To be very honest, this is my first venture into the romance genre, and I don't even know If I'll be able to do it, I'm more of a angsty person, so my stories tend to be angsty, so I'll try really hard, then again, even this chapter seemed kinda angsty, so anyway, plz read.

p.s. I wonder if you can tell whose POV is it from?

I think I always knew, but I was too immature to do anything about it.

Everyone with eyes has to notice her, but that wasn't it, at least not entirely.

I mean, we didn't necessarily start off very well, but the misunderstanding was resolved quickly and she left an impression on me, but my mind was too full of other things to really put any of my feelings in perspective.

And now, now I think it's too late. I have finally matured enough to admit it to myself, but I've changed too, and not all changes are good. I just don't feel like myself anymore, and that's a problem.

She hasn't changed at all though. She's still that level-headed girl whom everyone admires. The girl all other girls want to be and the one all the boys fantasize about.

I didn't.

I never saw her that way.

I come from a different place. It's not that I'm saying she's not attractive, she is, very attractive, but it's not her physical appearance that drew me in. It was something else, something very different.

It was that strength, I've never met a girl like her, but then again, even though I was fifteen my mind was more like that of a child and girls had been the last thing on my mind, but she was the first.

She might seem harsh and frigid, but in reality she's really nice, but she knows how to keep people at arms length.

Unfortunately, after many events, most of them supernatural and revolving around my being, we grew apart and I don't think I have a right to burden her any longer.

We will graduate and we'll probably see less and less of each other until we become a memory in each others mind, but at least I will take with me all the good times and the bad times spend in this place.

I smile a bitter smile that has become me, and stand up to stretch my legs.

I'm the only one left in this run-down dorm, but I don't mind, I actually like this solitude.

I need to get some fresh air, all this thinking that used to be so unlike me has become almost like breathing for me, and it bogs me down.

The clear skies might help ease my troubled mind.

At least this school year is almost over and I will leave this place.

I leave my room, but apparently she had the same thoughts as I, because there she was looking out at the water that stretches over this island.

I try to go back, but she notices, and yet she doesn't say anything.

We just stand there in an awkward silence, none of us saying a word. I can hear the crickets, the slow sloshing of the waves somewhere, our breathing. It really was starting to unnerve me, but she finally spoke up.

"It's cold." She said, her eyes never leaving the dark cold waters.

"Yeah." I respond realizing for the first time that it really was cold.

"They really should give us a winter uniform." She tells me.


Apparently, one thing hadn't changed about me, and that was my lack of vocabulary.

"Well I have to get going, I'll see you around." She tells me suddenly.

"Yeah…" I say, and then, "…yeah see ya." But she's far away by then.

Maybe I should start reading some more, since that was probably the worst conversation I've ever had with anybody.

But then again, I knew it was hopeless.