(Guilmon the Soccer Star)

One day while playing soccer on the school field, Takato discovers that Guilmon's legs and head are strong enough to kick the ball on the other side of the field until Takato tries to block it and when he blocks the force of the ball, it forces him to fall on his back with the ball going inside the goal, scoring the point for Guilmon. Guilmon cheers and says "I'm the best digimon in the world" until Renamon and Rika come by as Rika says "You think that lizard of a Digimon is the best? Renamon can beat him in this sport" as Renamon uses her teleporting speed to past Guilmon and make the goal, scoring a point for Rika. Henry and Terriermon saw Renamon making a goal and thinks Terriermon can't play cause' he's to small, so he decides to digivolve into Gargomon to make his size big enough to play as Jeri and Calumon came along with Kazu and Kenta to sit on the bleachers to see the digimon play soccer. The teams are: Takato, Guilmon and Gargomon vs. Renamon and Rika as the game starts with Renamon using her speed to past Gargomon until Guilmon pops up by surprise and steals the ball, passing it to Gargomon until Rika blocks it with her head as she passes it to Renamon and starts kicking it to the goal. Takato manages to block it and passes it to Guilmon until Gargomon guards him as Renamon tries to steal the ball when suddenly Guilmon uses his hard head and headbutts the ball so hard, when Rika tries to block it, she falls on her back and the ball hits the goal as Takato says "That's using your head, Guilmon." as Guilmon learns that everyone has a special ability when it comes to playing a game and decides to take a nap. THE END