Disclaimer: I own no Numb3rs. Other far more talented people do.
Summary: David and Colby get the worst assignment possible. NOT Slash.
The Cuckoo Club
Don watched the rest of his team laughing over their early morning coffee in the break room. They seemed abnormally happy for first thing on a Monday morning. Looking down at the LAPD file in his hand he ginned at Gary Walker standing next him.
"They'll hate me for this." he said.
"I thought you wanted to be more like me in your leadership skills." Gary smirked back at Don.
"Not this much." he replied waving the file. "Come on then, lets ruin this fine Monday morning."
Don knocked on the break window in time to interrupt Colby and David sword fighting with coffee stirrers. They looked at him trying to pull innocent faces. He waved the file and nodded at the war room.
Colby dropped his coffee stick into his mug and David hid his behind his back. As all three of them trooped across the bull pen and into the War room.
He picked the remote up for the screens and flicked it at them. Six faces appeared on the the screen a row of three young white men and a row of three young black men.
"Six men killed, over the last four weeks. All shot at close range with a 9mm and bodies dumped in the trash near each victims home." He launched into his briefing without preamble."All six victims are pretty average. Late twenties early thirties, nothing in their history, a couple of speeding fines and a parking ticket. All educated to high school level, all in ten buck and hour employment." He glanced at Gary then turned to face his team now they had settled.
Don continued, "The only interesting fact is all six victims have a membership with the Cuckoo Club downtown." he looked at the team, all three sporting blank looks "yeah I'd never heard of it either, it's pretty exclusive. LAPD have done all the ground work for this one already" he nodded at Gary, who took over the briefing.
"The Cuckoo Club, exclusive membership only, Each night is themed. Ticket entry only. We have two guest tickets for this week. And a warrant for the suspects arrest, one James ReVere. 39 Male Black, no known address." Gary paused his eyes flicking back to the file, "He has posted confessions on an Internet website. He says he will strike again, once a week on Tuesday until he has "eradicated this evil menace" his words not mine. And the only place we're sure he goes is this club."
"So he's due to strike again tomorrow night." Megan spoke "At this Cuckoo Club."
"Yeah." Said Gary "We just need you guys to go in and pick him up." he looked around the room.
"Colby's the undercover guy." David pointed out.
"Well this exclusive club only accepts couples." Gary said.
"Hey Mrs. Granger fancy some undercover work." David grinned at Megan as she slapped his arm.
"Actually" Don interrupted, "the killer is only targeting mixed race couples."
"Well then, looks like you'll be Mrs. Sinclair then." the grin moving from David's face to Colby's.
"Erm. Well No." Don grinned at Gary. "The killer is only targeting mixed race gay couples" he pointed at the six men on the screen behind him. Turning back to his team to see Megan and Gary openly laughing and Colby and David looking at each other in shock.
"Tuesday Night is Gay Night" He tried to stop the grin on his own face but couldn't.
The End
A/N: I am not anti-gay in any way, I just think it would be quite funny to watch David and Colby try.