Ron's the Last one Left
A/N- I promised you a second chapter and here it is, this may be the last one though. I'm trying to wrap it all up.
Disclaimer. Not even going to respond.
Hermione sat still and intent while Sirius explained why the potion hadn't affected him. She squirmed a bit, as the whole concept of it turned her on immensely, but she really was curious, and very interested as to figure out whom Sirius was particular to. Holy fucking merlin's balls. "Wait Sirius, you mean to say that your craziest sexual fantasy involves me?" She nodded, not looking at her, and expecting her to run from the room. Instead she placed a warm hand on his neck, and preceded to slowly kiss him, making him so very aroused that he wasn't quite sure it was real.
"And what's your craziest sexual fantasy Mr. Black?" She asked him. She couldn't believe this was real. Never would she have thought that he would want her. He laughed. "Mine's only crazy because it's in my head. To anyone else, making love to a beautiful girl, half their age that they happen to love, is hardly crazy. But I've never been in love before."
"You love me?" She asked. He nodded. " Have for a while. Can't seem to make it go away." She smiled, her cutest, most adorable face. " What if I don't want it go away?" She asked him. And they proceeded to fulfill Sirius's fantasy, over and over and over.
By now, Dean and Seamus have managed to make it to the shower. And their loud moans could be heard from all around the house. Not to say that anyone was listening. Well one person was.
About four hours later when Hermione and Sirius finally showed their heads, Harry and Draco were sitting at the table, holding hands, Seamus and Dean mirroring them. " Hey Sirius, 'Mione" Harry greeted them. "Just wanted to tell you some news. Draco and I are dating." She beamed. "Haha, Dean and I are too," Seamus, added, a grin on his face like lightening.
"Beat you guys, Sirius is hottest, most amazing of all" They stared at the pair in shock. " You two finally got out of your own way, congrats" They heard the voice of George Weasley yell from the closet. When opening the door, they saw that George had Lee pinned against the wall, while Fred was wiggling under Oliver. Ron was sitting in the corner, creepily watching them. " Fuck Oliver" Fred moaned. "In my pants?" Ron asked hopefully. Fred managed a coarse laugh, "Nope little brother, he's all mine."
"Wait" Hermione said to the twins. " You two didn't even take the potions."
"Didn't have to" George nearly screamed. " Been dating this gorgeous man for 2 ½ years."
Hermione cracked up; Sirius stared at her, her beauty over taking him. He was so lucky. They all were. "Hey Weasley" Draco shouted to Ron. " Poisonous spiders"
"In my pants" Ron nearly yelled, then screamed loudly, " yet them out, get them out!!"
By the time the potion wore off 12 or so hours later, they were laughing so hard
That their stomachs hurt. This certainly was the life.
A/N- okay, going to do an epilogue. But the story's done. Hope I didn't disappoint. :) Heyr