Disclaimer: Based on my VERY loose translation & interpretation of L'Arc en Ciel's song, "fate." Takeuchi-sensei owns Michiru, Haruka, etc.

Fate is Beautiful, Right?

Silence...the growing sound of waves...and then...? A painfully familiar melody begins to ring in my ears. Ah, it must be that same dream again—it always starts the same: the crescendo of ocean waves until they break on the boulders.

I stand on a steep cliff directly atop the rocks. Below swirls the tumultuous blue-grey sea; above, an overcast sky hangs, accented by sporadic flashes of lighting. Surrounding me is a dense fog, so thick that it threatens to choke me. The mist nearly blinds my vision, but as I turn away from the cliff's edge, I can decipher the silhouette of pine trees.

Although anything but welcoming, the frost-covered conifer forest has an irresistible pull. I approach it, cautiously at first, but gradually I become anxious to enter. The atmosphere amongst the trees is tense, claustrophic, outwardly impenetrable. Despite the forest's bleakness, I can feel something, someone, calling out. A vain wish? Maybe...but if I can overtake the blazing storm's vortex, maybe I can embrace that wish.

With every step I take into the forest, the light goes further away. In my heart, as well, though it throbs and cries, it can't prevent the light's departure. And yet...for that "maybe" I continue running through the forest. The light grows dimmer but it hasn't entirely disappeared.

To the extent of pain, I think of you. A "you" who is, as of now, not completly known, but nevertheless, yearned for. This arm that vaguely reaches out, this chest that heaves from the effort I've exerted—they will overcome the earth and overcome the heart—for the sake of the person important to me...?

I come to a sudden halt as I realize that I've reached a break in the forest. At my feet are long railtracks, which seem to have appeared from nowhere, and seem to disappear into nowhere. I wonder what lies on the other side. I wonder who, at the other side of the long rails, "laughs"?

And then I wonder, why are we still apart even though you inebriate my entire being? Perhaps I did something in the past that we shared, something so unjustifiable that you refuse to accept me in this life. When can you forgive and meet me? If that's impossible, then tell me, when will the end come?

I can't stop and I can't escape. In this illusion, I'm being manipulated. I continue to run clumsily, past the rails, past the frozen trees. Only by fumbling do I keep running. After all this, my endeavor may even be an error, but I still continue.

What is love? What is a lie? I don't understand those, but I know that the ruthless time draws near. I feel time slipping past me, I feel the end coming, I feel as if everything can fall apart before our fates have a chance to intertwine.

An incomplete vision, as foggy as my surroundings, creeps into my mind. It's of you, and of me, fighting together back to back. Now, the silence is torn to pieces. Now, to those guys, the silence falls and stands. Now, in the moment that hangs in your hand, decide your aim. Decide our aim, for everything hangs in the balance in your hand.

To the extent of pain, I think of you. This exhausted arm and this haggard chest will continue going forward. Running through this dismal forest, even though I'm becoming frozen, even though I'm shivering, I continue. I think only of you, only of you.

If spring comes, if the night becomes dawn, then can we be together? Despite my uncertainty, despite my doubt, because of that flicker of light you emit, I continue to run. So, if I run towards that sky, in that place...faster than anyone, if I ran through the dark, surely, I can join you, right?

What is love? What is a lie? I don't understand...but still, I know that I yearn only for you.