Takato: Kicking the ball. Kicking the ball.
Guilmon: Pass it to me!
Takato: Hey, Guilmon. Try to catch me.
Guilmon: Ok, Takatomon. (Steals the ball)
Takato: Hey! No fair.
Guilmon: (Laughs) Not my fault you gave me a strong head and legs.
Takato: Me and my big mouth.
Guilmon: Heads up! (Hits the ball with his head)
Takato: Gotcha! (Blocks the ball but he falls on his back and the ball hits the goal)
Guilmon: Goooooaaaaalllll! (Imitates Crowd Cheering)
Takato: Wow, Guilmon! You should play with the pros.
Guilmon: Nah, I'm not a pro. I'm a digimon.
Takato: I know that.
Guilmon: (Cheers) I'm the best digimon in the world. (Imitates Crowd cheering)
(Rika and Renamon appear)
Takato: Rika?
Rika: You think that lizard of a Digimon is the best? Renamon can beat him in this sport.
Renamon: Guilmon may have strength but I got the speed.
Guilmon: I'm fast too.
Rika: Go, Renamon!
Renamon: Watch this. (Uses her Teleporation to kick the ball to the goal)
Rika: (Huffs) Too easy.
Takato: No fair! She cheated!
Rika: Cheated? It's Renamon's abilities.
Renamon: All's fair in love and soccer.
(Henry and Terriermon appear)
Henry: Takato's right, Rika. Renamon used her abilities instead of her physical strength.
Rika: What do you mean?
Guilmon: Huh?
Henry: I mean...Guilmon can run but Renamon teleports making it unfair.
Terriermon: I guess Rika doesn't know the meaning of the words "Fair game"
Rika: I heard that you Big-earred dope!
Henry: Watch it.
Terriermon: If I we're big, I show you a real game.
Henry: Hmm...I know.
Terrermon: Terriormon digivolve to...
(Digivolves into Gargomon)
Gargomon: Gargomon!
Henry: All right!
Gargomon: Am I the right size now, Henry?
Henry: Now you are.
Gargomon: Guilmon...let's team up!
Guilmon: OK, Takatomon. Gargomon and me vs. Rika and Renamon.
Rika and Renamon: Agree!
(The soccer game begins)
Gargomon: Renamon has speed but I got the power.
Rika: Hey, no attacks!
Gargomon: Fine. (Blows in gun) Party crasher.
(Jeri and Calumon appear)
Jeri: Great day. Right, Calumon?
Calumon: Jeri, look. A soccer game.
Jeri: It's Takato, Guilmon, Gargomon, Renamon and Rika.
Calumon: Go, Guilmon!
Jeri: Too bad, I can't play. I got weak legs.
Calumon: You can be a cheerleader, Jeri.
Jeri: (Cheers) Takato, Takato is the best. He and Guilmon will beat the rest.
(Kazu and Kenta arrive)
Kenta: Good one, Jeri. You should be a cheerleader.
Kazu: or a Diva.
Jeri: A Deva?
Kazu: I said "Diva" not "Deva."
Kenta: You know a singer.
Jeri: Oh. (Giggles)
Kenta: I doubt Jeri has the moves for a cheerleader.
Renamon: Steal this, guys! (Kicks the ball)
Gargomon: Hey!
Guilmon: (Steals the ball) Nah-nah. (Laughs)
Rika: I hate it when they do that.
Guilmon: Coming at you, Gargomon. (Passes the ball)
Gargomon: Thanks. Watch out, Rika! (Kicks the ball)
Rika: (Blocks the ball) Too bad, Guys. Go, Renamon!
Renamon: Watch out, boys. (Kicks the ball)
Takato: (Blocks the ball) Sorry, Renamon. (Throws the ball)
Guilmon: Time to win.
(Headbutts the ball so hard it passes Renamon)
Rika: Uh-oh!
(Rika blocks the ball, falls and the ball goes to the goal)
Guilmon: Hooray!
Rika: (Groans) You'll pay, lizard boy.
Renamon: (Huffs) Spoil sports.
Gargomon: You're good, Guilmon.
Takato: That's using your head, Guilmon.
Guilmon: I think we all learn a lesson...
Takato and Henry: What is that, Guilmon?
Guilmon: We all have special abilities.
Jeri: Takato. (Runs to him)
Takato: Jer- (Jeri kisses Takato)
(Takato blushes)
Takato: Jeri. No mushy stuff.
Rika: Yuck, mush.
Kenta and Kazu: Lucky.
Guilmon: (Yawns) Nappy-time. (Snores and falls asleep)
(Everyone but Rika and Renamon laughs)