Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto… I wish I do

Hey! This is my first uploaded fanfic! I am so excited… but this is not really my first fanfic...

I had been writing for a long time now but I really never had time to type them up because I don't have a laptop then. But now I do so I can upload them…

Chapter One:

The tailed beasts


Tailed Beasts lived with the humans long time ago. They were powerful but they never had any intentions to kill or go against their allies. They would never do anything to break the bond and harmony between their world and the world of human beings. These beasts, inspite being huge and powerful and really scary looking, were no threat at all as they freely roam around the world (The Naruto World).

They visit the people from the villages if they are needed or they just feel like to. They live in their own kingdom that only the beasts can be able to see it or go through it. It was said to be the most beautiful village ever to be seen.

But harmony and peace don't and never last long. The diversion of the villages made it impossible for the beasts to choose who to get along with. And some villages are after them. They were driven. They want power to rule the whole world. And how would they do that?? The power of the Tailed Beasts.

Then, one time they captured one of the tailed beasts. The beast struggled to be set free. The humans showed no mercy for they attacked and harm the babies of the beasts. They were all trying to get their power. Seeing the torture of their own kind, made the tailed beasts out of control. They started to attack the villages. People were dying and beasts are bloodlusts.

It didn't quite go well as they planned to. The kages in the villages were forced to sacrifice their lives for their villages. Protecting their loved ones and their villages, they sealed the 9 strongest tailed beasts there ever is. They sealed and trapped the beast inside the body of innocent children to protect and save everyone else.

But before they were all completely sealed, the shinobis of the villages noticed that they were doing some rituals and sealed that made them all glow in pure white and red shade. They know that ritual. The ritual for the rebirthing of their queen.

The 10 tailed queen is never in the advantages of any kind, not even the tailed beasts. They found out by the beasts (when they were still in harmony) that the queen was never been born for almost 1000 yrs from now. They fear the queen itself. Although none of this beast never knew how the queen looked like, they are all sure that she's a wolf. No one can ever control this wolf and do whatever she wants to for the village of the beasts.

With the fear of the new queen, the shinobis attacked immediately not letting the beasts finish their ritual. And they succeeded because they were in the middle of their ritual that they are oblivious to their surroundings. The Kages took this chance and sealed them.

Years passed and the tailed beasts are long forgotten by the normal people. They refer to them as a mere myth. A fiction. But not all the people have completely forgotten about it. The heads of each clan passed their memory from generation to generation. And the Kages still knows it.

Some people still have the determination to bring back these tailed beasts. To use them for their own goals. To have their powers in their hands. After the birth of the famous and powerful criminal organization, the Akatsuki, another organization with the same goal was born. The Ketsueki , which is associated with Orochimaru. Their goal is to get all the bijuu and use their powers for their own interests and world domination. When they all get the bijuu out, and make them together , they would make the most powerful weapon ever to be seen: their queen.

Four figures were jumping from tree to tree. They are led by a crow mask in his ANBU outfit. He is followed by a fox masked blond, a jaguar masked black haired guy, a snake masked raven haired guy and a black cat masked pink haired girl. This team is the know Legendary Team 7. Team seven is under the ever mysterious and the famous copy nin, Hatake Kakashi. And the team is consisted of the Konoha's artist, Sai, the ones replacement for the Uchiha but soon is now part of the Team. Uchiha Sasuke, one of the last remaining Uchihas who was trained under one of the legendary sannins and the ruler of the Sound village, orochimaru. The Team is always being loud by Konoha's number1 hyperactive knucklehead trained under one of the legendary sannins, Jiraiya and the kyubi no yoko"s Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto. And the reason why team 7 kept on going is because of their cherry blossom, Konoha's top medic surpassing and trained under the current hokage and one of the legendary sannins, Tsunade, Haruno Sakura.

They have been through a lot together. After the departure of Sasuke, each exceed in their own potential. They trained harder for their goals. Sai became Sasuke's replacement. The team tried for 3 times to get sasuke and finally got him back the fourth time.

Sakura was looking at her side and saw sasuke. How she can't still believe they finally have him back. He is still a block of ice as usual and emotionless bastard. She's over sasuke now and has no interest in any guy. He became more open to her and treated her differently ever since he came back. Although he never said that he actually cared for her, he shows it anyway. Sakura kept on staring at him. He is more mascular and more matured than last time. And obviously that's because they are now 16 and not 12 anymore. He looks more gorgeous than before. He's hair got a little bit longer.

Sasuke noticed someone staring at him. He turned his head sideways and saw Sakura staring at him. She smiled at him which in return smirked at her. He no longer viewed her as an annoying, weak little sakura for he saw how she changed from that to a cheerful and strong woman. Not a girl.

"Okay everyone, let's camp out here since its getting dark." Their sensei now teammate said. Sakura looked at him and observed him. He is still the mysterious and late sensei they met from their genin days. But he is more open to the team. When all his students made to ANBU he decided to go back to being ANBU and stick together. His idea obviously made a big impact to them because now they are the legendary team 7.

"Okei Kakashi" sakura replied politely. Even though he is not their sensei anymore, she still holds great respect for him. Kakashi smiled brightly at her as he set up his tent.

"Go get food Naruto. Sasuke and Sai, you guys get firewoods while me and Sakura-chan set up our tents" kakashi ordered. All of them nodded. And he and sakura started to set up the tents.

While setting it up, kakashi stole a glanced at his sakura. That's right, he is protective of sakura just like all the guys in team 7. She is no longer the fan girl when he first met her and who always worried about her looks before training. And she has the body all the girls are jealous to and all guys drooling over with. He admired her for being strong at everything. He is so proud when he found out she is an ANBU. She surely prove them she is strong.

Sakura caught him staring at him. She smiled sweetly at him and made Kakashi blushed although you couldn't see it behind his mask. Just then the guys got back and started to cook dinner. Sai gathered the firewoods together he and Sasuke bought while Sasuke set them on fire, Naruto placing the fished above the fire. Then they all settled in the huge log.

Kakashi and Sai were sharing a log while Sakura is in between her another two over protective boys, Naruto and Sasuke. She looks at Sai. He may look like Sasuke but for her there is a big difference to this guys. Sai still teases her as 'ugly', 'hag', or 'old'. Sakura used to punched the daylights out of him but after being with sasuke and understanding the 'hn' language, she realized that's Sai's way of saying he noticed her and he cares for her.

Once again, Sakura was caught staring. She smiled sweetly at him. He was about to take off his mask but felt his cheeks burning up so he kept it on.

There was a moment of silence until…

"That was a great mission! Huh, Sakura-chan?" the ever loud blond Naruto asked at his cherry blossom while taking off his mask. Sakura studied him as he removed his mask. He looks so matured now but

still the idiot she loves. He grew his blond hair and her whiskers are more visible. He is mascular and terribly cute which catches eyes from the girls back in Konoha.

"Yes it was fun, Naruto." She smiled at him as she removed her mask revealing her porcelain skin and pastel locks. To Naruto's view and every guy's view, she is the most beautiful girl ever. He still loves his Sakura-chan. He'll never let her go. He swears to protect her 'til the end. She's the best thing that ever happened to him. Ever since, she got over her childish crush at Sasuke, she started to notice Naruto. And it seems the Kyubi is quite attached to her as well. "How long do we get back at Konoha?"

"A day, maybe." Sasuke replied as he ate his fish.

"I can't wait to go to Ichiraku! I haven't had ramen for the 5 months! Oh! Oh! Do you wanna go, Sakura-chan?" the guys all looked at her.

She smiled and nodded her head. "sure, Naruto. Do you guys wanna come with us?" she asked the rest.

Kakashi peaked out of his orange book telling her he is. Sai nodded his head and Sasuke 'hn' at it.

She couldn't help but smile. She's so proud to have them in her life. She couldn't ask for more. Even her friends and the villages told her she's so lucky to be in the same team with four hoties.

After they eat, they all said there goodnights and drifted to sleep.