As Rosalie quietly shut the door to Edward's room behind her, she could already feel the tension building in her shoulders over the conversation she had just had with Bella. She really didn't like the girl in the first place...and to speak with her about the story that she didn't even like thinking about herself was probably one of the most difficult things she had done in a very long while. She had opened wounds in her own cold heart that she spent so much time and effort trying to escape from, and she resented the fact that it was for a girl that quite obstinately thought this was the life she wanted for herself.
She strode down the hall, keeping her face as blank as possible...statuesque. This was for her own sake. A test to see if she really could erase the conversation from her memory and the pain from the pit of her stomach. She knew even before she had walked halfway down the hall that it was a completely useless endeavor, but she at least had to was self-preservation, as far as she was concerned.
Her practice of shutting down her emotions when these painful memories resurfaced for any reason was often the source of people's misconception of her personality. If being perceived as shallow and vain was the price to pay for surviving the pain, it was just something she would have to live with.
As she walked through the door to hers and Emmett's bedroom, she was relieved to know that she could at least be honest about her emotions with Emmett. He was her safe harbor...the only one she ever felt would take her as she came. She was damaged goods, and even after 93 years she felt just as damaged as she had been after that night she killed Royce. True, Emmett had placed a patch over her ruined heart, but it didn't erase the memory of past hurts.
However, she honestly couldn't say she regretted that night so many years ago. That night she let the animal, the monster that was a part of her consume her actions. She felt she was entitled to steal back the dignity Royce had stolen from her that dark night with his disgusting friends.
She padded across the room soundlessly, approaching the soft chair Emmett was relaxing in--no doubt reading another of his favorite car magazines. Tonight she needed him. She needed to get lost in just loving him...the only thing that stopped the dark cycle of dangerous memories in her head.
She reached him and ran a hand through his hair, running her fingers through the soft strands down the back of his neck and eventually over the bulk of muscles in his arms. She lowered herself into his lap and buried her face in the curve of his shoulder, feeling soothed as he tilted his head to brush a kiss across her forehead. Neither of them needed to speak. Most of the time they said everything they needed to say with their bodies anyway--something she was unbelievably thankful for and relished.
She lifted her face to his and pressed her lips softly against his.
"Help me forget."