Disclaimer: I own no Numb3rs. Other far more talented people do.

Summary: David and Colby get the worst assignment possible. NOT Slash.

The Cuckoo Club – Aftermath

Colby was propped up in the hospital bed, an IV was delivering a unit of blood, and a heart monitor sounded it reassuring continual beep in the background. David sat in a chair by the side of his bed, His face swelling beautifully purple and gray and his eye all bloodshot.

"That's the last date I go on with you." Colby whispered, his voice was huskier than usual, his neck was showing some great purple bruising.

"What, didn't I show you a good time?" David tried to look suitably offended. "I bought you a beer, you got to Dance, and we caught the bad guy. What more do you want?"

"Sex." Colby said without thinking.

"I absolutely cannot help you with that." David pulled back from the bed. "Though some of those nurses are quite cute."

Megan entered the room to catch the last part of David's sentence.

"That's funny." She said "That's exactly the word those two nurse's out there used to describe you two."

David frowned.

"Cute." Megan said "They're out there right now discussing what a cute couple you two make."

"I want a new partner." Colby muttered. "I'm having enough trouble getting a date without the whole world thinking I'm seeing him." He gestured towards David.

Megan laughed.

"I just thought you'd like an update." She said "James DeVere, although mentally incapacitated, has confessed to all the killings, on the instruction of his friend Richard Meers. Who has done nothing but spout racist abuse since we got him in the car."

David sighed.

"He makes no apology for his actions, and admits to instructing DeVere to the killing. It's pretty simple from here. DeVere get's a nice comfortable bed in a maximum security mental hospital and Meers get life with the sort of people he hates most. We might even push for the death penalty." Megan finished.

David didn't say anything, and Colby just nodded.

"So when you getting out of here?" Megan asked Colby.

"Tomorrow I hope." he replied "I have to have another unit of blood after this one, and change the dressing in the morning. I didn't even get stitches, they glued the cut."

"Leaves less of a scar that way." she told him.

Colby nodded again, he was getting tired.

At that point Don and Gary Walker came in.

"How you doing Granger, Sinclair." Gary asked them.

"Fine." they both replied together.

"Well another day ends good." Gary continued "We got the bad guy, all our people came home alive. And I got some excellent photos to pass around the office." he patted his jacket pocket, a sly smile on his face.

"Yeah those photos are worth the whole evening." Don agreed.

"Photo's?" Colby's voice sounded like his was being strangled again, he glanced at David. "You said they came out to blurry to see anything."

"You can see plenty." David said backing further away from the bed.

"Oh Man." Colby groaning burying his face in his one free hand. "I so want a new partner."

"Well it could have been worse." Gary pointed out.

"How so?" Don asked him.

"It could have happened on a Thursday." Gary said.

"What's so special about Thursday's at the Cuckoo Club?" Megan asked him.

"Thursday Night is Swingers night." Gary said.

The End.