Hey, peoples...

It's been a while since I've written anything, so I would gather that I'm kinda rusty...

McKay imalemon

Sheppard clownswilleatme

Ronon cavemanconan

Teyla athosiangirl

Carter coffeelover

Zelenka czechitout

Keller drwisconsin

Lorne geekguard2

Those are the main people for this. Anyone else, I'll put up before the chapter who they are.

generalflyboy is General O'Neill


Sheppard went through email after email, bored out of his mind, until he came up to an email that General O'Neill sent him. Grinning, he opened it.

From: generalflyboystargateintranet.usaf

To: clownswilleatmestargateintranet.usaf

subject: If you get bored...

Hey, Sheppard. Checking up on you. Hope you're not letting anything happen to my favorite Air Force colonel. Anyways, found out that SGA-1 has to stay city-side for a while, so I decided to be merciful and give you something to occupy yourself with. Have fun!

Quiz Yourself, Get To Know Your Friends

1. What is your name?

General Jonathan O'Neill

2. What's your job?

Head of Homeworld Security

3. What would you rather be doing right now?

Be back at the SGC

4. What should you be doing right now?

Going over the paperwork I received from the Joint Chiefs

5. What's your favorite TV show?

The Simpsons

6. Movie?

The Simpsons Movie

7. Person?

Homer Simpson

8. Do you have a crush on anybody?

Now why would I tell you that?

9. What is your fondest memory?

I would have to say the day we got Danny-boy back from his ascension...

10. What is your worst?

The day Doc Fraiser got killed.

11. Banana.


12.When do you want to retire?

I was supposed to retire eleven years ago...

13. Who are you sending this to?

Lt. Col. John Sheppard of Atlantis.

14. Why?


15. Who's your best friend?


16. Gotta secret you haven't told anyboy?

Black Ops. Nuff said.

17. Sci-Fi or Fantasy?


18. Do you play an instrument?

nope...don't plan on it

19. What is your most embarassing moment?

I would have to say that I've had too many to count, so they all blend together...

20. Anything you want to add?

Get everyone's answers. I need a good laugh, myself...

Blinking, surprised that O'Neill had sent him, Sheppard quickly copy and pasted the quiz onto a blank email, filling in his own answers.