Confessions of an Ero-Cook

I'm back baby!! And Chapter 4 is up and running!! I'm really sorry to my readers that this was late!

Anyway the pairings changed a bit so instead of LuffyxVivi it's going to be LuffyxHancock

Well, enjoy reading.

(Thriller Bark; in the destroyed courtyard)

The Straw-hat crew couldn't believe their eyes. Luffy had come out of his coma like state and just sucker punched one of the Shichibukai square in the jaw.

Kuma, having regained his footing couldn't help but be dumbfounded underneath his emotionless mask.

"Oi! I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to harm my nakama." stated Luffy. The Straw-hat captain himself had the same stern expression on his face when he faced off against Moria.

"I am only following orders from the World Government." he explained in monotone.

Luffy raised an eyebrow. "Really, well you can tell those egotistical, arrogant sons-of-bitches that anyone who tries to harm the people who are like my family, will receive a personal ass-kicking so hard that they'll be shittin' from their mouths!" he threatened as he cracked his knuckles.

"Hmm." Was all Kuma could reply as he removed his black gloves, revealing what appeared to be bear paws.

Suddenly, he shot out a blast of compressed air heading in Luffy's direction who just side-stepped out of the way.

'He's fast or faster.' Kuma thought. Then Luffy disappeared, surprising everyone.

He reappeared beside the towering Shichibukai and pointed at his arms in slight interest.

"You seem to be very proud of your arms. What's your secret?" he asked curiously.

Kuma, having been one to keep his emotionless mask in place, continued to remain as such.

"I'm a paw-man." He said as he removed another glove from his other hand to show yet another bear-paw hand.

"I ate the Nikyu-Nikyu No Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit.), which allows me to push objects indirectly or directly at the speed of light. For example, if I were to push the ground with my feet, I would be at another place in a millisecond. And as for indirect, I can push the air to make that attack you dodged. Lastly, I can push away physical pain and place it into another."

Luffy pondered for a moment with a lazy look until a smirk appeared on his face.

"Well then I guess the solution to this would be Haki." Luffy stated. Then out of nowhere, everyone on the entire island and beyond felt an enormous pressure. Nearly everyone dropped to the ground with the exception of some of the Strawhats.

Franky had a hard time standing up, but that didn't stop him from holding up a fainted Robin.

Usopp was feeling a lot worse as his legs had given way to the power Luffy was exerting as he too was trying to hold up a passed out reindeer.

Zoro and Brooke stayed still but they had beads of sweat rolling down their heads.

Sanji was a little more resilient to the force, but his red-haired beauty, unfortunately was not.

He pulled her close to his chest, making sure nothing happened to her.

'Was this the power Luffy had when he fought that giant zombie and Moria? Or is it something more?' The chef thought.

Kuma was contemplating on the situation and how he would actually have to fight this newly powerful pirate captain.

He dashed a few feet away before he raised his left arm and aimed it at Luffy.

"Pado Hou. (Pad Cannon)" He stated as he shot another paw-shaped, air-compressed blast.

This time Luffy knocked the blast away without effort much to Kuma's surprise.

'Impossible. He shouldn't be able to deflect a blast at that speed, it's just not done.'

He then positioned himself in a sumo position and started pumping his arms in a very fast motion.

"Tsupari Pado Hou. (Thousand Pad Cannon)" and then he shot a thousand air blasts towards Luffy once again.

This time he walked calmly towards the onslaught and dodged swiftly. It was like they didn't even touch him as he made a straight walk towards the towering Shichibukai, who was stupefied to say the least.

"I'm just gonna end this in two moves." Luffy said then disappeared.

Kuma quickly got out of his stance and used his powers to teleport to the other side of the Island.

Once there he assumed he was alone.

'This is bad. I can't believe how fast this guy is. I fear that I might lose if I'm not careful.'

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice behind him.

"Hi." said a familiar voice.

Kuma gasped in surprise as he looked down to see the Straw-hat captain with a smirk on his face.

"How are ya?" he asked the bear-man.

Kuma decided to end this by using bringing his hand down on him to make sure that he was teleported far away like he did to Moria's subordinate. But instead he felt a grip on his wrist.

"That's move one." Luffy said in a sing-song voice.

That did it Kuma decided to finish this now. He opened his mouth and prepared to fire what appeared to be a laser.

However, Luffy anticipated this and just as Kuma was about to fire the laser, Luffy shot his leg up to forcefully close Kuma's lower jaw to snap his jaw shut. It wasn't the usual gum kick, it was a regular kick with a lot of power packed into it.

"That's two. Checkmate."

Kuma couldn't stop the laser as it imploded in his head.

An explosion could be heard around the forest.

When the smoke cleared, Luffy was still standing while Kuma had been flat on his back.

The explosion from the laser left a huge burnt scar going up on the side of his face. Most of the clothing from the collar had been burnt clean off revealing cybernetic armor attachments.

"So you're a cyborg huh?" Luffy said in the same lazy tone he had before he fought Kuma.

"Hai. I am an incomplete product of the mechanical genius, Dr. Vegapunk." He responded a little weaker due to his severe injuries.

"It seems I cannot defeat you Straw-hat Luffy. So I will have to take my leave and report my failed mission." Kuma said.

Then Luffy jumped in the air only to slam down on Kuma's torso causing him to grunt painfully.

"Listen here Government lapdog; you give those old farts this message. I don't like people harming my Nakama. And also; what you did to Nico Robin's home in Ohara, was unforgivable! No amount of 'political justice' will cover up the mess that you try so hard to conceal. And you may have most the world buying this shit, but not the people who embrace change. See I think the reason why you used the Buster Call on Ohara was because you were scared of the people trying to find the true history to the world or in other words you limit change in the world. Well let me tell you something, change is part of the human nature and it will always happen in the world, once the Great Age of Pirates comes to pass. It's been like this since the beginning of time. You can't control it no more than you can control the waves in the ocean. I have a feeling that this year the world's gonna change for the better." He finished with a smirk on his face.

Kuma looked up towards Luffy and had a sense of curiosity course through him.

'He is definitely his father's son. Might as well tell him what happened to his brother.' Kuma thought.

"Straw-hat Luffy, do you have an older brother?" he asked.

"Yeah, what about Ace?" Luffy responded; curious to know what happened to his brother.

"Three days ago there was a battle on a small island where Portgas D. Ace of the Whitebeard pirates fought against Marshall D. Teach a.k.a Blackbeard and was defeated." He informed.

Luffy's eyes widened. 'Ace got beaten? No, it can't be could it?' he pondered.

"He was then brought in to the inescapable prison known as Impel Down. That is all I can say." He finished. And with that he vanished again.

Luffy didn't sense his presence anymore on the island so he assumed he left.

He used haki to teleport himself back to the courtyard.

There he found most of Lola's crew whose eyes were the size of dinner plates.

"Y-Y-You beat Kuma the Tyrant. And he's supposed to be one of the strongest of the Shichibukai." stuttered Lola.

At this, Lola's crew cheered uproariously. Not one, but two of the Shichibukai did he defeat.

Yes sir, things were looking up for both crews.

(With Shanks and his crew)

Red-haired Shanks, one of the Yonkou(Four Emperors) of the Grand Line, and Luffy's father-figure, was currently enjoying a great party and consuming a lot of sake as always, when he suddenly felt a very powerful blast of Haki coming far south of his direction.

'That Haki… is that Luffy?' he pondered.

(The Holy Land, Mariejola- The World Government Headquarters)

The Gorosei (Five Star Elders) were currently conversing events with the injured Kuma up to the point where he revealed Luffy's message.

One with a long white beard began.

"This poses a problem." He said in a monotone. All others nodded in agreement.

"What now?" another elder asked.

The old man looked back at the injured Kuma.

"Cut them off at the Shabondy Archipelago."

"Hai." replied Kuma.

(Later back at Thriller Bark)

After the tribulations they suffered today the crew was stocking up their ship, the Thousand Sunny.

In the meantime, the Strawhats decided to ask Sanji of his newfound power.

"Yo, baka-cook! What's up with that transformation?"

Sanji tilted his head in confusion. "What transformation?"

He felt a soft hand on his shoulder as he saw his red-haired love with concern on her face.

"Sanji-kun, don't you remember what happened back at the chapel or in the courtyard?" she asked.

Sanji furrowed his eyebrow, remembering the events that transpired today. At first he couldn't think of anything, but then he felt a sharp, piercing pain in his head. He grasped his head in pain and felt weak in his legs. He let out a couple of grunts.

Images flooded his mind. An island, a castle, a laboratory and a man in a white lab coat covered in blood.

"…anji-kun!!" cried a female voice.

"Sanji-kun!!!" she cried again.

"Sanji-kun!!!" It was Nami's voice that snapped him out of his painful trance.

Sanji was brought back to reality by his loving girlfriend. He was sweating profusely and his face paled considerably. Nami was already at his side rubbing his back in a soothing motion.

"I-I'm alright, Nami-chan. I just… blacked out."

For now Sanji couldn't begin to fathom what those images were let alone his newfound power. But perhaps in time, he would have all his questions answered. Right now, he was grateful that he was alive, and here with his Nami-chan and his friends.

Later on, the Strawhats were saying goodbye to Lola and her crew.

"I hope that we meet again, Namizou." said Lola.

Nami's head snapped up in surprise. 'Could it be?'

"Huh? That's weird. How'd I know about that nickname?" Lola said out loud.

'I don't believe it!! It is!!' Nami thought happily.

"LOLA!!!!" she cried as she hugged the plump woman in front of her.

It turned out that Nami had met Lola before, her zombie counterpart.

After they said their goodbyes, they departed from Thriller Bark with two new and improved crew members and a blossoming of a relationship.

(30 minutes later- In a small archipelago nearby)

A remote island filled with relatively vibrant life and vegetation soaking in the sun's ray's as it began to rise and welcome the day.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue portal opened near the shore. A tall, monstrous shape came out of the portal.

The shape sniffed the air, like a predator tracking the scent of its prey.

It gave out a small but low hiss, sounding similar to a crocodile.

The portal closed behind it and the shape trudged into the water. It swam further down the ocean until the shape could not be seen.

(30 more minutes later)

Another portal appeared nearby, and this time two regular-sized, human shapes came out of it.

"He was just here." said the first person.

"Yeah, by a half hour." replied the other.

They both walked out of the shady trees and into the sun. The figures were revealed to be nothing more than two young teenagers garbed in black suits. One had red hair and curly eyebrows and the other had messy brown hair and a long nose.

"I just hope it's not too late."

There was a momentary silence as the two pondered what their next course of action was going to be.

"You didn't just come here to catch this guy right?" the long-nosed teen asked his partner.

The red-haired teen merely grinned.

"Nope. I want to see my parents in there teen years."

I think you can guess who these guys are. If not, It will be revealed soon.

Next up, Chapter 5.