A/N: Oh my goodness! Fifty-five reviews!? You guys are so awesome! Anyways, here it is! The long awaited Chapter 8!
"Long time no see, Dee Dee!" Kenny grinned in the darkness.
Dawn flushed. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" She spat.
"Aw, come on Dee Dee! You know you love it!" Kenny teased.
'Ugh!' Dawn groaned inwardly. 'Somebody please, shoot me now!'
Paul's lips twitched. "Dee Dee?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
Dawn whirled on him. "Paul! Not you too!" She whined.
Kenny hadn't even noticed the lilac haired trained until now. "Hey, who's this guy?" He asked motioning towards Paul.
Dawn turned her attention back to Kenny, smiling at the red head. "Kenny," she began "this is my friend Paul!" She explained putting emphasis on the word "friend" more for her and Paul's benefit lest Kenny got the wrong idea. Not that she cared what Kenny thought, at least that's what she told herself. "Paul," Dawn began again "this is-"
"It's Kenny." Kenny interupted. "So, how do you know Dawn?" He asked.
"Actually-" Dawn started.
"I don't see how that's any of your buisness." Paul replied cooly. "Besides, what's it to you?"
"As a matter of fact, it is my buisness." Kenny replied curtly. "You see," he said wrapping his arm around Dawn's waist "Dawn's my girlfriend."
"Kenneth Damien Michael Laurence," Dawn huffed before wriggling herself out of Kenny's grasp "I am so NOT your girlfriend!" she said before giving Kenny a swift kick in the shins.
"Aw, c'mon Dee Dee!" Kenny winced as he rubbed his shin. "I was only teasin' ya!" He pouted. "You don't have to act so violently everytime someone teases ya, you know!"
"And stop calling me Dee Dee!"
Paul rolled his eyes. "Listen, Kairi--"
"That's Kenny!"
"Whatever." Paul rolled his eyes again. "For the love of Arceus, stop calling Dawn 'Dee Dee'--"
Dawn smiled triumphantly.
"--because if she keeps shrieking like that I think my ears are going to start to bleed."
Kenny snickered.
Dawn's smile fell and she glared at Paul. "Oh, you are just the worst!" She huffed.
"Then why are you still here?" Paul smirked.
Dawn blushed and quickly turned away. "Because!"
"Because why?" Paul's smirk grew wider.
"Because," Dawn turned back to face Paul, a smirk on her face "if a hungry Abomasnow decides to show up it'll eat you first instead of me!" She giggled.
Paul raised an eybrow. "How do you figure that?" He asked.
"Hello!" Dawn exclaimed giving Paul a 'are you seriously that dumb' look. "It wouldn't eat me silly, I'm too cute!"
Kenny and Paul both sweatdropped.
"Heh, that's Dee Dee for ya." Kenny chuckled.
"Annoying is more like it." Paul muttered.
"Hey," Dawn exclaimed punching Paul playfully in the shoulder "be nice!" she giggled.
"I don't do nice," Paul smirked "Dee Dee."
"Don't call me that, meanie face!"
"What are you, five?"
Kenny cleared his throat. "So, where are Ash and the others?" He asked.
"Don't know, don't care." Paul replied.
Dawn ignored Paul's comment and titlted her head to the side thoughtfully. "I'm not sure." She replied. "This place is pretty big, and it's so dark." She added nervously.
Yeah," Kenny agreed "and just so you know there's a psychopath wielding a ham and turkey sandwhich around here somewhere too."
"A ham and turkey sandwhich?" Dawn and Paul said in unison.
"That's what I said."
Dawn thought for a moment and then burst out laughing.
Paul and Kenny looked at Dawn like she had lost it.
"Great, she's having a nervous breakdown." Paul shook his head.
"Dee Dee?" Kenny backed away suddenly. "You gonna be okay?"
"AWAHAHAHA!" Dawn laughed. "She acutally hit you with it?! Oh my god, that's soooo funny!"
"Who's she?" Kenny asked. "And no, it's not funny."
"Y-yes it is!" Dawn laughed. "Pffft!"
Paul rubbed his temples. "Dawn, if you don't stop laughing I'm going to leave you here with Kelsey." He grunted irritably.
"That's-- Oh, forget it!" Kenny sighed.
"Fine!" Dawn said wiping away a tear. "Kill joy." She stuck her tongue out at Paul.
"Very cute."
"Why thank you!"
"I was being sarcastic..."
"Will somebody please answer my question?!" Kenny yelled annoyed.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry about that, Kenny!" Dawn apologized. "Anyway, the psychopath with the ham and turkey sandwhich you're reffering to was Zoey." She explained trying her best to keep from laughing. "We were going to meet in the cafeteria for lunch, but uh, something came up." She said blushing, the image of a shirtless Paul still fresh in her mind.
Paul chuckled. "So you were looking." He grinned.
"I was not!" Dawn yelled blushing profusely.
Kenny frowned. "Looking at what exactly?" Kenny asked.
"Anyway!" Dawn exclaimed. "Why don't we go and find the others?"
"Not so fast, twirpette!" A high pitched voice exclaimed. "Prepare for trouble!"
Oh my god! Another cliffhanger! *gets shot* __ Eh, not to worry though. I will update very very soon! Like today, maybe... *gets shot again* Okay, okay! Today! Geesh!