The Next Night

Terra sat quietly on Raven's bed, trying to piece her thoughts together. Yesterdays events were still fresh in her mind. A knock came on the door.
"Come in."
Raven entered the room. "How are you feeling?"
Terra shrugged. "I've been better, but I'll live. You?"
"Pretty much the same." Raven hung up her cloak and sat down next to Terra. Terra felt a twinge of guilt when she saw the bandage over Raven's burnt shoulder.
Terra asked the question she had been wondering since she awoke. "Do the others know what Slade did to me?"
Raven sighed. "I didn't tell them and they didn't ask, but I think they knew. It wasn't that hard to tell."
Terra's gaze fell to the floor. She didn't really want that kind of sympathy. Trying not to think about it, she changed the subject. "How did the others even find us? I thought Slade said he set up some kind of misdirection charm?"
"He didn't set it up, Malchior did. So when Malchior died, the charm died with him."
Terra let out a deep breath before asking her next question. "Raven... why did you come? You had to know it was a trap."
Raven rolled her eyes at this. "Of course I knew it was a trap. You know why I went. I couldn't just sit there, I-" She took a deep breath. "I love you. I couldn't let him hurt you."
Terra was still uncertain about her feelings towards Raven, but she felt herself starting to lean in a direction she had never considered. She looked up at her friend, who had shown her so much devotion that she had been willing to risk her own life just to save Terra's.
Raven looked away. "It didn't matter though. I failed. I was too slow."
Terra grabbed hold of Raven's hands. "No. You saved me. Slade might have killed me if you hadn't been there." Terra massaged her bruised throat. "He almost did."
"The others saved you, not me. I could barely stand, much less fight Slade off."
"The others would never have gotten there if not for you."
Raven still did not seem convinced. Then an idea floated through Terra's mind. A crazy one. No way. That's just... But despite what her experiences told her, she could find nothing wrong with it. Oh, what the fuck. Might as well jump in the deep end and see if I can swim.

Terra grabbed Raven by the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss. Raven's eyes practically widened to the size of baseballs. After the kiss broke, Raven just stared at Terra, stupefied. Terra smiled at her. For the first time in three days, she felt confident. Everything felt right.
"I think I love you Raven."
Raven continued to gawk at Terra, completely dumbstruck. "T-Terra..."
Terra embraced her friend, then locked their lips once again. This time, she slid her tongue into Raven's mouth. Raven felt a surge of lust building up inside of her. Instinctively, she tried to suppress it.
Oh no you don't!, came Crow's playful voice. This time you handle it yourself!
Without Crow as a sink, Raven's lust continued to build as Terra made out with her. Then Terra separated from her and pulled her shirt off. Raven could feel the blood rushing to her face as Terra continued to disrobe. By the time Terra was naked , save for her underwear, Raven noticed pressure in her crotch area. Her body had changed again.
Terra notice the bulge and smiled. She pushed Raven down on her back and knelt down at the foot of the bed. Terra place her hand on her friend's crotch and caressed Raven's hard-on, making the indigo-haired girl moan. With a delicate touch, Terra began to strip Raven, until both girls were only wearing their undergarments. Finally, Terra pulled down Raven's panties, pleased by how hard Raven had become. Terra gently grasped Raven's shaft and began to stroke it. Raven gasped and moaned erotically, making Terra even more exited. Terra then lowered her head between Raven's legs and took her cock into her mouth, running her lips along the shaft. Raven moaned even louder, and put one hand on the back of Terra's head. Meanwhile, Terra's tongue was running along the length of Raven's member, all the while taking it deeper into her throat. Raven began to squirm, and her moans became quicker and more urgent as she reached her peak. Then, with a squeal of ecstasy, Raven released her load down Terra's throat.
After Terra gulped down Raven's cum, she pulled back with a smile and unclipped her bra. Then she did the same for Raven, who was trying to catch her breath, but was still very much aroused.
"Terra, are you sure about this?" asked Raven, who assumed (and correctly so), from the fact that Terra was rolling down her panties, that she intended to continue.
"Absolutely." Terra responded with a trace of hesitation. Her mind was made up.
Raven shook her head in amazement. "Terra, you were raped twice in two days; I don't know how you can even think about sex."
"Because this time it's my choice. I want it." Then she leaned in close and whispered in Raven's ear. "I want you."
Terra rolled onto her back and spread her legs, while using her hands to spread her pussy lips. The gesture was clear in meaning: 'come on in'.
Upon seeing her lover in such an erotic position, Raven's desire was inflamed. She crawled over to Terra and pressed the tip of her cock against Terra's lips, before sliding in ever-so slowly. Terra gave a quiet moan as she adjusted to Raven. When both partners were ready, Raven put her hands on Terra's hips and moved in and out of her. They slowly picked up speed, but never exceeded a moderate tempo. Terra wrapped her legs around Raven's waist and bucked against her, forcing Raven's prick deeper. They continued to make love, steadily gathering intensity, but Raven always seemed to be holding back.
"Harder." Terra panted between thrusts.
But Raven shook her head as she slid into Terra's vagina (which by now was dripping wet). "Terra, I can see you wincing. You're still sensitive; let's just take it easy."
Terra wrapped her arms around Raven's neck. "Fine." she breathed reluctantly.
Raven smiled and gave the girl's nipple a tweak. A shortening of Terra's moans marked the approach of her orgasm. With a sound that was half-moan, half-scream, cum gushed out of Terra's pussy.
Raven had not reached her climax yet, but was more than willing to stop if Terra was tired. "Are you done?"
"No!" Terra begged. "Cum inside me!"
Raven felt herself aroused even further by the urgency in Terra's voice. She pounded into her lover and gave a grunt followed by a short squeal. Warm, sticky fluid dripped from Terra's cunt.
With a satisfied sigh, Raven pulled out of Terra and lay down on top of her. The two panting girls interlocked their fingers and kissed passionately.
"I love you Raven."
"I love you too."
Terra giggled. "It's too bad I'm still sensitive. I was hoping we could really go crazy."
Raven smiled "There will be other chances."
Terra kissed her new lover, then the two let sleep overtake them.
There would be other chances.

But unknown to the two lovers, the same cruel, masked man was watching them from the view of a tiny, flying spy-drone outside the girls' window.
"Just like a fairytale romance, isn't it?" He mused aloud. "The hero charges head-first into danger, with no thought to her own safety, slays the dragon, confronts the evil villain, and rescues the damsel in distress."
A voice in Slade's mind answered him. And then they lived happily ever after. Or at least for a short time. The danger in fairy-tales is that many of the more unpleasant details are glossed over. Things can get lost or confused. And these two have forgotten something important.
Slade smiled. "And once you have that it, we can proceed with our plans." Slade chuckled to himself. Soon, my patience will pay off. This city will be mine, then the whole world will follow suite.

The End of Raven's Ugly Side
To be continued in Mind Splinter