Blood Lust

I stood there, frozen in shock, trying to take in the scene that lay before me: Edward bent over a lifeless human girl, completely drained of blood.

As soon as he saw me, he froze too – looking stiff as a rock, and wary and ashamed, as if he had been caught cheating on an important test by the principal, but a hundred times worse. He laid the girl's body down slowly, gently, staying in place, but turned to me.

"Bella," he said with a shaky voice. "This isn't what you think it is."

I desperately wanted to believe him, to believe that what I was seeing was just my mind playing tricks on me, but his wide, crimson eyes told me otherwise. And what scared me the most was what I saw buried in them: blood lust. Toward me. He'd told me the reason he didn't want me hunting with him; because he lost control when he tasted blood. I could tell that right now, he was fighting very hard to restrain what little control he had left in him.

I backed away slowly, unsure of what to do. He seemed to feel the same way. "I'm sorry, Bella," he whispered just as I started running back out of the woods to my house. But I couldn't run fast enough to erase the vision, now etched in my brain, I had just witnessed.