B/Mello - ghosts

"...good memories and nightmares," Mello read the last line his prologue of his case file.

Mello had decided to write out what L had told him one day about the case, before he died by Kira's hand. He had written it in reverse order. He had started with the end and worked his back to the prologue. With the last line he read of the prologue, it was finished. Mello stretched his arms and glanced over to Matt who was sleeping soundly on their bed. He was glad Matt could still sleep so soundly even with all the shit Mello had put him through.

He took a deep breath and smelled strawberries. Mello's brows furrowed. He almost positive they did not have anything-strawberry flavored or scented, let alone any real strawberries. Mello stood quietly and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him quietly as not to awaken Matt.

Mello stumbled for a moment into the living room, looking for the light switch while running into computer parts and game controllers. He cursed to himself as he turned toward a sound. He saw two red glowing orbs in the darkness. His eyes widened as he quickly groped the wall for the light switch. When the lights finally flickered on, Mello's head whipped over to where he was the glowing re orbs, but there was nothing there.

He sighed. "You need to get to bed..." he muttered to himself.

"Kyahahaha..." a voice echoed quietly behind him, and Mello stiffened, knowing the laugh since he had only written it down on paper a few hours earlier.

Mello shook his head. There was no way; his mind was playing tricks on him, and the added stress of writing that case file while putting the final touches on the Takada kidnapping plot was just getting to him. He felt cool, clammy breath at his neck, moving up to his ear, and Mello did not know what to think anymore.

"You've seen Shinigami, Mihael Keehl, yet you do not believe in ghosts haunting wicked little boys in the night?" the voice rasped behind him.

Mello felt fear, but his anger won out over it. He lashed out behind him only to hit a wall with his fist. He quietly hissed in pain and backed away from the wall. He may not have been able to hit anything, but he could see him clearly, Beyond Birthday.

"How the hell...?" Mello asked angrily as he held his injured fist to his hand.

B cackled at Mello's apparent confusion. "You're just a silly little boy playing with fire, aren't you, little angel Mihael?" B asked as he brought a hand covered in strawberry jam to his already red-stained lips.

Mello glared at the semi-transparent B. "I'm no angel, and I may be playing with fire, but I can handle it, you murderer," he answered vehemently.

"Tsk, tsk, M thinks he can do any better than L?" B chided, licking the remnants of jam off his incorporeal fingers. "Kira won't win, but M will not win either."

Mello had to hold himself back from punching the spirit since it would be futile to try. "You're saying Near will beat me?" he growled.

"Of course, M! It goes L, M, then N. L dies, M dies, and N lives," B said followed by another burst of eerie laughter. "Wait. Let me correct myself; both M's die."

Mello grinded his teeth. "I may die, but Matt will live," he sneered, wishing that this apparition would just leave already.

"Kyahahahaha, Mihael is a deluded little angel, isn't he?" B laughed as he approached closer to Mello, whose pride would not let him back away from the approaching apparition. When B finally reached Mello, B placed a hand on the back of Mello's head, and Mello could feel him, making him freezing place. "Is the little angel frightened now?"

Mello's profanities were trapped in his throat, but even if he could vocalize the words, those cold, strawberry-stain lips were on his, making speech impossible. The taste of strawberry jam and blood mingled with flavor of chocolate that Mello usually tasted of. Mello tried to fight the kiss but to no avail. The kiss ended, but only when B felt he had tortured Mello enough.

Mello gasped for air as B began to laugh as he finally began to fade away. "Enjoy the pain of knowing your heart is failing you because your name was written on a scrap of paper," B said as he laughed and faded away completely.

Matt opened the door quietly as he rubbed his eyes. "Mello...? I heard noises. Are you okay?" he asked, sleep still evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to sleep. I'll join you soon," Mello found his voice.

Matt nodded, but he grabbed Mello around the waist. "No, you're coming to bed now," Matt protested as he started to drag Mello back to their bedroom.

Mello did not protest, but when they settled into the bed and Matt kissed him good night, Mello could still feel the lips of the murderer he had written about only hours earlier.

...I really frighten myself sometimes. (hugs Mello) I feel bad for every ones of the characters I let met B, but then I'm way too amused to stop. Kyahahaha...? Sorry this was late in comparison to my other ones. I got lazy.