John Sheppard rolled to his back, exhausted. He sighed and closed his eyes.
"Colonel Sheppard to the Control Room."
His eyes popped open. He groaned and sat up. He reached for his earpiece and responded. "I'll be there in 10."
"No rest for the wicked, eh, darlin'?"
He turned to look at the woman wrapped in a sheet behind him. "Yeah."
She smiled and closed her eyes. "Do you mind if I stayed here for a few minutes, to catch my breath?"
John grinned as he stood. "Feel free."
"Dr. Ana Lee to the Control Room."
Her eyes opened up. "Oh, crap! What would they want me for, at this hour?"
John walked his naked self into the bathroom and started the shower. With a wicked grin, he poked his head out again to say, "No rest for the wicked." Then he chuckled as he dodged an in-coming pillow.
Dr. Ana Lee stood at a computer console next to Dr. Rodney McKay. "Really, McKay, this couldn't wait until morning? A girl needs her beauty sleep," she said softly in her Southern drawl.
Rodney looked at her. "Yes, well, as much as that may be the case, you are the chief linguist."
Ana straightened to her full 5'8" and narrowed her blue eyes at him. "You have the inter-personal skills of gnat, y'know?"
"What?" He looked up as she picked up the notebook and walked into the nearby conference room. "What did I say?"
"You agreed that she needed beauty sleep," Chuck responded from the central control panel.
"I did? Yes, well, she said it first," he protested as a way of defense.
Chuck just raised his eyebrows and looked back down at the panel, to which McKay huffed and walked after Dr. Lee.
Inside the conference room, Drs. Lee and McKay sat at the conference table with Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagen, as well Major Evan Lorne and Dr. Radek Zalenka, who had just returned from a mission, with notebooks and mission folders on the table in front of them.
"From what I can make out, there is a repository of knowledge on this planet," McKay stated. "This language looks like Ancient, but not exactly, perhaps a derivation."
"Then how do you know what it says?" Sheppard asked.
McKay pointed at the screen. "Because this word looks just like the one for knowledge that was found in the Ancient database."
"That doesn't mean anything," Sheppard shook his head. "'caro' looks like 'car', but they don't mean the same thing."
McKay frowned. "Yes, they do."
"No. They don't. Caro means 'expensive', car means, well, you know what car means."
McKay looked off to the side thoughtfully. "Are you sure, because I could swear…"
Lee sat back and crossed her arms, watching the exchange. A smile played on her face for a while, then she stood. "Looks like you all have the linguistics angle wrapped up, so I'm going back to bed."
Dr. Weir spoke up. "Ana, wait. John, Rodney, are you done?"
Sheppard and McKay both suddenly looked sheepish.
Lee smiled as she sat down. "Colonel Sheppard is correct that one word looking like another can be very misleading, such as caro and car. Dr. McKay is, of course, thinking of the similarities between carro and car – which do mean the same thing. It has everything to do with how a language is influenced by other languages. For example, expensive is probably a derivative of dispendieux, which is French, where as carro probably came from Latin. In this case," she nodded at her audience's growing impatience. "The word 'legacy' is here, but the words 'place of' are missing. In fact, it has another word here, that wasn't on any of the other sites discovered in the Milky Way by SG-1"
"Which is?" McKay asked, even as Sheppard opened his mouth to.
Lee smiled at them. "I don't know."
The room fell silent. After a second, Lee began to laugh. Soon, Radek joined her and then Lorne and Teyla tried to hide their smiles.
"What is so funny?" McKay demanded.
"You all are so used to people pulling information out of various orifices that when someone actually admits to not knowing something, you get the most precious looks on your faces," Lee grinned.
Sheppard and Weir smiled, then, but McKay looked at her indignantly.
"So, do you think you might be able to figure out the translation sometime soon?"
Lee's smile dissolved at McKay's patronizing tune. "If I can look at the context of the writing, I could probably get the information for you, oh, I don't know, maybe, when hell freezes over." Purposely turning her back on him, she turned, then to Weir. "It shouldn't take me long to get the translation once I have a look at it in context."
Weir smiled. "Well, you have the video of Major Lorne's mission. How about looking at the material for a couple of hours and reporting to me then."
Lee nodded as she gathered her things and left the room.
McKay stood and followed, still sputtering.
Everyone filtered out of the room until John and Radek were the last ones. John took a sip of his now cold coffee as Radek looked out the door and said:
"I keep waiting for the two of them to just get a room."
John did a spit take that would make any Hollywood actor proud.
Radek turned and frowned.
John gulped. "Coffee, bad." He regained his composure. "Why would you say something like that?"
Radek shrugged. "Come on, you don't see all the sexual tension between them? Not that McKay couldn't use it anyway, but maybe if they'd just get it over with, things would be easier around the labs."
John shook his head and tried desperately to get the newly conjured image out of his head. "Get some rest, Radek. I think you need it."
Radek nodded in his easy way and walked off.
Then a mischievous idea entered his head and he headed for the language lab.
"He said WHAT?!"
John smiled. "What, you don't see it?"
Ana Lee looked askance at him, thoroughly shocked. "Are you kiddin' me? Me and that…that…idiot? Really, Shep, I don't know what you're smokin' but you need to share."
John frowned. "Now, now. Idiot? Really?"
"Do you know that – that – man told me I needed BEAUTY SLEEP?!"
John chuckled. "Well, considering you hadn't slept yet…"
Ana clamped her jaw shut at this and glared at him. She struggled to restrain the smile until he wiggled his eyebrows at her and she burst into laughter.
"You're an ass," she laughed.
John smiled. "So are you going to pursue it?"
"Your ass or McKay?" At John's look, she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow with a wry look. "What, so I can be the one woman who has bagged you both?"
John suddenly frowned. "Now, why did you have to say it that way?
She stuck her tongue out at him. "To get you out of my lab. I need to finish this without any more distractions. And as welcome a distraction as you may be, I have work to do."
John started to move toward the door. "But now I'm going to have nightmares. The imagery is just too much," he protested.
"You're not kiddin' there," she shook her head. "Out."
"Good night." He grinned.
He walked out, then poked his head back around the corner.