AN: Series does not belong to me.

I do not own the Bachelor series nor created it.

Based on the reality show The Bachelor



The Bachelor






They say that when love comes, it just hits us. Whether were outside or inside, schools or malls. The more we hide from it, the more it seeks us. The more we deny it, the more it haunts us. Sometimes, love is one deadly virus, perhaps even the deadliest because sometimes there isn't a cure or antidote to fix a broken heart. Indeed, love has a bad side effect and that is heartbreak.

Every couple has its own love story.. A story which when they grow old they would love to tell their children or their grandchildren. A story that would stick into their hearts and minds that the younger generation would wish to have the same love story their parents or grandparents had.

I did.

My mother, would tell me everyday when I was young, how she meet father. She would drift into her own world while telling me their love story. Mother had met father when they were in elementary. She told me that it wasn't easy loving father but despite the heartache she experienced because of him, it was worth it in the end.

Mother said when we love, it should be true.

I love hearing mother's version of their love story and I love father's version. My mother had the typical romantic story while father was direct to the point minus the cheesy parts.

My mother said that when the time comes and it's my turn to have my own love story and get hit by the love virus, I should get ready for a big surprise. Because sometimes not all love stories end with happy endings.



Chapter One: The Rose





I threw my bag on my bed and tried to vision that I had the capability of ignoring my best friend since kindergarten. I had just returned from work and was prepared to eat dinner when my mom said I had a visitor in my bedroom.

"Yes you are." Hotaru stubbornly said.

I gave a loud frustrated sigh while massaging my forehead. Sometimes Hotaru could be stubborn as bull better yet like a huge rock. She told me that if someone was to befriend me, they'd lose their patience. But befriending Hotaru could make you crazy. It was a miracle that up to now we were still best of friends. We don't have that many pictures together or go on trips and explore new countries. We didn't do those things. I wanted too, but Hotaru was anti-social. Period.

Our classmates and schoolmates were even surprised that we were friends. I would happily announce who my best friend is, while Hotaru would deny I was her best friend. But every morning, she'd passed by my house and we'd always go to school together. I had imagined that after High school, we'd separated ways. Hotaru's family was known in the world of technology and medicine. Her mother's sides were great doctors, while her father's sides were great inventors. Hotaru inherited the genes of her father while her older brother Subaru was starting to become a known doctor in the Japan. But when I started college, I was shocked to find her waiting outside and scolding me that I'd be late on my first day at college.

At college, we took different courses. She took Business Management while I took Culinary Arts. I loved the smell of baking. The smell of cinnamon from a newly baked cinnamon bread or the smell of an apple pie. Those were my drugs. If I was stressed out or could not think right, I would start to bake. Any types of cakes were easy to make because at a young age my mother taught me. Mother and father were very proud that I had graduated with top honors, a miracle which Hotaru murmured.

After college that's when everything changed.

Dad and mom decided a week after my graduation from college, that we were moving to the country side were mother's father, Grandpa Seiji lived. I was sad at first but I understood because Grandpa was old and living alone. Besides, I love Grandpa's place. It was so peaceful and the people were very friendly.

Hotaru took the news very well. She did the regular thing of just nodding and saying her famous line: So what? Why should I care?

When I first met Hotaru, I was really shocked on how she would say hurtful words and not seem to care about it. But then one day, I became immune to all her hurtful words because I knew she really didn't mean it. Actually, I would faint if she did say something nice everyday. It wasn't as if she never did say something nice, but when she did…you'd be shocked.

Hotaru would visit me from time to time whenever her schedule allowed her too. She became the first youngest editor for an IT magazine called The Gadgets and a famous inventor that helped Japan explore outer space. In other words, she was famous.

I on the other hand, didn't bother to go back to the city. I had come to love the peaceful scenery. The gentle breeze in the morning, the stars that shined at night and the smell of clean air made me at ease. Grandpa passed away three years after we moved and then dad died a year after. He caught pneumonia one rainy night and was never able to wake up again.

It was very hard for me and mom because we loved them both and wished that they were here with us. I miss my dad but not as much as my mom misses him. Everyday, mom would visit the grave of the two men she ever loved. I was glad that mom didn't dwell in her sorrow but it took time for her to really smile and laugh again.

I am thankful that before these two men that we loved passed away, they were able to see me put up a small bakery shop. Grandpa proudly told everyone he knew that I was the only one that could make the best Howalon in the world. Father said that the man who'd I someday marry would be the luckiest man on earth to have me.

Hotaru said the man I'd marry would end up broke.

When Hotaru found out about me putting up a bakery shop, she told me that she wanted to help me. I said if she planned to expand the business, I didn't want the credit or to even be mentioned. All I wanted was a peaceful life. Hotaru grudgingly agreed and said that what ever profit they earned, she'd send me my earnings.

"Mikan Sakura, I will be expecting you at that Hotel exactly 8:00pm, sharp." Hotaru said in a warning voice. "You promised me that you'd repay me in any way."

"Yeah! But that was in high school!" I said bitterly. I should have known something bad was about to happen when I found her in my room wearing her executive office uniform that was tailored especially for her by Valentino

"You forget that I don't forget debt, no matter how old they are. I will collect." Hotaru simply said.

How she said it made me shiver. It was if she was a female version of the Al Pacino in the Godfather or the Devil's Advocate. I rubbed my eyes and threw my hands in the air. "But a Reality Show?! And a show, were an arrogant guy who thinks he must be god's gift to women, will be picking one girl out of 25 girls to make her his wife."

"Why does it sound as if the girl would be a sacrificial lamb?" Hotaru drawled. "Look, you don't even know the guy."

"That's it!" I said exclaiming. "You want me to sacrifice my reputation! I don't even know the guy and you want me to join a maybe boorish guy."

Hotaru leaned on my door and crossed her arms. "Look idiot. It isn't like I want you in the show and stop thinking that the guy is even going to choose you. I just need someone I trust inside that reality show."

I sat down on my bed and looked at Hotaru…which was a wrong move. Because if I didn't look at Hotaru, I wouldn't be saying goodbye to my mother or to the kids who frequently visited the bakeshop and be getting into the car that would take me to Cesar's Hotel.

Hotaru convinced me after two hours saying my role was plain and simple in the reality show. I could not tell anyone that Hotaru convinced me to join the show. All I had to do was pretend to be a contestant and show interest with the Bachelor guy whenever the camera was on us. The reason for my deception was that before elimination night where the Bachelor would eliminate one girl, I was to tell him what the contestants would say behind his back. In other words, I was a spy.


As if the Bachelor couldn't separate the bitches from the tolerable girls.

Men and their lack of brains.

I arrived at the Cesar's Hotel, an exclusive five star hotel, an hour late because of the bad traffic. I asked nice manager if he could point me to the room where Hotaru Imai was. I happen to notice that the Manager looked revealed when I said who I was. He pointed towards the Lounging area. Before I saw Hotaru, for a minute I thought I saw a very familiar person I haven't seen since High school. "Ruka…" I said softly but surprised. I decided not to follow the guy because the next thing that caught my eye was Hotaru who looked like she was ready to explode. The other guest or visitors around the area seemed to sense the black aura around her which must be the reason why no one dared to approach her or sat close by her. "Hotaru!" I shouted happily. Hotaru got up from her seat and I knew she wanted to strangle me badly. "It was traffic and it's raining. Not my fault." I said ahead.

Hotaru closed her eyes and I saw her clenched her fist. "Just go inside the ballroom." She crisply said.

"Can't I go and change? I'm a little bit wet" I complained pointing to my wet pants and my sort of wet blouse.

"NO!" Hotaru barked. "The show is about to begin in 2 minutes so I think you better go IN!"

"Fine." I muttered. I went towards the door that Hotaru was pointing out. I twisted the handle and entered –

"Wait!" Hotaru shouted.

I look back at her. "What?" I said smiling.

"I'm sorry." Hotaru quietly said.

I closed the door and gave her a confused look. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked suspiciously.

Hotaru just stared at me and then she shook her head. "I did this for your on good. Now get in the damn room." Hotaru said. I gave her a wary smile and finally entered the room.

"I hope you'd forgive me...Mikan." Hotaru stared at the door were her best friend had just entered. She then got the latest cell phone that Imai Company invented and called someone, she and Mikan both knew. "Yes. Mikan Sakura just entered. I just hope this plan works."



When I entered the room I immediately noticed how many beautiful girls with perfect height and grace was inside this room. The girls outfit had one message, dress to impress. There were girls who were wearing shoes as if it represented the Titanic. Blouses that said look-I-have-cleavage. Skirts which I could not even say if it was even a mini skirt! They should have dressed in a bikini! Sheesh. These women are desperate to be chosen. The ballroom was really huge. The chandeliers were like sparkling crystals. Their were waiters left and right, handing out refreshments and food. Even the television crew who told us not to mind them and mingle as if there were no camera's around. Yeah right! I took a bread stick and munched on it. Pretend as if there were no cameras? You've got to be kidding. It was if there were hundreds of camera man following us. I was lucky that they decided not to focus on me, perhaps they thought I wasn't a contestant.


I slowly turned around because I knew that voice. There stood the girl who bullied me in elementary and became my sort of friend in High School. Sumire Shoda.

"Permy!" I squealed happily. "It's good to see you. You look so sophisticated. How are you? What have you been doing?"

Sumire chuckled. "It's good to see you too Mikan. I was surprised to find you here."

I smiled happily and hugged her again. It was good to see old friends again. She didn't seem to be the bossy type anymore. Plus, she was wearing a very simple but elegant black cocktail dress. Her black hair reached her shoulders in a curly way. "You really look beautiful Sumire."

"And your still the same." Sumire smiled. "You've decided to come to a party where the Bachelor will definitely take notice of you."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, were all dressed in gowns just to impress the guy while your wearing faded jeans, you've simply braided your hair and your wearing a simple blue flower print blouse. Everything says simple about you."

I didn't know whether to laugh or be insulted. "I didn't have time to change. I was told that I'd be late." Sumire nodded in agreement and took a sip of champagne that was given to her by a waiter. "No thanks. May I have ice instead?" I said to the waiter who offered me a glass. "I'd end up humiliating myself if I started to drink that." I explained to Sumire who smiled at me.

"So, do you have any idea who the bachelor is?" Sumire asked as we headed to an unoccupied table.

We nodded and smiled at the other girls who smiled at our way and those who were like staring at me as if I was in the wrong room. "No. All I know it isn't an old man." I said laughing while sitting down.

Sumire chuckled along. "Many have been wondering who the Bachelor is. Most of the news says that he is really wealthy and handsome."

"Wow." I smiled at the waiter who had just given me my ice tea. "I'm surprised to find you here Sumire. I thought you and Koko were going strong." I asked taking a sip of the most refreshing ice tea ever. But when I looked at Sumire again, her smile was gone. "Did I say something wrong."

Sumire quickly shook her head and smiled. "Nothing, were not together anymore."

"Oh. Ok." I said and then putting my whole concentration in drinking my ice tea. I always say the dumbest thing.

"Ladies may I have your intention. Welcome to the first ever reality show that will bring you girls one step close to a Cinderella dream. Where you may be the girl who this bachelor has been looking for. Meet your bachelor"

When the host of the show came out I was prepared to shout with glee and shout his name. Ruka Nogi was the host! "It's Ruka!" I said excitedly at Sumire. I was about to stand up when the lights dimmed and out came a huge screen from the ceiling. I had no choice but to wait. I rolled my eyes when I heard the introduction about the bachelor being the heir of a famous company or how great he was and what credentials he had. The intro was like they were describing a god. I looked at Sumire who was watching it very carefully as if it was the most important thing to do. The other girls were shrieking with glee because it seemed they knew who the bachelor was. I decided to finish my ice tea and wait with disgust as the VTR was about to reveal the identity.

Women try to get his attention, men try to be him but no one can be…

Natsume Hyuuga.



Do you know the feeling of being surprised?

You can be surprised by a birthday gift you never expected, a person in a house that just arrived that you didn't know would be arriving, a stolen kiss, a confession or even a letter. But the worst surprise would be a day when someone close to you would pass away… or would break your heart into pieces

I left High School with my heart broken and I left the city with my heart still broken.



I practically spurt out the ice tea in my mouth. Luckily for me no one seemed to notice because the annoying screaming girls were all standing up and waiting for their god to come out. Did they just say Natsume Hyuuga? The Natsume Hyuuga? I felt as if the room was spinning.

"Mikan are you alright?" I was able to hear Sumire's question despite the loud shouts of glee and excitement.

"I think, I'm drunk."

"With what? Ice tea?" Sumire asked laughing.

"I've got to get out." I said clearly showing my panic side. I could not and will not be in the same room with the man who broke my heart.







"No!" I stubbornly replied and crossed my arms. I tried to mentally burn the magazine my mother was reading, the famous The Gadget magazine. "Mom! Can you please focus on me."

Mother rolled her eyes and sighed. "You are going to join this show whether you like it or not." She took a sip of her black coffee. "You are my heir, your sister is in America learning the trade at Harvard and you my dear are not getting younger."

I tried to control my temper and did my best to understand her. "Why?" I asked crisply.

Mother this time knew I was serious because she put the magazine down and focused her whole attention on me. I just happen to be sitting in the office of the CEO, my mother.

"Natsume, you do know that we own the largest broadcasting network in Asia. We own the famous Music Label, StarJ. We own houses and resorts. You own a café, a bar, town houses and expensive cars. You want me to tell you why I accepted the deal?" My mother calmly explained as if we were in some important business meeting.


My mother leaned back on her chair and looked at me with great authority. "Because Imai-Tobita Entertainment, black mailed me to accept the offer."

"What!!!" I exploded. "When? How? Why?"

"A week ago. Phone call. Because of your stupid actions at a charity ball last week. If you had just kept your patience in place, you wouldn't be in that position. It's either write about the incident and have the whole world know about it."

I was on the verge of shouting at my mother to shove their black mail down their ass when mother beat me to it.

"Now, if you'd choose the wrong choice then your going to make the this company look bad. The same Company which your father took care off and cherished before he died. A Company which has the largest employees and is depending on us to give-"

I interrupted my mother's way of making me feel guiltier. "If that bastard didn't-"

"Just join the stupid show! I'd rather have you married then you having different girls around you after a few months." My mother said firmly. "I will not allow bad publicity because of a mistake that you could not control!"



"So let me guess, you weren't able to convince your mom to change her mind."

I looked at Ruka with murder in my eyes who was trying not to laugh. Any moment, I would be capable of murdering someone. If only I didn't lose my temper, I wouldn't be in this position. A position I had tried to avoid since mother found out I was capable of having a family. It was a tradition that at 25, all Hyuuga males should be married. At 28, every week mother would always call me and ask if the latest girl I was with was the girl I would marry. "Mother is even excited when the series comes out." I drawled.

Ruka laughed openly. "Dammed Natsume, I would have never thought you'd be the first one to be married. I assumed that I would be the first to walk the death row."

"This is serious Ruka. I'm not a husband material." I said crisply.

"You thought you'd end up with Mikan though." Ruka said absent-mindedly. At the mere mention of Mikan's name, my heart began to pond and I scowled at Ruka for mentioning her name. He noticed it immediately and sighed. "I'm sorry dude. I know you hate hearing her name but it's been over 10 years since you last saw her. By now, she has gotten over you and you've gotten over her."

"I am." I grudgingly replied. I then turned my attention to the pair of tennis players playing nearby. After the talk with mother, I decided to meet up with Ruka at the Club House we hanged out. Mikan Sakura, the girl who turned my world up-side down. She was my classmate since Elementary school. Their relationship was quite complicated. Why? Because everyone knew that we totally hated each other and they also knew that she was also my girlfriend. How could someone you find annoying turn into your girlfriend. When I was asked if Mikan was my girlfriend, I neither said yes or no.

And then right after graduation I was told I broke Mikan Sakura's heart.

Hotaru looked at me with disgust that day and said I'd pay for playing with Mikan.

Perhaps this was pay day.

"I just can't wait to watch you dude." Ruka said teasing.

"Who said I was going through the humiliation alone." I said innocently.

This intrigued Ruka because he turned serious. "What do you mean by that? What did you do Hyuuga?"

I pretended to shrug and put on my shades. "I just happen to convince your mother and the creator of the Bachelor, that you'd be the host." I smiled with satisfaction when I saw Ruka turn pale. "You my friend are the official host of the Bachelor." I said. "Congratulation, your mother is ecstatic with joy."

"You annoying bastard!" Ruka said dumbstruck.

A waiter approached our table and brought the sandwiches we usually ate. "Besides, I did promise mom that I'd join the stupid show and pick a girl." I took a bit of the sandwich.


I finished my sandwich before I talked again. "I didn't promise mother that I'd actually marry one."



On the first day of shooting the Bachelor, the weather seemed to go with my mood. Dark and gloomy. It had rained the whole day like cats and dogs. Last night, some of my good friends wished me luck and for god to have mercy with the women I chose on the show. I was told that the taping would start at exactly 8pm, it was quarter to 9. Ever since I told Ruka he'd join me, he had been in a bad mood for almost two weeks. The Nogi family was known people but Ruka didn't like the spotlight in entertainment. I was about to walk out of this annoying room with all this annoying crew who kept on telling me to be myself.

"I'm Natsume Hyuuga. I don't need to act." I said dangerously to crew. Everyone became quiet, save for the cell phone that broke the awkward silence in the room. "Who's cell phone is that?" I asked.

"Mr. Nogi's sir." The makeup artist replied.

"Give it to me, I'll answer it." I was about to answer it when Ruka just in time came in. "Your cell is ringing." I said handing him the phone. Ruka grabbed the phone from me immediately and went to a small corner to answer it. All I heard from Ruka was a briefly. "Finally."

"Who was that?" I asked. Ruka just shook his head. "No one. Anyways, I was told that we should begin. Just be pleasant." Ruka warned.

Out of the 25 girls tonight I was told I will be handing out 15 roses while 10 girls will walk away with none. Only Hotaru Imai could think about that kind of concept. After a few minutes, I was told to go out and enter the room. Once I entered I was greeted with screaming girls. It was disgusting.

"Now Ladies, you will each have five minutes to talk with the Mr. Hyuuga alone. After he has seen all 25 girls, Mr. Hyuuga will give me the list and I will call out the 15 girls, he has chosen to see in the next round" Ruka smiled wickedly which the ladies cheered.

I'm going to kill the guy. I looked at some of the girls and was immediately aware that I was in a dangerous zone. It was if the girls wanted to eat me alive!

"I suggest you should make a quick impression with our Bachelor." Ruka slyly announced and then saluted me. "Mr. Hyuuga, would you like to say anything?"

"Let's get this over." I said bitterly. Instead of a normal reaction of "He's-so-mean" the girls answered with a scream. No wonder men can never understand their language. GIRLS ARE SIMPLY CRAZY. I noticed Ruka was trying not to laugh. I went inside the room which the assistant director told me to enter and waited for the first girl to enter.

The first girl that greeted me was insane.

"Ahhh!!!!! I can so die right now!" exclaimed the girl.

I curtly smiled and told her to sit down.

"I can't believe it! I'm so lucky. Oh my god!" She said sitting down and squeezing my hands tightly. I wanted to hit her with a pillow and tell her to act normal. "I'm so sorry Mr. Hyuuga. It's just… AHHHH!!" The girl shouted happily.

"What's your name?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"Bianca. I'm half Japanese and American. I love gymnastics! Here I can show you." Bianca said.

"No! It isn't-" I wasn't able to finish because the girl started to do back flips in her dress that did not suit her. After her performance, I tried to smile. "That was…interesting." I told her before she left. When the door closed, I told the crew who was taping us that the first person who laughed at me will surely experience a slow death torture.

Half the girl I met that night, made me want to run to a nearby church and ask a priest to perform an exorcism on them. But one thing I was sure of, by the time this first shoot was over, I'll be deaf. Every girl came inside the door screaming. Some completely forgot what to say and left the room embarrassed. But there were some girls that were able to control themselves after they were able to scream. I stretched my legs quickly before contestant number 20 came in. I closed my ears and waited for the scream.

"AHHHH! I can't believe it's you!"

I sighed quickly and turned to look at the contestant. "YOU!"

"Hi. It's nice to see you too, Natsume." Sumire said chuckling. "I must assume you are on the verge of being deaf."

I was dumbstruck to find Sumire here. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here just like every girl is. I must say that I was shock to find out you're the first ever Bachelor." Sumire teased lightly.

"Shut up." I said with a smile.

"So did you see her?" Sumire asked.

"See who?"

"Oh. This would be interesting." Sumire smiled mischievously and then stood up.

"Wait! What do you mean!" I said standing up.

"You'll find out soon." Was all Sumire said before she left the room.

"Find out what?" I asked the crew? The assistant director shrugged his shoulders at me.



When people break up with the people they love, they have their reasons. They lose interest, they may be players, they find someone they like or simply because they think it's better off that way.

Some try to hurt them to protect them from the truth.

And the real truth is, inside their screaming not to believe a single word their saying.



"Finally, the last contestant and then sleep." I mumbled to myself. After hearing and seeing 24 weird girls, it makes me want to call up my sister and tell her how dangerous her species were. I had already chosen the 15 girls I didn't want to see so the last girl for tonight, I assumed wouldn't even make my list. I heard the door open and saw someone enter. I closed my eyes and waited for her to finish screaming.


I opened my eyes and found the contestant sitting very far from me and holding a newspaper, obviously trying to hide her face from me. Taken by surprise, I didn't say anything but observed her instead. All the girls that came in had worn something seductive or elegant. This woman came in with her jeans and some kind of blue blouse. "Hi." I said at the same time noticing her muddy jeans. She'll definitely not be picked!

While I waited for her to say something, I noticed how she clearly wanted me not to see her face because she was holding the newspaper as if she was about to wrap her face with it. "Do you want to leave?" I asked, the girl nodded vigorously. "Fine. Leave then." I said irritated. I watched the girl stand up and move backwards, still trying to conceal her look. Because of her immaturity, she wasn't able to see the stool behind her. I didn't bother to mention it because the truth was I was sort of curious to find out who the girl was.

As expected, the girl tumbled and landed with a thud.

"Idiot." I said turning around not bothering to help her. I didn't know that I spoken it loudly because suddenly the crew laugh.


I froze right on there, not because the girl threw her sandal at me but because of the voice of the girl. I quickly turned around to find out if what I heard was actually true. There she was, standing with a missing sandal, looking furiously at me with embarrassment written on her cheeks.

"YOU NEVER CHANGE STUPID NATSUME!" She shouted and went pass me to retrieve her sandal. And with a huge "humph", the woman opened the door and slammed it shut.

Everyone was clearly shocked at the quick change of events but no one was stunned than me.

I just saw the last girl I wanted to see.

Mikan Sakura.

And she just humiliated me.



I was standing in front of a room now. The 25 girls were standing and looking impatiently as they waited for Ruka to announce who made it to the next round.

"I know that our Bachelor was thrilled to meet all you beautiful women." Ruka said cheerfully.

I wanted to puke.

"But like I said, 10 of you girls are going home while 15 are advancing to the next round." Ruka said. "Mr. Hyuuga has given me the list of girls… he wishes to… get to know better." Ruka said happily while looking at me.

If the camera wasn't filming right now, I would have murdered Ruka right on the spot. "Yes." I said tersely but with a fake smile.

Ruka chuckled and read the list. I saw the weird girls gasp and held each others hand.

"Ms. Tomoyo." Ruka called out. Thank god she didn't scream instead she cheered and hastily accepted the rose I gave her.

"Ms. Hitomi." The shy girl that could not look at me was blushing all over and accepted my rose with a smile and quickly went back to her position.

"Ms. Hikaru." A red haired boyish girl came out quickly and grabbed the rose without looking at me.

"Ms. Sumire." I saw her shock face that quickly turned into appreciation. I wonder why.

I mechanically gave the roses to the girls Ruka called out. But I noticed one person who was trying to make her self invisible. I rolled my eyes at her direction. She should have just left the room if she didn't want to see me. And that idiot must be so desperate to find a rich man so she could be rich, I angrily thought.

"Now, there are only eleven of you left without a rose and only one rose left." Ruka said slowly. "One of you will advance-"

And she thinks I'd chose her?

"To the next round and-"

She dares to humiliate me! In front of the camera! In front of the crew!

"And the last girl to accept the rose is Ms. B-"

"Mikan Sakura." I said interrupting Ruka. Everyone gasped in surprise while she looked at me with murder.

This reality show just turned interesting.

