Disclaimer : I do not own anything from Twilight, and I got inspired by many other stories on for the actual story. The things that happened in it, though, are my ideas.


Edward: My Brand of Medication

I couldn't tell what was going on, only that, if I were to fall into a vat of freezing ice water at any moment, I would be the happiest girl alive. I lifted my head off of the damp pillow and looked at the clock beside me. It read 6:30 A.M. I don't know what woke me, but then again, I'm glad it did. I would rather have had warning that my dinner from the previous night was going to make its way back up my throat and out of the mouth.

I took off for the bathroom, barely making it in on time and to the toilet before I started to heave my dinner. I could hear the water that was running downstairs shut off and then footsteps bounding up the stairs. I guess I wasn't exactly being that conspicuous in my haste to get to the bathroom.

The footsteps stopped right next to my bedroom before they made their way towards the bathroom door. "Bells?" I heard Charlie ask me. I groaned into the toilet bowl. I looked up to see him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, concern pulling his brown eyebrows together. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah," I groaned sarcastically. "This is normal behavior for 6:30 in the morning. Haven't you noticed me running to the bathroom every morning?" I barely got my retort out of the mouth before another round of heaving wracked through my body.

He stepped over the towels I knocked onto the floor and kneeled beside me on the tiles. He pulled back my hair that was falling into my face, holding it out of the way. He took his free hand and put it to my forehead.

"You're burning up, Bells." He said, worriedly. "I'm gonna' call the school and tell them you're not goin'."

I moaned in discomfort as a wave of nausea rolled through my stomach. I grasped my stomach as a cramp, worse than menstrual cramps, and in more spots, shot through my entire body. "Okay," I ground out through clenched teeth.

"Do you need anything? Water?"

I shook my head, lunging for the toilet once again. He took that as a sign to walk out of the bathroom and go to his room where the phone was on the hook. Wait, I was thinking to myself, did he say not go to school? Jeez. No Edward.

God. I made him sound like he was my own personal medication. He couldn't make this go away, and I would prefer that he didn't see me like this anyways. God, I felt terrible. My whole body felt like it was burning up and it seemed like the inside of my stomach was bouncing against my diaphragm.

Charlie reappeared in the doorway. "I called the school, Ms. Cope told me to tell you to please feel better," I nodded, laying my throbbing head down on the cool tile. "I have to go to work, but I won't go if you don't want me to," He told me.

I shook my head as much as my cold restriction would allow. "Go, no sense in watching me suffer."

He chuckled. "You're going to be okay. I'm gonna' leave you some Tylenol and water on the sink. Call me if you need me to come back. Do you want me to take you back to bed?"

He took a step in the bathroom and I held up my hand in a way to get him to stop. "I'd rather I threw up in the toilet instead of on my pillow."

He laughed, clearly grossed out. "I understand. I'll call later. Here," He started. "I'm leaving the phone on the countertop also."

I nodded. "Sounds good."

With that, he left me to lie on the floor, waiting for some sort of reverie to make me forget this torture. At last, my personal savior arrived in my dreams. His bronze hair was tousled just as I loved, just like he woke up from sleep that he never needed. His eyes, which I loved so much, also, were colors of liquid honey, making me want to run and dive into them like they were a pool of cold water. "Bella?" He called my name.

He sounded worried, questioning me as to what I was doing, why I was dreaming. I heard it again, "Bella?" this time more frantic.

I peeled my eyes open to see him literally standing right over me, panic written across his perfect stone cold features. "Edward," I said, barely cracking a smile.

He kneeled down beside me, hoisting me into his arms gently, being careful of my peculiar position. "What happened to you?" He asked me, concern laced in his voice.

"Nothing," I lied. He snorted. "It's just the –," I stopped midsentence as another wave of nausea made its way through my system. I broke out of his embrace and leaned over the toilet again, heaving what wasn't in my stomach. I hadn't had any of the water or Tylenol that Charlie had left me, and I wasn't about it. I had already thrown up all of the food I'd eaten the night before, so my heaves were turning dry, tearing my already terribly raspy throat.

He knelt and sat behind me, grasping my hair in his stone hands, making sure not to pull. Just as Charlie had, he took his other hand and felt my forehead. If I hadn't been heaving, I would have freaking sighed. He felt so wonderful that I could have cried. I leaned back when I was finished and

leaned into his arms, letting myself be cooled down by his lack of body heat. "What do you have, Bella?" His velvet voice asked me.

"The Flu."

I felt him stiffen behind and beneath me. "The Flu?" I could barely hear him say it, but the next thing I knew I was in his arms and he was walking me towards my bedroom. I was going to say something in protest, but my height off the ground and the pace we were walking was stopping me from speaking.

He laid me down gently on my bed, tucking me in. I was so hot, I began to move restlessly. Sensing my distress, he placed his cold hands on my neck and forehead, cooling me down. "Water," I rasped again.

He was gone and back in a split second. The phone, the water, and the Tylenol all in his hands. He set everything but the water on the table next to me, handing me the water.

I took several big gulps of the cooling liquid before he took it from my sweating digits. "You said the flu?" He asked again, sounding even more worried than before.

I nodded lightly. "Don't worry. I get sick like this at least once every year. It's nothing big."

He didn't feel any better after I said that, I don't think. "What's the matter?" I questioned him. "You look scared."

His face was covered in silent distress and his perfect bronze eyebrows were melded into what looked like a permanent fearsome look. "Are you all right?" He whispered.

"Edward," he looked into my eyes. "Don't worry about me."

He shook his head. "I can't stop. You don't think that the flu is big, but…but…" He looked away, his voice wavering.

I lifted my scorching hand up to his cheek, gently placing it against the coolness. He turned his face into my palm, breathing in deeply. "But what?" I whispered back.

He looked back into my eyes. It seemed that if he had been able to, he would be crying. "I've seen people die from it."

I froze. I forgot about that. Carlisle had told me about his mother, father, and himself in the early 19 hundreds. His whole family, as would he have also, died from the Spanish Influenza. "I'm not going anywhere, Edward." I said, soothingly.

Grogginess was seeping its way into my consciousness, making my eyelids droop incessantly. "Sleep, Bella."

My eyes snapped open again with the help of his voice. "Don't leave me," I told him urgently. He chuckled huskily, a sound coming from deep in his throat, as if he was trying not to cry, which he couldn't.

He sighed, standing, then lying, beside my on the bed. He wrapped his arm under my neck and the other around my waist, hoisting me over his body to lie on top of him. The immediate coolness of his skin seeped into the flannel of my pajamas and I sighed contently. "I'm not going anywhere," he told me.

He gently started to stroke my sodden hair, and then he started to him my lullaby. "Sleep, Bella." He said again, less urgently than before.

I nodded against his neck, kissing it lightly.

He kissed the top of my forehead in return, sending tingles of cold through my hairline.

"Okay," I mumbled. I was already starting to feel better.

"I love you, Bella," he whispered.

I smiled against his chest.

"I love you more," I countered.

He laughed. "Silly Bella, you could never, nor will you, love me more than I love you. Now go to sleep."

I smiled again.

Edward…the new cure for the Flu.