Random Side Note (If you want to just go to the story, go below the line and start reading!):
I have always loved the Lion King and finally decided to write a fanfic about it. I always really hated how they changed from a boy cub to Kiara and didn't explain the whole Kovu-Scar issue, so I attempted to do that. I looked up lion info to find out the timing of the cubs in order to make it as realistic as possible, which means Vitani and Kovu have to be littermates.
Now, there is a wonderful story of Simba's son called the Lion King: Six New Adventures, and yes, there's that whole whether or not it's cannon debate, BUT I really like the idea of Kopa so I used him.
Anyway, this is my first fanfic so please give plenty of constructive criticism. I'm always looking to improve my writing. Author's Acknowledgments: Characters Copyright to the Walt Disney Company aside from Kopa which belongs to the wonderful people who wrote Lion King: Six New Adventures.
The Serengeti was cool after the long night of rain. The lionesses and Simba had successfully managed to exile the hyenas after they ravaged on Scar's twisted and broken body. Simba knew the pride would recoup from its horrid experience under the reign of Scar, but it would take time. He wanted to help his pride as much as possible as soon as possible, but he and the others were surprised to discover a lioness hiding in the cave.
"Who is this?" Simba roared uncomfortably.
Nala turned to the new king and said, "Her name's Zira."
"She became Scar's mate," Sarabi interrupted. "However, her newest litter isn't his."
"Oh?" Simba said.
"There was a roving male that prowled around here for some time. Scar killed him."
Zira growled lowly. She had been taking in the turn of events, wondering silently who the new lion was. It was normal for prides to gain new males after a while, and she herself had seen her father ousted when the two brothers, Mufasa and Scar, came to her land when she was still young. She had been old enough to avoid being killed, but her cubs were barely a week old. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I am Simba, Scar's nephew."
"Nephew? I have not seen you before today."
"I left after Scar lied to me about my father."
"The children aren't Scars?" Simba asked.
"No. There was another male. I forget his name. However, Scar chose the cub here to be the new heir."
"Why not his own?" Sarabi inquired.
Zira glanced over at her other son. He was the true son of Scar, but he was weak. The land they lived on had been overrun by the lions and the hyenas constantly hunting. There was little food for Nuka, and he had not received the nutrition he needed. He was scrawny and looked weak.
"He was not fit to be a king," Zira replied. "I don't think Scar wanted to admit Nuka was his son because he was so weak."
"What are their names?" Simba asked as he glanced at the two balls of fur.
"Kovu and Vitani."
He growled lightly and glanced at Nala.
"Will you kill them?" Zira asked.
"There has been a lot of destruction in this world lately," Simba growled. "Though I should kill them, I feel as though the pride could use the inspiration of children now. The land looks so bleak but cubs may give them hope. Besides, when Nala has cubs, she will need extra females to help nurse while she hunts."
"Of course," Zira said. "Thank you Sire."
She watched as the new king and the two females left the den. Scar often talked about Mufasa and his bratty child. He had spoken poorly about them, making it seem as if they were horrible creatures that were unjust and cruel. However, Simba had spared her cubs.
How could a male lion who spares the young be considered so cruel? she wondered silently as she licked the two cubs at her side.
-- -- -- -- SCENE CHANGE -- -- -- -- --
Five months later, Nala had given birth to her own cub. Zira watched as Rafiki held the youngster in the air, the red christening mark showing that he would be the new heir. She was a little angry with Simba for not allowing her son Kovu be king since he was older than the new cub, but she didn't want to anger the new king. She felt a bit out of place amongst the new royal family, as if her place in the pride was only temporary. Simba said little to her, but he made sure her new cubs had plenty of food.
She glanced at Nuka as he bit one of his legs. If he had gotten the same treatment, she knew he would have been a handsome lion fit to be king. He was much older than Kovu and the new cub, Kopa, but she had a feeling he would be ousted by Simba the instant he was old enough.
"Are you alright Mother?" Nuka asked when he saw she was staring at him.
"Yes," she replied. "I was merely thinking."
"Of Father?"
She growled, "It doesn't matter."