{Chapter 5} -Anti-Tiff Vs. Kirby-

The Anti-Tiff appears and looked almost like the real Tiff only a shadowy body, red eyes and a growling voice, a mace appears on the tip of the Anti-Tiff's ponytail and starts hitting and attacking Kirby and all of the Waddle Dees along with the King. Meta Knight tries to attack it by the Anti-Tiff uses Tiff's real voice to stop him in his tracks and does a flame-thrower from her mouth in front of him, Kirby wants to inhale the Anti-Tiff until she uses her eyes in a big lovely way to make him stop until Anti-Tiff manages to punch Kirby in the face until a Waddle Dee throws a spear and cuts off the mace out of the Anti-Tiff's ponytail. Tuff tells Kirby to suck up the mace and when he does it, he becomes Iron Kirby, the Anti-Tiff uses her flame on Iron Kirby but has no effect until Kirby starts rolling himself like a boulder and hits Anti-Tiff until she uses Tiff's voice and says "How could you, Kirby?" Iron Kirby starts crying until Meta Knight uses his sword to slash the monster in half and orders Kirby to finsih it and he crushes Anti-Tiff into dust. Later, Sword and Blade take Tiff to Dr. Yabui, the Cappy Doctor and helps Tiff recover from her being out cold until Kirby starts remembering the times that he was babied and cared for until he says "Mama Tiff" and starts crying until Lady Like picks Kirby up and rocks him to sleep. Tiff recovers from her injuries and wakes up with herself bandage up and learns a lesson: Being a parent doesn't mean protecting a child all day and night, even when there's trouble around when all the sudden The Mayor's wife, Mabel and Chief Bookem's wife wanted Tiff to give them some advice on parenthood until Tiff tells them to ask Meta Knight instead and the gang laughs until Kirby says "Mama Tiff". THE END