Here's chapter number five, which I actually got up in a decent amount of time, don'tcha think? It helped that I had your amazing reviews to inspire me. Anywho, this is a continuation of the last chapter. Starts off right where the last one ended.

Summary: Gabriella Montez is a single mother of a 4 year old boy. Everything is going great until Troy Bolton comes back into the picture. Will Gabi let Troy into his sons life, or will she tell him about their son at all?

Genre: Romance/Drama

Pairing: Troyella/Chaylor/Zekepay/Ryelsi.

Rating: T/ M in later chapters.

Disclaimer: Me still no own.

Chapter 5

Gabriella wasn't sure what compelled her to hug him back. It was honestly the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. But she was nearly desperate for the feel of his arms around her, whether she despised him at this point or not, it was his comfort she needed the most even if it was him who caused her all the pain. She was still furious with him for what he had said. She knew he didn't mean it, that he was just caught up in the argument. But the words stung her heart. She'd rather have been slapped in the face then to hear those words come from his mouth.

She felt more tears leak from her eyes. She couldn't give in this easily to him. She was setting herself up to be hurt again. She needed time to think things through.

"Troy, you need to go." She sniffed, hating herself for sounding so hurt and vulnerable.

"No, Gabs. We need to talk about this. And I'm not leaving until we're on solid ground again."

Gabriella shook her head stubbornly,

"No, I need time to think, roy. I don't want to set myself up to be hurt again."

Troy pulled back slightly, so he could look at Gabriella's tear stained cheeks, only to feel his break a little more.

"I wouldn't hurt you, Gab."

Gabriella scoffed and back away from him fully, "You just did!"

"I didn't mean what I said, Brie, you know I didn't mean it!"

"But it still hurt, Troy! Whether you meant it or not! You might as well just slapped me!"

Troy felt guilt crawl inside him and it made him very uneasy. He knew he hurt her, but to hear her say it like that just made him feel even worse. He sighed and let his voice soften into almost a desperate tone.

"Gabi, please, I'm so sorry. Can we"

Troy pleaded desperately. Gabriella hesitated, but one look at his sad blue eyes made her soften. She couldn't ever say no to him and those eyes. She sighed defeatedly and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Fine. Talk."

Even though her voice was harsh, Troy couldn't help but to let out a sigh of relief.

"Look, you know I'd never intentionally hurt you, Brie."

"Whether it was intentional or not, you did, and you can't take it back, no matter how many times you apologize."

"I know, I know, but I would do anything to take it back if I could."

Troy sighed, trying to straighten his thoughts out.

"But you can't, Troy."

"Then let me make up for it." Troy pleaded, but Gabriella didn't soften this time.

"Why should I? Why do you deserve it?"

Troy was running out of pleads. She didn't seem to be breaking, and Troy feared that she wouldn't.

"I don't deserve it, ok? Because I've been a jerk to you, and I know that I have. But I really want us to be ok."

"Why? Why do you want us to be ok now, when we haven't been ok for nearly five years?"

Troy didn't know how to respond to that. She was right. It had been that long since he had spoken to her about anything revolving around them, or at all. There had been tension between them, even when they were states apart. And Troy didn't do a damn thing to try and fix it.

" took me four years to figure out that I made a mistake." Troy suddenly felt a burst of confidence. "And it took me that long, and a slutty girlfriend to figure out that I am still in love with you."

Gabriella silenced at his words and a look of shock replaced her cold stare.

At least he got a reaction, Troy mused. He gulped softly, knowing he said the wrong thing, despite the complete honesty of his words. He loved her. He had known it all along, even when he was with Stacy. He just chose to ignore it because he figured he wouldn't see her again.

"You can't say that."

Troy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but before he could even begin to question her, she spoke again in the same shaky and shocked tone as the one she just used.

"You can't say that after all you've done. You have no idea the pain you've caused me. What you said to me earlier hurt like hell, but I'll have forgotten it by next wek. But what you did to me five years ago still hurts. Every day I've thought about you. Especially when I look at Elijah and see your damned eyes." Gabriella gulped back the tears that threated as he voice filled with more emotion and pain. "Troy, I'll never stop loving you, no matter how bad I wish the love for you would go away."

Troy narrowed his eyes at her.

"I don't believe that. You want to love me. You're just afraid too. Brie, you don't have to be afraid."

Gabriella opened her mouth to retort, but was quickly cut off when she felt Troy's hands cup her face in them and then the feeling of his lips gently rub against hers. She froze instantly as memories of high school flooded her mind. The way his lips would gently caress hers and how his thumb would gently run the smooth skin of her cheek. He still had the same gentleness as he did when they were seventeen. She didn't even notice when she started kissing him back. Just the smooth touch of their lips against each other that made Gabriella's blood warm and leave her light headed.

But then reality came crashing back down on her and all the pain he caused came rushing back to her heart as quickly as it had left. She snapped her eyes open and abruptly pulled back from him, his hands falling from her face as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. All she could do was stare at him, and mutter a few words.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Her voice shook, which gave Troy reason not to believe her.

"Whether you're pissed at me or not, Brie, you enjoyed that as much as I did."

Gabriella didn't say anything because she knew he was right. She closed her eyes and let a few tears leak. She wanted to enjoy that. She wanted to be able to kiss him without feeling all the hurt or pain he caused flash in her heart.

" need to leave...please."

Gabriella was begging now. She couldn't think with those blue eyes staring at her intently, forcing her to forgive him, even though Troy wasn't.


"Troy, please!" Gabriella shouted desperately, not noticing the four year old boy stick his head out of his room in shock and confusion.

"You can't just come back into my life after what you did and kiss me and tell me you fucking love me! You've only been here a few days Troy, you're moving way too fast for me! I don't even trust you!" Gabriella cried.

Troy stepped back in shock, now it was his turn to be hurt, even if her words were completely true. He knew he had to give her time. That was the only way to get her to trust him again. Taking things slow.

"Ok, ok. I'l go. But Brie, please just tell me this won't be the last time we talk."

Gabriella sighed and nodded his head, "I promise."

That was good enough for Troy. He silently nodded his head and walked out of her apartment, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Gabriella let out a shaky sob as she leaned against a wall and slid down it with her head in her hands, making her blind to see that her son was walking towards her with a few tears lingering on his own cheek just from seeing what had happened.


Gabriella's head flew up at the sound of her favorite boys voice. She wordlessly gave him a weak smile and opened her arms which Elijah flew into. Gabriella let out a sigh and gripped onto her son, the only boy she wanted in her life right now. Elijah sniffled softly and laid his head against his mothers chest, his head slightly looking up to her. He noticed the tears on her cheeks and lifted his hand so he could wipe them away, making Gabriella laugh softly.

"No more sad, mommy."

Ok so that was a little short, but I don't think it was too bad, I loved the tiny Elijah/Gabi moment I put in at the bottom. I've been meaning to get some more Elijah moments with everyone in there, but I needed to finish up the Troyella argument.

Anyways, I hope yall enjoyed it, and I would love to see some of your amazing reviews.
