Alice's POV

"So, what would you like to do today, my dear?" Jasper asked. He and I were sitting in the living room on the leather couch. Jasper had his arm around me I had my head on his shoulder.

""Oh, I don't know…Since Carlisle and Esme aren't home, I was thinking something along the lines of a game?!" I said, bouncing slightly in my seat.

Jasper eyed me.

"Just what kind of game?" He asked cautiously.

"Well, now that you mention it…Truth or Dare sounds super exciting!" I giggled.

Jasper only groaned.

"Alice," he sighed, "we can't do that. Our dares would be out of control, and with Bella playing, she wouldn't be able to do half the things we can. Plus, you always tend to get out of hand with these kinds of games."

"Not always," I mumbled.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do? It's a beautifully rainy day, wouldn't you rather be outside?" Jasper asked.

"Oooh, you mean Truth or Dare in the rain?!"

"No, no, no! Forget it! I'll just go warn—I mean tell, everyone." Jasper said, smirking at me.

He rose from the couch and climbed the stairs to tell everyone what I had planned.

Not long after, everyone—including a scowling Bella—slumped down the stairs behind my husband.

"Alrighty! Gang's all here!" I said, jumping from the couch to run over and hug Bella, who just remained standing there and glaring angrily.

"What could you possibly want?" Rosalie inquired, crossing her arms, "I was very busy."

"With what, Rose? Filing your nails?" I made a motion with my hands like I was filing my nails.
"Of course not, dork. I was straightening my hair." Rosalie ran her fingers through her soft, silky, and already straight hair.

"Whatever, Rose." I said, turning back to the others. "Okay, so we're playing truth or dare today, thanks to me," I grinned, then frowned when everyone groaned.

"I hate this game," Bella grumbled.

"Alice, this is stupid," Edward said.

"Stop criticizing!" I half shouted. "Everyone, in the living room, let's MOVE."

We all sat down in a circle on the carpeted floor.

"We'll start with the youngest. Bella, go."