He was a genius, simple as that. He put Yale to shame. Yes, deep down inside he could be considered a nerd. Of course he wasn't. No one would try to call him so. They were intimidated by his title. His uncle owned the largest successful company in the world. Would he take over? No. He was only the nephew. Would he get a percentage of the profits? He already did. Classes were a whim to him. Simple. Harvard had practically begged for him to apply. With his application sent, rejection seemed extremely unlikely as he gently tapped his pen against the desk, his ivory eyes gazed at the clock. His third period calculus class seemed almost...boring...In fact, he normally enjoyed this class. Enjoyed the variety the teacher taught it. No, that wasn't quite it. Perhaps the learning atmosphere, though to him, it was mainly a review. Something new here and there, but nothing too big.
On this particular day, the Hyuuga chose a basic outfit. Black t-shirt under a snowy white hoody with khaki slacks on his legs while white skater shoes covered his feet. Rather basic, but it fit his personality. Isolated. He didn't really fathom the idea of friends, but he listened to a group of people that allowed him to sit with them. Listened, hardly a word left his mouth. Okay, maybe he was more socialable then that, but still.
Neji almost yawned. Almost. This Advanced Placement Calculus didn't feel high enough to meet his sufficient needs. No challenge. Instead, he was expected, like everyone else, to be challenged by the information presented, though he didn't. The bell sounded, and he stood, following his 'peers' out of the room and into the hallway, the sun now streaming in the windows.
"He didn't live a fairy tale life, he just had some good luck and a brain to use it."
She was a near drop out, barely surviving her junior year. She, at least, attempted to finish her senior year and was barely going to pass this semester. She didn't have a label. No one would know who her parents were without knowing her. Her last name did not grace the earth with power and riches, in fact, her surname was nonexistant. Her family was middle-class. She couldn't stand classes, since most were so difficult. The last thing on her mind was college. McDonalds was her 'dream' job as you could call it, though it was the only place that would ever hire her. Sitting at her desk in Government, the girl wondered why her life was so...screwed up. It wasn't like she was a big failure or anything, it was just that...she often wondered why she was such a drop out.
"Daydreaming again, Tenten?" the teacher asked expectantly.
"Oh. Sorry." Tenten said, bring broken away from her train of thought.
"Please at least try to pay attention."
"I will." And now the lecture continues.
Unfortunately, this was a typical period. The teenager sighed, the green shirt hadn't really been so bothersome, but she supposed it was the heat in this room. Could it get any more scorching hot? It didn't help that she was wearing dark wash jeans and a pair of Nikes on her feet.
Normally, someone like her would just drop high school altogether, but she was a fighter. Her friends supported her, and also attempted to tutor her, which they soon found didn't work. As the bell rang, the brown haired girl stood up and started to walk towards the door, tripping on a desk and flying to the ground, face-planting as her pens and books scattered on the floor.
"Sorry!" she said, embaressed as she scrambled to pick up all her materials and tucked them back in her bag, and stumbled out the door.
She didn't understand her pure stupidity or her clumsiness, yet she was glad for friends.
"All she was, was the girl who needed luck. Badly."
A/N: Hey people! This is just the prologue, so expect the next chapter to be longer. I will update soon. Love it? Hate it? Please let me know!