A little boy walked towards the large office. This was where he was at from the time of the accident, when his aunt took him in, a facility on the outskirts of Tokyo, away from the public. For Keitaro's aunt, Yoshiko Urashima, she was a woman of great genius, having graduated from Tokyo University with a degree in M.D. as well as in Bioengineering, Biochemistry and Biogenetics; she experimented on Keitaro when after the accident.

Yoshiko gave Keitaro exceptional powers when she had experimented on him, powers that no normal human would ever dream of. Yoshiko did not care about the acts of a human's limits; she wanted to go beyond that see what he could do. Other test subjects of hers failed to meet her expectations and she would throw the dead bodies out to the side, seeing as they couldn't handle the strain of her experiments.

The boy walked into the office, going towards a desk with a woman with long, raven-black hair and black sunglasses. Yoshiko looked at the small child, gazing at him when she first took him in. "It's time for your training, Keitaro," she spoke with ice, "and I expect exceptional results."

"But Yoshiko, I did good last time."

"That is no excuse, child. Give more until you pass out."

"Yes, Yoshiko."

With the special helmet still on and the shackles on his wrists and feet, she escorted him out of her office and through the hallways of the facility, reaching a blast door. Going up to a key panel, she punched in a few numbers, making the doors open up. Inside, the room was gigantic with hundreds of lights and a ceiling big enough to fit giant robots inside. Yoshiko left him alone, the door closing on her way out.

Inside, the control station from the skybox, she, as well as a few assistants, monitored Keitaros' mental abilities. "Initiate phase one training procedure," said Yoshiko.

"Yes, ma'am," said one of her workers.

And thus, the robots came into the room. Four towering mechs readied their weapons, while Keitaro stood and waited for their attacks. One of them fired its missiles at him, but he held out his hand, halting the missile and bounced it back at him, hitting his arm off as another mech came at Keitaro with its spinning blades ready to cut him but he vanished and reappeared on top of another robot.

The robot found its target and swung its spinning weapon at him but Keitaro somersaulted off it and shot fire from his hands, the blade turned red then exploded and another was aimed at its head, which Keitaro took off.

In the skybox, Yoshiko watched her nephew battle with the mechanized machines. One of the assistants monitoring Keitaros' abilities said, "Yoshiko, his powers are going critical. He's putting too much, he'll pass out."

"Up the training procedure to level five," she said.

"But he can't last at level five with his current condition."

"Just do it."

Nodding his head to her, the woman typed in on the computer and a more intense training began. After it, Keitaro collapsed to the floor, mentally worn out. Yoshiko walked out of the skybox and into the training room; her and few soldiers looked down at his comatose figure. "Take him to the infirmary then put him in his cell once he is healed."

"Hai," the two men said and carried the man on a stretcher. In the room, Yoshiko looked at the destroyed robots of her nephew. This power he had showed today was exhilarating, something that she had expected from him, but was still disappointed that he could not handle his training at a higher level. "No matter... another time," she said to herself and walked out of the training room.

She went through the halls, going to the infirmary to check on her nephew. Inside, she stuck wires to his head, examining his mental capacity. The experiments were becoming successful little by little. 'Amazing,' she thought to herself, 'his physical potential has brought out so much, but with him passing out, it's only a temporary setback... he just needs more.'

While she was examining Keitaro, a tech was yelling at Keitaro about his training. The poor boy was scared, placing his hands over his ears, but then the man stopped. The man began to scream, seeing the disturbing and terrifying images in his head; Keitaro attacked him by accident. Yoshiko saw this and rushed over to stop him but before she could, the tech ran out of the room, still screaming.

"Stay here," she told her nephew.

He nodded as she left, going to see the man. She asked him what had happened and he said that Keitaro had mentally attacked his mind because he was yelling at him; the woman frowned. "Seems like he doesn't like you, and I don't either," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're done. I no longer need you."

"You can't do this to me! Blame him... he's the one who did this, not me!"

"I have made my choice," she said.

He growled at her and turned his back, not knowing that she had pulled out an empty syringe and filled it with air then covered his mouth with her hand and slammed the needle into his neck, injecting the air. His hand fell limp as she dropped his body to the ground. "Consider yourself permanently gone," she smirked coldly and walked away, leaving the body to rot. After Keitaro was healed, he was put back in his cell, where he just sat as time went by.

At some point, Haruka Urashima, Keitaro's other aunt, came by. He was happy because she visited when she had the time, which was a promise.

She came and was greeted by Yoshiko. The two women exchanged talk and Haruka asked her to see Keitaro. "Wait here... I'll go get him," said Yoshiko. As she left, Haruka's head turned and studied the facility, looking around at the place. "Seems like she's out done herself," Haruka said, "hope she doesn't mind I take a look around."

Getting up from her seat, she explored the rest of the facility, seeing the machines and soldiers around the place. It was a great place, but that's when she saw a room that was in one of the hallways. It read 'Yoshiko's study'. Looking around, she saw no guards or scientists; she went inside and decided to look, silently closing the door when she was in.

Inside the room, she switched on the lights and looked around, seeing various tapes, papers, cassettes and computer diskettes neatly organized on her desk. Going up to the seat, she sat herself down on the chair and popped one of the VCR tapes into the machine, pressing play.

From there, she saw the whole truth about what Yoshiko was doing to people, mostly Keitaro. She put him in Sensory Deprivation Tanks, gave him needles, taking him through extreme training on his powers... everything. Haruka was appalled by what she had seen that Yoshiko used her nephew like a test tube!

After doing more studying on Yoshiko, she put things back and quietly made her way out of the study and back to the waiting area. A stern look was on her face as she reached for her cell phone, dialing Hina Urashima, and she told the elderly woman everything that she had saw on the tape.

Hanging up, she put her cell back and went back to the waiting area with that stern look still on her face. When she saw Yoshiko look at her, she said. "I saw everything."

Yoshiko eyes hardened to stone. "What I did to him is none of your business. In fact, you should be thankful he has these powers."

"But using him as a lab rat is disgusting! What kind of a person are you to do this to a small boy?"

"I am an intelligent person, Haruka." Yoshiko said, putting her arms around Keitaro and looked down at him. "He was a special one, one that could handle my experiments, unlike those other pathetic people."

Haruka then took him from her. "You're a monster," was the last words she said before she left the facility, never taking him there ever again.

Black Waltz: Another one for you, but this is just a prologue chapter, I will make better chapters hopefully in the future. This story was an inspiration from my videogame Psi-Ops: the Mindgate Conspiracy and I have been doing research on psi powers as well. Hope this turns into quite a hit. I hope to write more soon, so stop asking me when I'll update.