Title: If It Makes You Happy
Description: Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku and Sango live separate lives with their families and friends, but something isn't right, are they being brainwashed into thinking they never met each other and people who were dead are now alive so Naraku can obtain the jewel? How will they fix this one? Please r&r
Inuyasha opened the hut door as he hauled several fish in the other hand. A woman and girl sat inside chatting away, but turned to look as he approached with his prize for the day.
"Wow, ye sure are good at fishing," the little girl told him as she ran up with a smile.
"Yeah, I guess this isn't too bad for a day's work," Inuyasha said as he piled the fish by the boiling pot.
"Sister and I were just talking about ye," the young girl commented as Inuyasha came and sat by the woman. "Really, good things I hope," he replied as he kissed the woman on the cheek.
The woman smiled warmly, "Of course Inuyasha, what else is there," she teased. She laughed that special laugh that he loved so much. He smiled, "I can't wait until we are married Kikyo," he told her as he watched her cook the fish he had brought in.
Kikyo smiled warmly at him as she stirred the ingredients and the young girl, Kaede, smiled as well at the couple. She didn't mind if Inuyasha was a half demon, if he made her sister happy, that's all that mattered to her.
"Sister Kikyo, do ye mind if I go out and play with the other children," Kaede asked as things got too quiet and mushy for her. Kikyo smiled at her sister and nodded, "It's fine with me," she laughed a little again, she figured she was getting bored.
"Thanks," Kaede bowed a little before heading outside. Kikyo glanced over at Inuyasha with a playful smile then put the wooden spoon of fish soup to her mouth, blew on it and tried it. Inuyasha just sat their awing at her, he meant what he had said, waiting to get married to Kikyo was driving him crazy.
They had a few problems with convincing others of the fact that not only Kikyo marrying a half demon, but that she was a priestess which made getting married harder since she wasn't really supposed to. After some hard convincing they would won back the respect of the villagers, since he was handy at killing demons and she was gifted at curing the sick and injured.
Kikyo took the pot off of the fire and put the fire out with a bowl of water then turned to Inuyasha, "Do you mind calling Kaede in while I prepare our plates," she asked.
Inuyasha stood and walked over to the hut door while Kikyo poured the soup into bowls, "Hey kid, dinner is ready," Inuyasha called out the door.
Kikyo rolled her eyes with a smile at Inuyasha's wording as Kaede came happily into the hut.
Kaede sniffed the air with joy, "Mmm, I'm hungry," she stated as she sat down between Inuyasha and her sister, taking the bowl Kikyo offered her.
The three enjoyed their meal and Inuyasha and Kikyo glanced over at each other smiling, thinking of their happy little family.
A/N: sorry for the short chapter, the first few will be about the characters lives, but I'm thinking of combining the others, I have an excuse, it's late and I just suddenly had this idea I wanted to try, so yeah, if you like it so far, please review, the more I get the more I'll want to post the next.