
When Lorelai ran away from home with her one year old daughter, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden the third, she ran to the small town of Stars Hollow. She got help from the local Independence Inn owner, Mia. After Mia moved to North Carolina, she left Lorelai as the manager of the inn with the help of the chef, Sookie St. James and Michel Gerard. Now sixteen years later, Mia is looking into owning another inn in the small town of Tree Hill, and she wants to be partners with Lorelai, while Michel and Sookie look after the Independence Inn in Stars Hollow.


"Coffee Addicts of America, Lorelai speaking how may I help you?" Lorelai said as she answered the phone.

"Hey Lorelai, its Mia"

"MIA! Oh my god! How have you been?"

"Good I was hoping to talk to you about being my partner for an inn down here in Tree Hill..."

Later that day Rory stormed into Luke's and sat down next to Lorelai talking a mile a minute. "Mary! Mary! Is it that hard to remember my name! Tristan is such a jerk; I wish he would just go away!"

Lorelai then decided to tell Rory about Mia and her plan about the new Inn. "Rory, what if we went away?"


"Well, we might be moving to Tree Hill, North Carolina," Lorelai whispered so no one would over hear.


"Mia and I are going to open a new in together. She called this morning. What do you think?"

"You'd be following your dream and we would get to see Mia everyday! It's an awesome idea! Plus Chilton is full of snobs and I have no friends there."

"Good it's settled. Ummm, we are moving at the end of this week, over the weekend."

"Let's get packing. Ohh can you phone Chilton and tell Headmaster Charleston about the move."

"Sure, let's get going."

The week soon passed, and all of Stars Hollow had a going away party on the night before. It was now Friday, Rory's last day of Chilton; no one knew that she was moving yet other than the Headmaster and her teachers.

Rory was in her regular seat when the teacher walked in. "Good morning! Today we are starting a big project. It is worth 10 of your grade so pick a good partner. Everyone can pick a partner; you can pick anyone but Rory."

Paris then looked up and replied, "But she is the only one that will actually do a fair amount of the work!"

"Well, she would not get the chance considering this is her last day at Chilton Prep. She will be moving this weekend," the teacher replied while writing the project guidelines on the whiteboard.

Paris and Tristan got up and walked over to Rory. "Mary, why didn't you tell me you were moving we could have had our own private going away party?"

"Whatever you say bible boy, we all know that you are no good at stuff like that. At least that is what I heard Summer say," Rory responded.

Tristan just looked shocked as Paris looked extremely amused. "Well at least we know I am going to be the top of our class considering I am up against the two airheads (Madeline and Louise), Barbie (Summer), and her Ken the giant pig (Tristan). Thanks for the competition though and maybe I will see you in about 3 years at Harvard," with that Paris walked back to Madeline and Louise as they continued to gossip.

When the day ended, Rory took the bus home to finish packing and help her mom wrap stuff up at the Independence Inn, before they left.