Ah ha! Finally this author proudly presents a three-shot of the Jak and Keira variety!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the Jak and Daxter series.

Happily Ever After?-Part 1

Helping the underground, doing Krew's dirty work, and trying to stay alive in Haven City under the watchful eyes of the Krimson Guards and the Baron, 'Is that really all I live for these days?'

It seemed like ever since the 15 year old had somehow managed to get the Rift Rider started, his life had been hell. Being held in captivity for two years, having his veins injected day and night with eco, being given barely enough food to survive, and left alone to die in a jail cell had harden him more that he ever thought possible.

For the past two months Jak felt like a ghost, floating here and there, doing what he was told to get the job done and just survive. The work or the danger some of the missions possessed offered no adrenaline rush, nothing he ever did made the numbness inside of him go away. He tried to put on a brave face for Daxter, smiling, laughing, joking; he resolved to never talk about what happened there, the kind of pain he had gone through was too unimaginable for the ottsel to understand or comprehend. So he kept the pain locked up, never telling anyone, never letting anyone in; he would face his memories by himself, it was better that way…

"Ha! 1 minute and 47 seconds! Let's see the pigs of this city beat that!" Daxter cheered excitedly.

"Huh?" Jak shook his head, trying to regain his focus.

"Krew said we had to meet the mechanic in under three minutes! We made it in less than two! Isn't that awesome Jak?"

It took a few seconds for Jak to realize that he'd even been driving, "Yeah Dax…that's great," he mumbled with a fake smile. Jak jumped off the zoomer, and headed towards her office, hoping for something to keep him busy for a long time.

Sirens, screaming, and screeching of zoomers and hellcats was only a few feet behind Jak. A gigantic hellcat was coming right at him, there wasn't enough time to move out of the way so the blond did the only thing he could, he grabbed his best friend and jumped out. The hell cat collided into his small zoomer and both blew up. Jak shielded Daxter's body with his own and ran until he could duck into a small a small dark alley.

"This should be a safe spot to hide for a few minutes, once the heat dies down a little bit we make a run for the Underground, sound good Dax?" Jak breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath.

"Jak, can I ask you something?" Daxter asked.

Jak raised an eyebrow at him. Daxter seemed unaffected by their escape and instead was looking at Jak with unfamiliar serious expression. Daxter had hardly said a word since they met with the mechanic, and it seemed like something was bothering him. Jak kneeled on one knee so he was eyelevel with the ottsel and nodded, "Sure Dax, anything."

"You still like Keira right?"

Jak blinked at him but nodded.

"Then why were flirting so hard core with that mechanic?"

Jak tensed up and just glared at Daxter, thinking he must be joking. His continued look of seriousness told him otherwise.

It was supposed to be an easy mission, he'd get there in under three minutes, join her team and doing some driving every once in awhile on the side, what could be complicated about that? But from the second he walked in, all he could do was stare at the thin female from behind the tattered thin sheet. Even after he left the mechanic's office and was off completing his mission all he could do was think about the strange mechanic. He felt so guilty, he been in love with Keira for as long as he could remember, so then why couldn't he get her off his mind? She'd been rude and annoyed with him, she obviously didn't care whether they lived or died but still…there was something about the way she spoke, the way she carried herself, the natural grace and beauty in her body language that was hard to ignore.

Jak never answered Daxter's question but instead hopped onto a parked zoomer and started the engine, eager to escape to the safety of his dreams.

Torn was more than prepared to tear into him for the unauthorized attack on the Palace. After doing a make up mission, Jak flopped on his uncomfortable bunk bed in the Underground and tried to ignore his best friend's loud snoring as he buried his face into the small pillow.

"Hey Jak?"

"What Torn?" he mumbled tiredly.

"How did you get into the Palace?" the ex-KG asked with curiousty.

"Through an old lift. Vin was the one who rerouted everything but a racing mechanic at the stadium was the one who gave us the idea."

"Hmm that's strange. I wonder why she helped you, it doesn't make any sense," Torn pondered to himself.

"Why is that so strange? Isn't she a member of the Underground?"

"Not really," Torn mumbled, "She used to be the best damn member we had, until she-" he stopped mid sentence. Jak turned over to see his usually calm 'boss' with his fists and teeth clenched. Emotions played on the young man's face: anger, frustration and possibly the most confusing, hurt.

"What's your problem? Did you have a thing for this chick?" Jak asked raising an eyebrow. The only women he ever seen Torn so much as glance at was Ashelin, but was there someone he had stronger feelings for?

"Just go to sleep Jak, you've got a lot of shit to do tomorrow," he answered, turning back to the pile of paperwork spread all over his desk. Jak thought about trying to ask a few more questions, but decided not to push it, not much was secret behind these walls and Jak knew he'd find out eventually.

Jak sighed as he looked over Haven Forest. Daxter had gotten sick of him and was at the Hip Hog Salon with Tess which gave him some alone time between missions. Jak thought that a night of sleep would clear his head but if anything, it had only gotten worse. Jak kept going over in his head what Torn had said the night before. Although he had tried to pump Torn for more information he quickly gave them plenty of missions to keep the two busy, seeming eager to send them off.

'There's something about that girl…something he knows that he's not telling me- Its gotta tie in to that dream I had last night,' Jak pondered running his hair.

It was dark everywhere Jak looked, except a path of light in front of him. 'Where am I?' Slowly a figure in the distant began walking towards him. As the figure got closer it's features began more distinct, it was definitely a woman. He squinted trying to see her face but she kept it covered with a black cloak.

"Hey your one of Krew's new errand boys right?" she asked in a mocking tone, he could hear the smile in her voice.

Jak's heart fluttered just hearing her voice again, "You're the mechanic."

"I have a name you know."

"Why don't you tell me it then?" he asked in a husky voice, "Or better yet, take that cloak off so I can see your face," he said walking towards her.

She stuck out her hand when he got too close and put a hand on his chest.

"You know who I am Jak," she mumbled sadly, looking down.

"Please tell me, just me see," he begged taking her soft hand in his and moving closer, his other hand reaching towards the cloak. His fingers grasped the end of it and he began to pull it back.

"I was so damn close to finding out," he said out loud, angrily swiping his hand across the water.

"You know who I am Jak."

"No I don't! There's no one who-" Jak stopped mid sentence and looked down and watched as the water lines from his splash…formed Keira's smiling face.

'How could I have been so stupid! A mechanic, a female mechanic in Haven City? The attitude, the voice the-the everything! I can't believe I didn't see it!' he thought in both anger and excitement.

He sped down the streets of Haven City, much faster than the speed limit allowed. Several Krimson Guards had tried to chase after him, but even going top speed couldn't keep up his pace and eventually gave up. He clumsily parked the zoomer and jumped out before it even stopped moving. If Keira was 'the race mechanic' he didn't want to waste any time getting to her.

He ran in and saw a female sitting in a stool, not behind a curtain but had her back to him.

"Ke-" he stopped when she turned around. She was young, around 17, pretty, and even had streaks of blue in her long hair…but she wasn't Keira.

"Hey handsome, something I can help ya with?" She asked as her eyes scanned down his body, her long multi-colored hair moving with her.

"You're-there must be some kind of mistake-I mean you couldn't be-"

"My name is Tabitha…but baby I can be whoever you want me to be." She got up from her seat and walked the few feet separating them, swinging her hips seductively as she walked, her long multi-colored hair flowing behind her.

"You weren't-I was here yesterday, were you-"

"Shh…" Tabitha put a finger over his lips and smiled, "I was here yesterday, almost all day. I think I remember you now that I think about it," she whispered running her hands up his arms and finally settling them around his neck.

'She was the mechanic from yesterday… she isn't Keira…' he thought, trying to hide his disappointment.

"But why don't you spark my memory," Tabitha mumbled, pressing her lips, and body against his.

The young girl molded well against him and had soft tender lips that any man would have loved the opportunity to kiss; unfortunately Jak wasn't one of them. Yesterday all he could think about was this girl, what she looked like, how she walked, what her hobbies were and of course what kissing her would be like. But now that he had her, he was disappointed at how unsatisfying it was. He thought for sure she could be the person to make the numbness go away, the person fill the whole inside of him, but if anything she made him feel worse. Jak felt nothing for her, and quickly shoved Tabitha away when she tried to slip her tongue in his mouth.

Tabitha didn't seem offended and even smirked at him, "Ohh you're a feisty one, I like that," she said trying to grab him again.

He held back her arms and glared, "So you're the only person who works here, you were the one I talked to yesterday?" He was annoyed and frustrated and didn't want to deal with this annoying girl any longer than he had too.

Tabitha pouted at him, "Why are you playing so hard to get? Come on my apartment isn't far away! Let me just close this place down, we go back to my place and-"

"I don't want to go to your damn apartment!"

"You wanna do it here? In my boss's office? That's so kinky! I love it!" she exclaimed with sudden excitement, eagerly going over to one of the long desks to move things off it.

He could feel his dark side getting restless, it wanted to come out and he couldn't let it or this girl would be dead within a few seconds.

Jak roughly grabbed her arm, turned her towards him, and aimed his blaster mod at her head. "I'm only gonna ask you one.more.time. Understand?" Tabitha eyes widened and she quickly nodded, finally taking him seriously. "Are you the girl I talked to yesterday, the one who was behind the curtain?"

"No! I've never been allowed to go behind that damn curtain! That must have been my boss! Keira Hagai! I just watched over the place today while she took the day off, you have to believe me!" Tabitha begged.

"Keira? She's here?" Jak asked with excitement.

"Not today but I promise she will be tomorrow! Or if you really want you to you could go to the Palace! She's probably back by now!"

"Palace? Why would she be at the Palace?" he asked, his grip on the blaster mod going slack and falling to his side.

Tabitha had been terrified only seconds ago but regained her flirty posture and smirked. "Your new around here aren't ya? Keira lives at the Palace, she has for over a year now, it was all over the news. But everything she does is all over the news now," Tabitha laughed.

"But why would she live there?"

"Why wouldn't she? Her fiancé is that hot commander of Krimson Guard."

"No, you must be thinking of the wrong person! I'm talking about Keira Hagai," he insisted shaking his head.

"Hon," Tabitha started, trying to hide her jealousy, "Keira Hagai is going to be marrying Errol, the commander of the Krimson Guard, in two days."

Let me know what you guys think, I'd love to hear some input so please review!