Hey to everyone reading this. After reading a bunch of stories on here I have come up with this one. I hope you like it. -Max, aka maximumrideaddict

Disclaimer: As much as I'd love to, I don't own Maximum Ride, but James Patterson does. I own Raz, Kuro, and the plot.

"Goodbye, Max," Fang said emotionlessly. I stared at him, unbelieving. I was careful to keep my face blank. Of course, Angel could always read my thoughts, but that was the least of my worries. I mean, my flock was throwing me out, for goodness sake!

"You'll regret this," I swore bitterly. "All of you will."

That said, I ran out of the cave and jumped, my wings automatically spreading open. I rose high above the cave and looked down at my old flock. Angel, Gazzy, and Nudge looked scared. Iggy and Fang looked, well, relieved. I shook my head at them and flew off towards my new friends.

"Max!" Raz yelled excitedly as I landed on a cliff next to him. He hugged me tightly, and I stiffened. He let go.

"Hey," Kuro greeted, coming out of the shadows.

"Let's go," I said. Raz and Kuro nodded, understanding. I didn't have to tell either of them what had happened. They already knew.

We leapt off the cliff together and flew away. We were headed to the opposite coast, where I knew Fang and the others wouldn't be. I locked all my feelings for them up and focused on saving the world.


I stood in a broken-down shed in the middle of New York City. My fingers were wrapped tightly around a small, unnoticeable gun. I was ready to pull the trigger as soon as a certain someone walked through the door. I was well-hidden in the shadows, wearing all black clothes.

It had been over a year since I had split up from my old flock. Raz, Kuro, and I had succeeded in saving the world and destroying Itex. The day I left the old flock I had bottled up all my emotions. I became ruthless and uncaring, except to my new friends. Only Raz and Kuro could tell how I truly felt.

This next guy's him, Kuro's voice sounded in my ears. Remember how Angel has the power to read minds? Well, so does Kuro.

Got it, I thought back. I pressed myself tightly against the wall and waited for the door to open.It opened slowly. Someone stepped into the room and closed the door. I pulled the trigger. The person fell over, dead. I never miss a shot.

"Way to go, Max!" Raz cried. He grinned his goofy grin. I merely nodded. We quickly left the building and returned to our headquarters.

Raz and Kuro walked with me to the office room. I sat behind a small desk and the two boys leaned against the wall, watching me. The phone rang, as expected.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Ty?" a low voice asked through the phone.

"Yes," I lied. Ty wasn't my real name, obviously, but it was the name the boys had given me for now. We had all agreed that it would be better if no one knew my true identity.

"We will meet in ten minutes in the designated place," the person said.

"Right," I agreed. I hung up the phone and looked at the two boys. "Ready?"

Raz and Kuro nodded. We left the building and strolled to Central Park, which wasn't too far from our gang's headquarters. Kuro, dressed in all black like me, was on my right side. Raz, who refused to wear anything black, was on my left. They always had my back and I didn't have to worry about them constantly. It was a nice change after having to take care of the others all my life.

"Ty," and urgent voice called from behind me. I turned around and gave the speaker an icy glare. The boy froze, but spoke. "We're out of ammo, and we're being attacked."

"We're getting what we need," Raz stated. "Go back and fight as long as possible. Use whatever you can find."

The boy nodded and ran off. The three of us continued walking away. I led the boys into a group of trees. We each leaned against one and waited for my 'business partner' to show up.

We waited five minutes and no one showed up. I started becoming impatient. Ten minutes passed and still nobody showed. I could tell that Raz was nervous.

"What if it's a set-up?" he wondered. I sighed, annoyed. Raz was a year younger than me and Kuro, but he had a point. This was starting to seem like a trick.

"Watch out!" Raz cried. I spun around, only to find myself surrounded by hundreds of Flyboys. Only, these flyboys were different than the ones from a year ago.

We fought as hard as we could, but we were unsuccessful and managed to take out only about fifty. The Flyboys were stronger than even Raz, who's strength was a hundred times more than mine.They managed to give us painful cuts and bruises, but nothing that wasn't easilytreatable.We were bound and gagged within five minutes, then tossed into the back of a large truck. I sensed other people with us, but couldn't tell who they were.

Enemies? Kuro asked silently. I strained to look behind me at the other people. There were five of them and they were all in dog crates. I recognized them instantly, though they were all clean and older than before.

They sure are, I answered.

They're the ones from a year ago, aren't they? Kuro asked.

Yeah, I answered. Now they're enemies.

Raz used his super-strength to break the ropes binding his arms and legs, then undid his gag. He did the same for Kuro and me. We leaned against the side of the truck.

"We need to get out," Raz whispered. Kuro and I traded annoyed looks. Raz always suggested the most obvious things.

"No duh," Kuro whispered back.

As the two boys started arguing I looked back at my old flock. It looked like only one of them was awake. He was the one that had made me leave. Fang, who used to be my best friend, was now my number one enemy.

"First, let's bust the doors open," Kuro suggested. I nodded. Raz smiled. He loved breaking and blowing up things.

Raz got up and pushed on the door. It blew open easily. Outside the van were Flyboys, Whitecoats, Jeb, and Anne. I stared at Jeb, not having seen or heard from him in a year.

"Maximum," Jeb said. "It's been so long, hasn't it?"

I just stared at him. The last time I had seen him was when we, meaning the old flock and I, were at the School. Jeb looked surprised to see the hatred andemptiness in my eyes.

"Max, what happened to you?" Jeb wondered. "You've changed. Why?"

"Ask them," I growled, pointing towards my old flock. Only then did Jeb realize I was with two new people, and not the flock.

You split up? the voice, Jeb, asked.

A year ago, I answered. Blame them, not me.

I blocked my mind from Jeb and Angel. I didn't want them to know anything about the last year. Only Kuro could get in now.

Jeb was shaking his head. "You shouldn't have done that, Maximum."

You've made a huge mistake, the voice informed me. With that, my whole world went black.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Please review! Let me know if you like it or if there's anything I should change ormake clear. Thanks. -Max

Everyone, I have updated this chapter. It is not the original. I decided to edit some things a bit. It's nothing big, but just thought I'd let ya know! -Max