Title: Beauty and the Beast,Thy Sweet Love Remembered 1&2
Category: TV Shows » Beauty and the Beast
Author: Vetivera
Language: English, Rating: Rated: M
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Published: 03-14-08, Updated: 07-07-08
Chapters: 29, Words: 99,135
Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Thy Sweet Love Remembered
'Father?... Father? Wake up!'
Vincent gently shook the shoulder of the elderly man. Somewhere beneath the covers, he finally heard a murmur of recognition.
'Vincent, go away and play with the other children,' the old man mumbled before rolling over and covering his face.
'Father! Today is the day Jacob goes above. Have you forgotten?'
Vincent's tone was becoming increasingly exasperated.
'Jacob? Above? Oh!.. I had forgotten…..'
'It seems you are getting more and more forgetful, even in your dreams. '
A lanky young man with a shock of curly golden hair and ice blue eyes appeared behind Vincent.
'Dad? Come on…let's go. I don't want to be late. Gramps are you coming or not?'
'Oh Jacob, I'm sorry. My back aches today. I will be too slow getting ready. Come and give me a hug. I will hear all about your day when you come home.'
'Sure Gramps….'
Jacob bent over to hug the old man who seemed to be awash with numerous blankets. Above the lined forhead, his gray hair was tussled and thinning. The clouded blue eyes were shining brightly with unshed tears. Nonetheless he gazed fondly at his tall, handsome, remarkable grandson.
'Be well and be careful up there. I will be thinking of you today.' he said taking Jacob's hand and squeezing it gently.
'Is there ever a time when you are not thinking of me or one of us?' The young man smiled fondly before repeating the one line he would never tire of saying.
'I love you Gramps.'
Jacob's warm hug was reassuring.
'Come on Dad. Let's go!' he said finally turning towards his nervous father. With all the impatience of the young, held in check while he spoke to his grandfather, Jacob ran on ahead, eager to meet the day.
Vincent and Jacob quickly made their way towards the tunnel entrance. Before a final good bye passed his lips, Vincent turned around to place both hands on the shoulders of his son, searching the face for the beloved features so like his mother. Although they were unalike in facial features, Vincent knew that Jacob had inherited untapped resources from both parents. How and when they would all manifest remained to be seen. For now he was content that his son had the skills and confidence to work in the world above. Still he was cautious in being too optimistic.
"Jacob, I know that you have studied hard for this day. I want you to know that your mother would be so proud of you, just as I am.'
With ever present misty eyes at the mention of his mother, Jacob gave his father's shoulder a final squeeze.
'I know Dad.' Jacob paused before cocking his head to one side. 'Do you think Gramps will ever forgive me for taking law instead of medicine?'.
'I think your Grandfather will find it in his heart to forgive anything if you are happy doing what you want to do.' Vincent replied thoughtfully.
At the entrance to the tunnel, Jacob turned toward his father one final time. He looked deep into the warm blue eyes and sighed.
'Dad you know I won't be home tonight, right?'
'Yes, I know.'
'Are you going to come above?'
'I will try not to, if you don't wish me to.'
'Can I stop you?'
'No, I don't think so.' Vincent's rueful smile was endearing.'
With an embrace and a final kiss on the cheek, young Jacob headed out to the world above. It was spring. The last of the winter snows were gone. He was eager to start his new job as a Public Defender. Vincent followed the retreating back, staring wistfully after his son. He watched each long stride taking him away from the park area. Vincent knew Jacob would not be back in the tunnels for a week. No matter how adult he thought his son to be, the worried father had to see hear details of the first day on the job. He would go above after dark. In the meantime, Vincent, knew his own Father needed some attention. The ongoing forgetfulness was becoming a concern. Switching roles from father to son was becoming increasingly blurred as his childlike aging parent hovered between the past and a vague present.
Returning to Father's chambers, he found him sleeping soundly and decided against waking him. On his way out he passed Mary. She correctly interpreted the concern in his eyes.
'He was up a lot last night, very restless with pain. I think he's just extra tired today.' Her smile was meant to allay his concerns.
'I will check in with him later Mary. Right now I have to get the children organized for school.'
Jacob Chandler Wells knew that he wanted to study law long before he attended law school. His father often said ' it is in your blood Jacob. I would be surprised if you choose anything else'. Standing on the steps of the building which comprised the Department of Justice for the city of New York, he smiled and mounted the steps two by two.
Making his way through the maze of offices and corridors was quite different from the tunnels. In time he would know where everything was located. Today, in spite of the bravado in the tunnel, he just felt raw and vulnerable, although he hoped it wouldn't show. With some help from the directory he found himself in front of a door marked District Attorney. He turned the handle not knowing what to expect on the other side.
There was no crowd. Just a neat, attractive middle-aged secretary and a few chairs.
'You must be Jacob Wells. You're right on time. Go on in. He is expecting you' she said tilting her head towards a door with a frosted glass barrier.
Wow, he thought eyebrows raised. She is efficient.
'Sit down Wells!'
The Director was an overweight formidable looking man, with a deep resonant voice and cold penetrating eyes. He did not offer to shake hands. He motioned Jacob towards a chair in front of the desk. Jacob complied, lowering his six foot three inch frame into the rickety chair. he tried to remain calm, breathing deeply to still the pounding of his heart.
John Civco got right to the point.
'Wells, I won't take up much of your time. You were the top graduate in your class but,…. you are very young. If you're expecting to get ahead based on your marks, forget about it. In this place, experience is what counts. You will have to do leg work and prove yourself before you stand in front of a judge defending a client. Am I clear?'
'Yes Sir'
'You are here, because I am impressed with your marks but theory is 10 percent of this job. You will have to apply yourself and do as you are told. If you are as good in the field as you were in school you will be given more and more responsibility. I have assigned you to Oats for your preceptor ship. Someone will show you to your desk. Get settled then you check in with him. I won't see you again unless you screw up OK?'
'Uh…yes Sir' Jacob said, biting his lower lip and trying not to look intimidated.
His father had often said that people in the world above were tough and unfeeling unless they needed something. He hoped that this man was not representative of everyone. At least his expectations were clear. Backing out respectfully, Jacob closed the door behind him. He offered a slight smile to the unsmiling secretary and took a paper from her outstretched hand.
'Everything you need to know is written down here. Oh Lily', she called out to a young woman who appeared to be passing the door. 'Will you take Mr. Wells to desk 32 and show him Oats' office?'
'Sure Miss Wrensch' she said, smiling broadly at Jacob. It was clear that she had engineered the opportunity to be asked. Enjoying her moment to appear important, she winked and said 'come with me' while tugging slightly on her very short skirt.
Jacob was embarrassed by her childishness and overt sexuality. He had little experience with this type of woman but he suspected he would learn fast if Lily was to be around him for long.
After walking through another long corridor and what appeared to be a maze of desks, Lily finally stopped and pointed to a desk in a corner, covered with dust, papers and ink marks, representing all who had been there, etched on the surface. 'Michael, the carpenter, would love this', Jacob thought to himself running his hand over the partially chipped and battered wood.
'You'll have to clean up a bit but someone should be in with a phone later. Say, are you from around here?'
'Uh…..yes and no. I come from upstate near Phoenicia but I live in Manhattan now.' Jacob was a glad she had asked even if he found her annoyingly forward. He had to prepare for questions like that. He knew if he hesitated, people would get suspicious.
'Oh... Ok... so what do you…..'
'Lily, don't you have an office somewhere?'
'Yes Oats, I was just…..'
Oats eyes narrowed. 'I know what you were just doing…..get back to work….please?' With a jerk of his head he silently pointed her in another direction. Lily departed with a pout.
Both men watched Lily retreat undulating between the desks and gathering admiring glances as she moved.
Turning back to Jacob without further comment on Lily's demeanor, he continued, 'I'm Oats, your preceptor and Assistant Director in the Public Defender's Office. My office is at the other end of the hall.'
No offer of a handshake accompanied the self introduction. Looking vaguely apologetic at the state of the desk and the scruffiness of the corner, he added
'Something better will come up later. This is all we had right now. Lots of clerks around helping out on the backlog of cases. I know you saw the Director and he should have told you that for now you will be doing preliminary work, getting files up to date, checking references, interviewing witnesses for statements. In time you will get to court but this leg work is part of the learning. Once you get experience well…..'
'I understand Mr. Oats.'
'Just Oats is fine. The law library is up two floors. My admin assistant can help you with anything else you need.'
The pile of files that was being held under Oats' arm was suddenly transferred to Jacob's dirty desk.
'The sooner you get started the better. Each file has a check list of things to be done. Double check that the
lists are complete. When you have gone through them, bring them down to my office and leave them there.'
'How soon do they need to be done Sir ….er, Oats?'
Jacob hadn't noticed the man waiting for Oats. He was standing off to the side. As Oats turned to leave they started laughing.
'Don't worry, next year he will be on Daddy's payroll. Rich kid playing at law?'
Jacob didn't hear Oat's response. He knew what it would be anyway. My life is so far from whatever they were thinking, he laughed to himself. Shaking his head Jacob took off his jacket and set about cleaning up. Suddenly he was faced with what seemed like an insurmountable job; proving his worthiness to be part of the Public Defender's office.
Setting aside his fears, Jacob picked up bits of paper and put them into a waste bag. He looked through the drawers and found an odd assortment of someone's treasures, now his junk. Everything which could not be recycled went into the nearby garbage. Stopping for a moment, he sat down on the hard wooden chair and pulled up his briefcase. He reached in and took out his Harvard Graduation diploma. It had been framed. He lovingly traced his finger along the edge, admiring yet again the workmanship of Michael. What a life he had, to bring him to this point. How lucky he had been to enjoy so many riches in family and friends.
For the most part, Jacob had been home-schooled in the tunnels. There were so many things to learn and many teachers. Gramps was always talking about medicine and how the human body worked. Mouse was the engineer who finally learned to express himself and teach to others about things that seemed to come naturally to him. Rolly brought such music into Jacob's life. Jaime was like another mother, teaching him about sports and activities that kept him physically fit. Then Pascal, dear Pascal whose ear was as finely tuned to the pipes as Rolly was to the piano.
Jacob paused remembering Vincent, his father…a man so strong and so powerful with the heart of a poet. How he turned nature's unkindness in a source of strength and not weakness was always an inspiration to his son. And yet, as a young teenager Jacob reached a point where the limitations of living below, without access to current affairs was causing frustration. Jacob knew that if he were to remain below in the tunnels, it would have made the community there so happy but he could not. His mind was like a sponge, devouring knowledge.
Setting aside any parental misgivings, Vincent also understood that his son must experience the world above through the eyes of others. And so, from an early age, Jacob was periodically sent up to hand- picked helpers to learn social skills and prepare himself for the day when he would attend university. Under the tutelage and watchful eye of his Godfather Peter, Jacob finally went above at age seventeen to attend Harvard on a well earned scholarship. At 24 he was a young lawyer, ready and eager to start work. No big office for him uptown. He wanted to defend the underprivileged and fight for the rights of those, like the members of the tunnel community, who had been ostracized from society. Well here he was. The start did not seem auspicious.
He turned his attention to the work at hand, unaware of anything else.
"I don't know...? What could make you smile like that in this dingy corner of the legal world?".
'I'm sorry…I didn't hear or see you come up,' he apologized candidly, before rising to stare at the woman who stood in front of his desk, arms folded across her chest.
'That's obvious….no worries.' She tilted her head to one side, a half smile lightened her features. 'Someday you will be able to hang that diploma up on a wall in a beautiful and real corner office.'
The reference was lost on Jacob. He continued to stare, surprised to find himself comparing her to an angel. She had dark reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, and a full curvaceous figure. She wore a blue-green top that seemed to match her eyes. Jacob felt something new stir in his body.
'I'm not sure what you mean. My only wish is to be worthy of the training which got me here.'
The hazel eyes narrowed slightly before she continued. 'You must be Jacob Wells. My name is Cathy.'
'Hi Cathy,' Jacob replied, extending an arm to shake hands. The hold was not longer than necessary but he felt an immediate warmth from her. 'That was my mother's name…well Catherine really but…'
'I know. Mine is Catherine too but everyone shortens their name these days. I got used to it,' she added with a shrug. 'I am admin assistant to Oats. I had a call from HR that you had not turned up today. So I came to find out what happened. I ran into Lily. She told me that you were here.' Cathy had a wry smile.
'Ah yes, Lily…'
'Didn't you get a list of things to do this morning?' Cathy chose not to expand on his remembrance of Lily.
Jacob had clearly forgotten the list which the Secretary had given him. He grabbed it out from under the pile of paper and noticed that he had some appointments organized for his first day.'
'Am I in big trouble?' Jacob smiled.
'Not if you smile like that' Cathy thought. 'You are probably a little bit in trouble,' she conceded playfully. 'If we go up now you might be able to sweet talk the HR manager and …'
'And…?' Jacob prompted.
'Did Oats forget that pile of files here?' she observed looking the desk.
'That's my assignment.'
'Oh no it isn't! That's his assignment. Leave it there for now. I am going to take you up stairs and check in. Then we will talk about what you are supposed to do around here.'
Jacob's countenance was a study in admiration and fear. Here was someone who seemed so easy going and yet had no anxiety speaking her mind. He allowed himself to be led away feeling secure that she would help him on the right path.
Some days later, Vincent had just finishing reading to the children when Celeste poked her head around the corner.
'Father is looking for you Vincent Wells.'
'I'll be right there Celeste. I just have a couple of pages left and I don't want to leave before this chapter ends otherwise I may find myself in trouble,' Vincent said with a mock look of fear on his face.
The group of eager young faces looking up at him were filled with laughter. No one could imagine Vincent ever being in trouble. If he was ever caught he would just be too strong to let anyone beat him up.
Vincent finished reading the last of the chapter then waited a few minutes for any questions. There were many hands but most wanted to know what came next.
'That is what suspense is all about' he replied. 'If I tell you, you won't go away and think about the possibilities. Now you will be eager to hear the next chapter tomorrow.'
Smiling, he got to his feet and made his way gracefully towards Father's chamber.
'Ah Vincent, there you are. I was wondering where young Jacob was hiding. I haven't seen him for days now.'
'Father, he's above working.'
'But hasn't he been home since then?'
'No, Father, he has an apartment…..'
With Peter?
'No another helper closer to his office.'
'Yes, of course. How could I have forgotten? My memory seems to fail me these days Vincent'.
Putting his hand on Father's shoulder, Vincent was reassuring. 'You are forgetful but you mind is busy with so many things it is hard to keep track of everything.'
'You don't think that I am too old?'
'No Father, I think you are aging but still vital.' A warm smile softened the words considerably.
'Have you seen him Vincent?'
'Yes I went up the first night. I knew it would be an important day for him. He was happy and excited but a little fearful too.'
'Do you remember when he was 14, just in the throes of puberty and I asked him to join us at Council?'
Vincent nodded silently remembering that time well.
'I knew he was at that age of rebellion. It seemed like it was a perfect time for him to understand and accept some of the responsibilities of this world.'
Vincent nodded again but felt some trepidation, knowing that the world above was very different from the tunnels and could be seductive to one so young and eager. He kept silent as Father continued.
'I should have known then that his true nature would reveal itself. He very quickly took to defending the culprits quite mercilessly against the elders. It seems he inherited much from his mother.'
'Yes he is Catherine's child. Not much of me resides in him.'
'Oh Vincent, that is not true! His boundless energy, and strength come from you'.
'Yes… you are right, of course.'
'Tell me about his first day?'
Vincent shared some of the activities of Jacob's first day. He ended on a light note. 'My son met this wonderful young woman named Cathy. He seemed quite taken with her. She apparently showed him the ropes and wanted to get him out of doing some work that his manager had given to him.'
'Was that wise Vincent?'
'No, Jacob told her it didn't matter whether it was a mistake or not. He intended to show that he could do the job and find his way. He felt that need to prove himself. I was proud that he took a stand.'
'When will he be home again?'
'Tomorrow is Friday. I expect him then.'
'Oh Good!'
Friday afternoon, Jacob presented the last of the files to Cathy. She was surprised each time he brought a completed file to him. Jacob knew that he could have given them back to her. Apparently Cathy had a way of managing everyone she met, but not in a controlling way. She knew that Oats had responsibilities which he didn't fulfill all the time, but Jacob also did not want to be seen as someone who takes the easy way out.
He knew the experience of working on briefs would help him to get his feet wet. He had no worries about paper work but he was eager to test his skills on interviewing and data gathering. The jails in particular were a point of terror even while they held a fascination. Once there, in the bowels of justice, he realized much about the difference between where he lived and where people were incarcerated. He could not share any of this with Cathy but her smile was worth the effort of the past five days.
'I don't know how you did this, but I suppose that someone who could finish law school as quickly as you did must be gifted with something special.'
'It runs in my family.'
'Is your father a Lawyer?'
'No my mother was. It's a long story' he rejoined at her silent raised eyebrow.
'Hey listen, I would love to hear it over a cup of coffee if you have time?'
'I was planning to go home for the weekend', Jacob said apologetically looking out the window rather than at his watch.
'I thought you had an apartment in town?'
'I do but I my family lives in a different part of' …' Jacob hesitated. Somehow the practiced lie that he told Lily was not something he wanted to tell Cathy. He felt it would be unworthy to lie to this woman who attracted him in a strange way.
'I just moved away from my father's home because of convenience. I miss them when I am away.'
'Them? Or am I being too nosey?
'No…my gramps and my father. We all live together.'
'You're lucky. My mother lives in Florida.'
'Hey, we could have a cup of coffee,' Jacob invited suddenly sensing her underlying loneliness and something else he couldn't define.
'Don't feel sorry for me Jacob' she cautioned picking up on his concern. 'I have a full life. I just felt sorry for you.'
'No need. I'm fine.' His response was a little terse. He sensed a change in her.
After a long pause which was becoming embarrassing, he blurted out 'Cathy, did I offend you? If I did, I'm, sorry.'
Cathy released a big sigh and pulled her gaze away.
'No Jacob. I was pushy and defensive. You don't owe me anything. Hey listen, I will see you on Monday ok?'
Feeling dismissed, Jacob backed away from the desk, wondering just what he had done wrong.
Later that evening, back in the tunnels, Jacob and his father sat quietly taking a few minutes to chat.
'Dad, do you understand women?'
Vincent laughed loudly and fully.
'Son, I think you have asked an age old question for which there is no answer. Truth is, you do the best you can.'
'Did you understand my mother?'
'Completely, or so I thought, but she had moments when I would feel exasperated by her dedication to her job, even while I admired her courage. It was that dedication which cost her a life.'
Not wanting to talk about Catherine, Vincent looked at his son.
'How did the interviews go?'
'Dad it was so different than what I expected. My fear was one of being confined in a small space. I know that some people would see this world as a prison but we have a freedom to come and go as we please and so it is a sanctuary.'
Vincent nodded and waited. He loved his son's ability to analyze. He felt that was a gift.
'I thought a lot about you too Dad and I now understood why you love this place so much. To all of us living together we can know freedom here and above, but unless you love this place with all your heart it could become a prison to you.'
Yes, Jacob and that is why I will not, and cannot leave here. My heart and soul are here. This is my home and so I never feel as if it is a prison. I am happy and content. Come son, let's go and see your grandfather. If I tell him a thousand times where you are he will ask me just as many times where you are.'
Laughing, father and son made their way to Father's chamber.
Over the next few weeks, Jacob continued to find work fascinating. He accepted any charts that were placed on his desk and soon grew to love the challenge of trying to find solutions to complex cases and problems.
His corner of the Public defender's office was soon tidied up and turned into a comfortable work area. He secured a computer. Under Michael's direction, he sanded and polished out some of the wooden splinters on the desk surface . Much of it was done after hours. The young defender hung his diploma on the wall behind his desk. Soon the drawers were filled with his treasures. Strangely, Jacob felt secure and comfortable in his corner. He was seldom bothered by anyone passing his desk. Each desk had it own little divider and he brought in a chair just in case Cathy came by for a visit.
One Monday evening, a couple of weeks after their misunderstanding, Cathy did stop. At first, Jacob thought she brought more work from Oats. Since their little misunderstanding she remained friendly but 'all business' when they spoke. He was expecting to be given some more files needing attention but her arms were empty. Instead she surprised him with a question.
'It's Monday, so I don't suppose that you would be going home tonight right?'
'Right, would you like to go out for coffee or supper Cathy?' Jacob said preempting her query.
'Yes I would.'
Smiling, Jacob grabbed his coat and followed her to the elevator.
'I'm sorry about the last time Jacob. I don't know what came over me.'
'You know Cathy, you don't have to apologize. We all have things that we are sensitive about. I am a good listener you know.'
Smiling she took his arm as they exited the building and headed for a bistro not too far away. Their walk was companionable. When they were seated, Jacob thought he would try a sandwich and soup, giving his order to the waiter. Cathy decided on their pizza squares.
Another silence fell between them while they waited. When it came to business, they could talk for hours but Jacob soon came to realize that with Cathy, personal stuff took time.
'Did you mean what you said about being a good listener?' she asked finally.
'Yes of course. I can talk a lot too but my Dad says you have to know how to give each, equal time.'
'Are you an only child Jacob?
'Yes I am my Father's only child, but I have a lot of cousins.'
'I see….I am an only child too. My mother got sick when I was about three or four and I was put in a foster home for awhile but then she got better and I went back to live with her after almost two years. I thought she hated me and wanted to get rid of me.'
The wan smile did not hide the pain that lurked beneath the surface. Jacob watched Cathy intently, suddenly feeling her sadness as if it was part of him.
'She did ok for awhile but then she was never strong. Now she is dying. She lives in Florida. She says she doesn't want to come back to New York. It has good and bad moments but the bad outweigh the good for her.'
'I am sorry Cathy. I lost my mother too. I never knew her though. She died shortly after I was born.'
Jacob knew there was something else Cathy had not told him. He could feel her desire to shed some burden but he realized it would come from her in time. They moved on to light topics, sharing ideas and impressions of New York.
'Are we really having coffee at this time of night?' Cathy teased.
'How about cappuccino. It doesn't have the same caffeine levels. We might still be able to sleep.'
'If I can't sleep, I'll call you and keep you up all night too.'
Without further constraints, they enjoyed their time together. It was late when Jacob finally walked Cathy to the subway stop.
'Are you sure you'll be fine?'
'It would be rude for me to say I have been doing it for years without you Jacob, but I like your concern. Really, I'll be fine. It's not far to my apartment.'
Cathy moved forward to give Jacob a hug.
'Thanks for a wonderful evening. I had a good time.'
'Me too! I hope we do it again.'
Jacob held Cathy lightly but in an instant he felt a change come over him. He knew that he wanted to hold her tighter and draw her into him and kiss her passionately. His solar plexus rocked with a new and strange feeling. He held her away gently to hide this new feeling. 'Did she feel it too' he wondered? Apparently not. She smiled her luminous smile and turned to head down the subway stairs. At the bottom, she pause briefly waving at him before continuing on her way.