TITLE: Changes In Perspective
AUTHOR: jenbachand
PAIRING: Harry/Hermione
SUMMARY: A change is made in their relationship.
DISCLAIMER: I made no money from the writing of this fic.
NOTES: This is for gsrsaragil who prompted me for Harry & Hermione save the world with Ron being an ass. The last 2 books are totally ignored and I'm setting this somewhere after OOTP. Short, but I had the lovely mingsmommy take a look at to make sure there weren't any glaring errors. This may be one I come back to in the future, but I'm trying to get through my backlog of half-finished stuff, so I'm calling it complete for now.

"I have had it with your attitude Ron!" Hermione shouted as Ron slammed the door shut to his bedroom so hard, the now silenced paintings were in danger of falling off the walls. Slamming doors and raised voices had become an all too common occurrence at Grimmauld Place. Ron was mean and ill tempered, sniping at everyone, but especially at his "friends" more and more every day.

There was only so much to be said about Ron's behavior, but in the end Hermione rationalized that his sniping at her and jealous behavior towards Harry was probably more a quest for personal glory than anything else that could be explained.

It didn't make the cutting remarks about her person any less difficult to hear. Or the personal attack on Harry any easier to digest, either.

But now wasn't the time for personal grievances. There was a war coming, and like it or not Harry would be a part of that war.

So, instead of fighting with Ron, Harry and Hermione barricaded themselves in the library pouring over every old book on dark magic the Black family still possessed. The years of friendship and working together were made easier without a dissenting voice. They often worked through meals and would only stop to eat when Molly or Tonks brought them food, gently nagging them until they consumed what was put in front of them. Remus had been kind enough to transfigure a couple of beds out of the hideous furniture so that they could nap while studying, and politely didn't comment when he noticed that only one bed was getting used after a few weeks.

They hadn't meant for anything to happen, Harry had been having a nightmare and Hermione had climbed into his bed to comfort him. The kisses had started out light and meant to calm him, she was not prepared for the passionate side of Harry to suddenly burst through, and the two of them spent the rest of the night exploring a whole new facet to their relationship.

And now they were prepared to save the wizarding world from itself. Two muggle raised magical people held the key to defeating evil.
