Chris forget about that little moment at the zoo which… it did. "Happy birthday, buddy." Leo said walking over to Wyatt and giving him a hug and kiss. "Bye Piper." Leo said, repeating the process before walking to Chris and giving him a hug.

"Bye bye, Uncle Leo!" Peyton said with a smile before waving at the man and turning her attention back to Wyatt.

Evidently, Leo didn't think that was enough because he lifted Peyton into his arms and threw her into the air a couple times earning him a giggle. "Bye, Peyton." Leo said with a wide grin. Piper, Phoebe and Paige had talked about how close Leo wanted to be with Peyton and concluded that he saw her as the daughter he would never have. And though they believed he didn't really mean it like that, they also saw that whenever Leo disappointed Chris, he would make it up to Peyton.

"Okay, Uncle Leo. You gotta put me down 'cause I gotta tell Wyatt what the hat is 'cause he don't know." Peyton said in a serious tone.

"Oh, really? How about I stick around to listen to the explanation, too?" Leo asked setting the 4 year old to the ground and taking a seat next to Wyatt.

"Okay!" Peyton agreed before turning to Wyatt. "Put it on! You gotta put it on, Wyatt, or it won't work." Peyton said exasperatedly and Wyatt smirked and quickly put the hat on and he was surprised with the hat lifting him off the ground a couple inches then he fell down from under the hat. "You gotta hold it down, Wyatt. Don't you know ANYTHING?" Peyton demanded.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know, Peyton." Wyatt replied before putting the hat back on and holding it down onto his head. Again, he floated up off the ground and when he leaned in a specific direction, he would slowly move that way, too.

"It lets you fly!" Peyton squealed happily while Chris looked at it in slight jealousy. "But don't worry, Chris, I made you one, too but yours is green 'cause Mommy said something about you and green." Peyton said then realized she told Chris what his present was. "You still gotta look surprised when you open it!" Peyton immediately demanded and Chris grinned before agreeing.

"Thanks, Peyton. That's the best present I ever got." Wyatt said giving the little girl a hug as Leo orbed out discreetly.

"Wait, did she say she MADE it?" Piper asked turning to her younger sister questioningly.

Next chapter: Enough with Wyatt's birthday! A lot of you guys don't like him, anyway. This time it's Chris's birthday! And it wouldn't be a proper Unchanged Future story if Chris weren't disappointed. But I guess you'll just have to wait for me to write it then post it. Too bad.

Yes, I do quite enjoy writing parts where little Peyton is in. She doesn't fail to put a smile on people's faces. I remember my teacher talking about archetypes and foils and comic relief in every story and I remember telling her that the authors probably never INTENDED on giving all their stories a theme or something. And I, personally, don't think about it, either when I write these stories but I did intend on making Peyton the comic relief of this story!