Chapter 10: You really shouldn't have done that
Ginny woke up early the next day and was grateful her shift at St. Mungo's was not until the afternoon. Even more so she was grateful she did not have to call out again at the coffee shop because she was not scheduled for any shifts. She wasn't entirely sure if this really was good or not, but it saved her from having to make the call herself. So many things had been going through her brain since the night before as she tried to make sense of the upside down mess that had become her life. Only one reason, one true fault, could have credit as the cause of all of it. Draco Malfoy, that rotten son of a bitch. He was the reason everything was turning out so horribly.
If she was going to see Draco again it was going to be on her own terms and he certainly was not going to be happy about it. She was going to make damn sure of that fact. She convinced herself that all she needed to do was see him one time, let him have a good tongue lashing for the mess he made, and then she could go about putting the pieces of her life back in order. Of course she was still very cross with Harry for having struck her. He had no right to do such a thing. However, he wasn't a horrible person. Ginny knew Harry and he was actually very kind. He saved the world from evil for Merlin's sake! He couldn't be an awful person. No, this was all the fault of Draco, and he was going to know it very soon.
Ginny dressed herself in comfortable clothing as she knew her afternoon was going to be rounds at the hospital and there might not be time to change before her shift. She also had no reason to dress up for Malfoy. That lousy git didn't deserve it. The thought having even crossed her mind was completely ridiculous. Dropping in on Draco unannounced was business only. The visit would be treated as nothing more.
It was easy enough to remember the way to Draco's studio space. She very much doubted she would ever be able to forget with all the mental trauma it had caused her. The only thing she was going to have to think about was how she was going to get into the building. Like most buildings the front door was key only unless you rung the bell of someone you knew and they buzzed you in.
Just as she was coming up the steps to the building with the ironwork she remembered so vividly a woman was exiting and even kind enough to pause to hold the door open for her. It must have been Ginny's lucky day. She thanked the woman and let the door thud closed behind her. The sound was like her determination to confront Draco.
She took a deep breath as she traveled up the stairs and to the studio door. Gathering all of her resolve she tested her boldness and simply tried the doorknob to see if it was open. Her good fortune continued as the door swung open easily. She took a quick inventory of the room and saw most of the equipment that had been there on her first visit was packed away to one side, the window's curtains pulled back letting in as much natural light as possible. She spotted Draco immediately at the desk near the front of the large studio. He was looking down at what she assumed were photographs in his hands, but she hardly cared about them. The studio door closed behind her as she strode with purpose to where Draco sat in the desk chair.
"Just who the hell do you think you are?" She started off her rant by pushing his chair back so he was forced to notice her directly. "You can't just show up to an apartment unannounced and start fights with people's boyfriends while throwing invitations about!"
Draco was completely taken aback by the sudden appearance of Ginny. Someone he had not expected to see again, and if he did see her he assumed it certainly would not have been so soon. The moment he realized who it was in his studio he instinctively turned the photographs in his hands over and put them face down on the desk. Any surprise or curiosity he might have had regarding the ginger girl was kept to himself.
"Do you have any idea the type of trouble you've caused me?" She continued on with a clear note of anger to her voice. "You've pretty much ruined my relationship and now my family is going to know about the photos you took of me and that's going to cause a load of trouble I don't need in the least. Why do you constantly have to ruin people's lives? What is it about you Malfoy's that makes you think you can just do whatever the hell you want, whenever you want, and get away with it?" She could feel the skin on the back of her neck and cheeks becoming hotter the longer she yelled at him.
Draco could not bring himself to interrupt her since she seemed so intent on yelling at him. He was however starting to smirk as she started to turn redder like a little summer tomato.
"Why didn't you know Weasley?" He said with a smirk once she'd finally paused to take a breath. "I'm Draco 'Destroyer of Relationships' Malfoy. It's very lucrative."
Ginny did not find this funny at all. She was ready to sock him right in the face. "Oh that's hilarious Malfoy. For your next trick are you going to drop in on my parents and tell them I'm on birth control?" The moment the words left her mouth the parts of her that weren't red from anger were now flush with embarrassment at having just said that out loud.
Draco grinned completely amused.
"Oh, SHUT UP Malfoy!" She felt like she was red from head to toe, her entire body radiating angry embarrassment. She felt her hands ball up.
'I didn't say a word Weasley," he sounded highly amused.
"You're horrible!" She raised her hand to slap him across the face. Just as it was coming down its path was suddenly stopped. Draco had caught her hand at the wrist.
"Now, now that's not very nice." Draco drawled as if entirely bored though his eyes said otherwise.
In their murky grey depths Ginny read interest, excitement, and perhaps even curiosity. She stared at him for a moment; surprised he had caught her before realizing he hadn't let her go either.
"I haven't done anything to you," he continued. "In fact-"
"That's a lie," she interrupted him wiggling her wrist out of his grasp, "I wouldn't be here if you had done nothing."
He rose an eyebrow at her, "Is that so? Why are you here then? Enlighten me." He rested back in his chair putting a little distance between himself and her. He steeped his fingers together while his elbows rested on the chair's arms. Expectantly he awaited her reply.
Ginny didn't like how calm he seemed to be about this entire thing. She'd practically broken into his studio to get at him and he was acting like this was a civil discussion. "I'm here to yell at you for causing me trouble. I didn't come into your house and mess up your life! You don't even know the fight that Harry and I had because of you."
A sour look crossed Draco's face. "Oh heaven forbid something happen to make the great Potter's life a little difficult." He stood up from his chair. Ginny never realized how tall he was before. "I'll remind you Weasley that I didn't make you do anything. You chose to accept me taking pictures of you and it sounds to me like you even knew who I was at the time. So really I should be questioning you about your motives in my affairs." He bent close to her, eyes narrowed. "How about it Weasley. Why did you show up on my doorstep ready to take money from me?" He sneered a little, "Are you that bad off you need multiple identities to make ends meet?" He paused, "or is that just how you get off?"
Fresh anger coursed through her veins. "You are an awful person!"
"You don't know anything about me," he corrected her coldly.
"Hah!" she laughed right in his face. "I know enough to see what kind of git you are. What the hell do the Malfoy's really use this studio for? Something seedy I bet."
Something in Draco shifted and he said his next words with actual anger. "You better be careful about your next words Weasley. You really don't know a single thing about me."
Ginny could sense the change in his voice but she couldn't bring herself to feel caution. "No really tell me what it is you do in here other than photograph naked girls. Was I just one of the lucky ones that got out without scaring?"
Draco took a few steps toward her. She saw him coming and backed away. He followed her until she was backed against one of the windows. He didn't bother to give her any personal space. This was not about being an arms length distance from everything. This was about proving a point.
His hands were on either side of her body on the windowsill as she pressed her back against the glass in an attempt to put more space between them. Ginny stared at him without fear, without anything other than the anger she'd shown before, almost as if she was daring him to do something. She looked up at him with the deep brown eyes he'd seen even in his sleep.
"You want me to be this awful person," he said in a steady voice as he leaned over her. "But the truth is you're used to all these ideals that are hanging on by the tiniest thread. So ready to snap if even the slightest bit of pressure is applied." His eyes had not moved away from hers as he kept speaking, "it doesn't even matter where it comes from. You've got this fragile little life." He leaned closer to her and she glared at him as he kept talking. "It's easier if it's all my fault, if I'm the big bad wolf to your little straw house. Doesn't matter that your house is shite. Doesn't matter that the little piggy you're hiding with doesn't really give a fuck about you."
A slap was the only sound that rang out next as Draco's words were cut off. Ginny's hand had made hard contact with his face. He could feel the sting and he was sure there would be a red mark later. Neither of them broke eye contact. Ginny could feel the sting in her hand from the slap.
There was no telling what came over him in the next moment. Before he would even fully process the action he closed the distance between them and kissed her hard. She squeaked with surprise but he was certain that for a moment she welcomed him just before the shock wore off and she broke away.
"Fuck you Malfoy." She breathed heavily as she glared at him. She pushed him away from her and quickly gathered her purse from the floor. Not even realizing she had dropped it before now. She left without looking back. Feeling more frustrated and pissed off than when she had arrived.
Draco watched her exit. When she was gone he traveled back to the desk where the over turned photos still lay face down. He took the small handful back into his hands and turned them face up. Ginny's masked face stared back at him unmoving.
A/N: I hope the new chapter was enjoyable! It was a long time coming, I know. Thank you for reading (: