Hello everyone! This was the first sequel I've ever made and really, I'm truly sad to see it end. This story brought out the best angst in me and I have enjoyed writing it ( I think it may just replace 'The One You Love...' as my favorite story lol). And I'm using this time, not only to add a so called 'fifth chapter' to my story because I have a weird OCD thing about ending my stories on good solid numbers, but also to thank you all for reading both this story and Nine Crimes.

First off I really must thank my friend Amanda. Without her dream, there never would've been a Nine Crimes meaning there would also be no Beauty From Pain.

Secondly, Lynn. Lynn you are a wonderfully fantastic person and you probably don't even realize how much you've helped and inspired me with this story. I've made you many a promises but there is one that even though it seems impossible for me to keep, I'm POSITIVE it will happen (I'm being hella cryptic so kudos if you know what I'm talking about lol). I'm so glad I got to know you and you really have helped me through a lot. I love you with all my heart.

Next up is Emma. Just cause you're uberly awesome and literally me. We are way too much the same person for our own good lol. Love ya hun.

Corey, you're awesome. I've told you that many a times before and I swear you're my muse. Thanks a billion for helping me with the last chapter. Your craziness matches mine ; )

Shaz, I think you've been with me the longest, ever since the 911 board. You are my pimp and my go to girl for art. Your reviews are love and we definitely need to start conversing more! lol

To everyone one else who's reviewed either story: you guys make my life. Each and every one of your words make me smile each time I read your words. You can bring me out of some of my darkest days just by letting me know what you think. I love all of you!

Now I really hope you all have understood this story and the path that the characters have gone down. Beauty has risen from their pain and all will be well, just as it will happen on the show :)

Thank you all,
