Mr. Wrong by WeasleyForMe

Fred/Hermione- They are involved together, but aren't they completely wrong for each other?

This is the final chapter!! Thanks for all of the reviews I have received!

Chapter Nine

Instead of leaving work early, like Hermione had planned, she sat at her desk for a few more hours, crying, cursing Fred and then crying some more. As she finally wearily stood to make her way home, she grabbed some papers and stuffed them into her bag. She took one glance back at the untouched flower still setting on her desk before she tearfully Apparated to her living room. "Take deep breaths, Hermione," she told herself aloud. "Chocolate ice cream and a movie…make it a horror movie at this point, and you'll feel much better."

She set her things down in the living room and turned toward her kitchen to grab some ice cream. She gasped as she noticed that her entire kitchen table was filled with vases and bouquets comprised of Casablanca Lilies.

"Damn it, Fred," she cried. Although the flowers were beautiful, she couldn't handle any more of him right now. She sat down on the floor and sighed as silent tears fell down her cheeks. She wanted Fred back, more than anything, but she was afraid. He was so jealous and selfish at times, and she knew her heart wouldn't hold up if he mistreated it again. She also didn't want to be his hidden secret any longer. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked her kitchen. After awhile, she pulled herself to her feet and trudged down the hallway into a very hot shower. Shortly after that, she fell into a sound sleep where she was able to escape all thoughts of Fred Weasley.

Saturday turned out to be a waste of time, for she spent the entirety of it thinking about Fred. She groaned as she got dressed and made her way into the bathroom. She paused as she saw Fred's spare toothbrush, still in its spot on her counter. Suddenly she remembered all of the fun they used to have in the bathroom and every other room for that matter. She missed his presence in her apartment more than anything. Her heart ached as she managed to prepare for the day. She avoided her kitchen and the flowers at all costs, deciding instead to eat out for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Sunday proved to be a miserable, rainy day which suited Hermione's mood. She decided that she was still angry at Fred, and she was very irritated that the lovely scent from the lilies had permeated through her entire apartment, forcing her to continually think of Fred. When she got out of the shower, she heard someone Apparate into her living room. She threw on her robe and grabbed her wand.

"Hermione?" Ginny called.

She tucked her wand into her robe pocket as she made her way out to her friend. "Hi, Gin."

"Wow! Where did you get all of these lovely flowers? Are they from Lee? Don't tell me they're from Ron."

"No, they're from Fred," Hermione explained without emotion.

Ginny froze in place. "You… and, and… Fred?" Hermione just stood, expressionless. "Wait! I understand now! We had been wondering where he was sneaking off to. Why didn't you tell me?!" Hermione shrugged. "This is great! You can come to the Burrow with him next weekend! It'll be so much fun!" She paused to study Hermione. "Why aren't you excited?"

Hermione sighed. "It's just too complicated to explain. I'm sorry Ginny, but I have a lot of work to do today. Why did you stop over?"

Ginny looked at her emotionless friend. She wanted to know the truth but decided not to prod too much. "I needed you to look over these Ministry papers. Just take them back to work with you, alright?"

"Sure," Hermione answered, taking the papers. "See you tomorrow?" she asked, hoping Ginny would take the hint and leave.

Ginny hugged Hermione tightly. "Just remember that although Fred is a twit, he knows how to be sincere. Let me know if you need anything." She released Hermione and Apparated away with a small smile and a wave.

On Monday morning, she woke up early and was excited to return to her job for the day. She would be able to focus on Ministry business instead of her depressing personal life. She dressed in a smart suit and pulled her hair up. Although she had no appetite, she forced herself to walk down the hallway and into the kitchen for breakfast. She was once again face to face with the ridiculous number of Casablanca Lilies that were invading her personal space. She walked past the table and lightly ran her fingers over the velvety petals. She paused as her fingers came into contact with a note that was attached to one of the bouquets. She pulled it out and opened it to see Fred's sloppy writing. It read:


Each flower represents something I love about you. I hope you'll forgive me, so I can tell you in person that I will never say something hurtful to you again. I love you.


Hermione could feel the familiar hot tears in her eyes again. "He loves me?" she asked aloud as she reread the note. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to let herself fall for Fred completely. She quickly sent a note to the receptionist in the Improper Use of Magic department to let her know she would be late for work today.

A few minutes later, Hermione Apparated directly into Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and nearly collided with George as he was opening the shop for the day. Although he was startled, he managed to catch her shoulders and steady them both.

"Thanks," she said as she regained her footing.

"Are you here to see Fred?" he asked, getting right to the point. "Because if you're only here to buy some fake wands, I'm going to be very unhappy."

She smiled half heartedly. "I'm here to see Fred," she managed. George pointed past her toward the back of the shop.

"Please be kind. He's a moping mess right now." She nodded as she walked to the back of the store.

She saw Fred sitting on the floor, putting together a display for a new product. When he heard her coming, he asked, "Hey George, can you hand me the boxes I left over by the door?"

"Can it wait?" Hermione asked causing Fred's head to spin around to look up at her. "I wanted to talk to you."

Fred's mouth was gaping open. "Hermione," he whispered. A moment later, he jumped to his feet and walked over to her. He had been hoping all weekend that she would come to him, and he was about to give up all hope. Seeing her now was making him so happy. Even if she decided to slap him, it was better than never seeing her again.

"Fred," she murmured, "how many lilies did you leave in my apartment?"

Fred thought that was a strange question to ask, and he cocked his head slightly to the side. "Two hundred. Why?"

She blessed him with a half-smile. "Are there really two hundred things that you love about me?" she asked so quietly, he barely heard her.

"No," he told her as he shook his head. "There are thousands, maybe millions of things I love about you," he said as he returned her half-smile. "But I ran out of money for more lilies."

Hermione laughed causing Fred to break out into an enormous smile. As their laughter died down, she said, "Fred, I think we could be so happy."

"I know we could be. Will you let me try to make you happy?" he asked eagerly.

Hermione realized that this was the first time in weeks she had felt content. "Yes, Fred. Make me happy."

He scooped her up and twirled her around a few times, causing her to giggle, before he set her down and kissed her. He pulled away to look at her face for a long moment before pulling her into a hug. "I love you," he whispered into her hair.

"Would you two stop snogging and get in here?" Ginny asked. "It's time for dinner."

It had become a tradition for the Weasleys to spend Friday evenings at the Burrow eating dinner and catching up. This week Fred was very excited to take Hermione with him. He pulled Hermione into the dining room. As she greeted Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, Fred pulled out her chair for her.

"Hermione, we're so happy you decided to come over tonight," Molly gushed. Arthur reached across the table and grabbed Hermione's hand.

"Please stop over any time. We've missed you," he told her with a smile.

Ron walked in, surprised to see Hermione in his usual seat. He pulled her into a hug, asking, "What are you doing here, Hermione?"

"Well," Fred began, "it's only right that I should bring my girlfriend over for dinners. So, you'll be seeing much more of Hermione around."

She smiled at him as Ron released her. "Honestly?" he asked. Hermione nodded as she took Fred's hand. "Is that why you look so happy?"

"Yes," Hermione told him truthfully. "I really am happy." Fred pulled her back against his chest and kissed the top of her head.

"Fantastic, Fred and Hermione. That's really nice and all, but can we eat?" Charlie asked from across the table. "I'm starving here." Everyone sat down together for a delicious meal, Fred never taking his eyes off Hermione.

And so followed many more days of Hermione and her Mr. Right.

Well, that's the end! I certainly hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Please review, especially if you haven't done so yet! I'm really nice, and I swear I'll write back! :D

Thanks again for reading!