Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the kind reviews. Sorry it took me so long to update. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!


"I see the gates at the zoo are still not high enough to hold the wild animals in," Alice joked as she walked over to Emmett, giving him a playful push on his shoulder.

"Watch what you say, pixie girl, or you're next," he said walking over to Rose, and pulling her in a big hug, whispering something in her ear that made her blush.

Edward was still standing next to the couch. Our eyes were locked. Wasn't sure how long I was standing there just gazing at him when Alice came up beside me and waved her hand in front of my face.

"Bella, did you hear me?" Alice asked.

I slowly pulled my eyes away, turning my head in her direction. "I'm sorry Alice, what did you say?"

Alice started to laugh, "I asked if you and bear man had a good lunch?"

"Oh…um…yeah w- we did," that was all I could get out of my mouth. I was still dazed from the green gems staring across the room.

Edward let out a faint chuckle and made his way over to where I was standing. His face was now soft and he was sporting that 'make me knees weak' crooked smile. There was no stress at all in his facial expression. The only visible stress seemed to be exhaustion. The purplish circles that were formed under his eyes, were darker today. He was wearing a simple green polo shirt, and khaki pants. His hair was messy, like he just got out of bed and ran his fingers through his reddish brown locks. But with Edward, he was still beautiful.

He reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. My heart rate was fast and so loud that I was sure everyone in the room could hear. His thumb smoothly ran back and forth against my hand. Then he moved so close, I could smell his freshly cleaned skin.

I was so lost in the moment, that I barely heard him say 'hello'. Not able to trust my voice, I just nodded back, with a smile.

I don't know why I was getting so nervous around Edward again. Our date was just last night and I was all over him. But here, in this little room, I felt like it was our first meeting all over again. Butterflies, anxiety, and doubt were washing over me. I needed to get a grip and fast.

And lucky for me, Emmett broke me free from my over thinking.

"Hey Bells, we left all the goodies down stairs," his booming voice broke through the quite room.

Emmett was now wrapped around Rosalie. There was no tension between the two of them. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Edward and Rose's minds when Em and I came bursting through the door.

"What goodies?" Alice asked looking at me and then Em.

"Oh, we were going to kick back, watch movies, eat cookies and drink some beer," Alice wrinkled her nose in disgust at the thought of drinking beer and eating cookies. I let out a little giggle and shrugged "what, there's nothing wrong with beer and cookies."

Alice started shaking her head, "you and Em, have such weird tastes, and I guess that's why you two have been such good friends for so long. Weirdoes, both of you," she said as she rolled her eyes. And this was coming from Crazy Alice, ha!

"Hey fruit lady, 'takes one to know one'," Emmett said with a smirk. And Alice being the adult that she is, stuck out her tongue. "Well now, Ali, on that note Rose and I will go down and get all the goodies, you're welcome to join us," he said with an over exaggerated wink.

Emmett was trying to be subtle about clearing the room, so that it was just Edward and I left, but if I caught on, I know the doctor did too.

Chancing a glance at his face, confirmed that he indeed did catch the winking. Edward gave my hand a little squeeze, and with a hint of humor in his expression, gave me a wink of my own.

"As tempting as that offer sounds, Em, I have my own goodies to go get," Alice said with a twinkle in her eyes. "I have a date with this certain hot Doctor, maybe you all know him," she said with a huge smile.

I stiffened and Edward snorted. All I could think was 'Alice, his brother is standing right here'. But with Alice that didn't matter, she always speaks her mind, no matter what.

Emmett rolled his eyes, "well have fun and I guess we'll see you later, me and Rosie here are going down stairs to get the goodies. Be back in a few minutes." He turned to me and added, "Bella, if we're not back soon, don't come looking for us," and threw Rosalie over his shoulder and headed down stairs with her laughing.

Alice picked up her keys and purse from the table by the front door and laughed, "You two have a good time because I have a feeling you won't be seeing them for a little while."

Alice said goodbye to Edward and I, then went out the door.

"Sorry about my friends, they can be a little crazy at times."

Edward smiled, "I think that's what makes them so entertaining. No worries, I find it rather humorous," he said and gave my hand another squeeze.

"So how long have you been here?"

"Not long, I came over right before Rose and Alice closed the deli. I thought you might have lunch with me, but you weren't working," he said with a weak smile.

Now that it was just me and Edward in the room, I took a closer look at his face. I could see just how exhausted Edward really was. Not only did he have the dark circles, but his eyes were slightly blood shot.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" I asked before I could control my mouth.

At first he looked confused, I assumed it was at my sudden subject change, and then he smirked.

"Why Bella, are you trying to tell me that I look awful?" I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

I turned around to hide my embarrassment from him. "I didn't mean it like that," I whispered. "You could never look awful, not even on your worse day," I mumbled into my hands, still embarrassed.

Edward placed both of his hands on my shoulders and pulled me against his chest. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes. He was so warm and I could feel every detail of his chest pressed against my back. 'This is how I lost control last night', I said to myself.

I bit my lip and crossed my arms around my chest, trying to control myself from turning around and pushing him down on the couch.

Very slowly Edward brushed my hair away from my face. He was right next to my ear. His warm breath made goose bumps all over my body. "Bella, don't hide that beautiful face from me, please."

His hands started running down my arms. They came around my waist and his fingers locked together. There was no space between us and my whole body was on fire. We were slipping into that danger zone, again. I should've pulled away, but instead I leaned my head back on his shoulder.

His nose was on my neck, leisurely running up from the base to my ear, "I got some sleep, but I couldn't get you off my mind. I wanted to see you…to touch you." The last part was just a low whisper, but I heard.

I couldn't take it anymore, I turned around. Placing one of my hands on his cheek, and the other I brushed a few stare hairs away from his face. Then I gently ran my fingers through it, noticing just how soft and silky it was.

Edward closed his eyes, but when my hand ran down the back of his neck, his lids slowly reopened. They were lit with fire. The green was bright, like emerald flares, guiding me too him. His mouth was slightly open, begging me to touch his lips with mine. I wanted to taste him. So I pulled his face closer, not breaking our eye contact.

But the sound of the door being pushed open made me quickly pull away. I took a deep breath to calm down my desires. Rose and Em came in with all the sacks and the box of cookies, making their way to the kitchen. I'm not sure, but I don't think they even noticed that Edward and I were even in the room.

I looked over at Edward and he seemed frustrated. He was running his fingers through his hair.

"Hey Bells, you two want a beer," Emmett yelled room the kitchen.

Edward looked at me and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes, "would you like a beer, Edward," I asked.

Pushing his hands in his pockets, he drew in a long breath and slowly blows it back out, "I think I need one, or maybe two," he said with a chuckle.

I smiled, "Yes, we would love a beer, Em, thanks," I yelled back.

Rose came out of the kitchen with the beers in her hand and handed them to us, "Bella, Em wanted to talk to you in the kitchen for a minute."

"Oh, ok. I'll be right back," I said to Edward before I left the room.

Emmett was leaning against the counter deep in thought.

"What's up, Em?"

He turned to me, "Bella, I need to ask you a question, but I also need you to know that you can tell me no and I won't be disappointed at all, ok?"

"You have me a little scared, but ok," I said with narrowed eyes.

"Well as you know, Rose will be leaving in about a week, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible before then. I was wondering if it would be ok, if I skip out on the movie and spend the rest of the evening with her. Would you be upset with me?" he asked.

I thought this over. Yes, I wanted to spend the day with Emmett and relax. But then there was the fact that this was the first time, in a long time, Em has been this serious about woman. He never skips out on me, his best friend. Maybe I should've been hurt, but I felt joy, the fact that Emmett might have found love.

Then there was the fact that if Emmett and Rosalie left, that just left me and Edward alone, in my house and that just equals trouble. But that was no reason to keep Emmett from enjoying his day because I can't keep my hands off the doctor in my living room.

"That's fine, I understand." He started to say something, but I put my hand in the air to stop him, "And before you ask, no I'm not hurt. I think it's great that you and Rose are getting along so well. It's about time you got a girlfriend in your life, gives me a break," I said with a wink.

"Thanks Bella, I'm so glad that you're alright with this. But it's not like you won't enjoy your evening. The Doctor seems to be making house calls now," Emmett started laughing.

He walked over to me and gave me big hug "Thanks again."

I picked my beer back up and we made our way back into the living room.

"Come on Rosie, let's go find some trouble. And Edward, it was good to see you again man, take it easy. Don't let Bella the animal take advantage of you," Emmett joked.

"Em!" I said in a scolding voice, but that just made him laugh even more.

"Thanks for the warning, Emmett, and you two have fun. Don't get into too much trouble," Edward said.

They both said goodbye and were out the door in a flash.

I stood there trying not to hyperventilate.

Edward the God and I were alone, once again.

He was the first to break the silence.

"Bella, what would you like to do?" he asked from somewhere close behind me.

I was scared to answer to quickly because the first thing that flashed through my mind was not watching a movie in the living room. I took my time thinking about my answer. Then I turned around and decided to ask my own question.

"Did you eat anything yet?" I asked.

"Yes, Alice made me a sandwich before she cleaned up for the day."

"Well good, that was nice of her," I couldn't think of anything else to say.

I took a big gulp of my beer, and didn't even realize that it was already gone.

I can do this. Get a grip, Bella.

For two people that were touching earlier, we seem to be having a hard time finding how to break the ice now.

"Yes, it was," he said still staring at me. He cleared his throat "Listen Bella, if you rather be alone tonight, I can go on home."

"No," I said just a little too quickly. He smiled. "I mean, that's not at all what I want, but I'm not sure what we can do," stupid thing to say.

He smirked, "Anything you want."

My heart started pounding again. I started to fidget with my fingers and I needed another beer, bad.

Edward could tell that I was nervous, so he broke the tension.

"So, you have some movies, do you want watch a movie? Or maybe we can just relax, have a few beers and talk. I love cookies."

"That sounds nice. I'll get us some cookies, why don't you make yourself at home. Do you need another beer?"

"Not right now, I'm good, thanks." He said walking toward the couch to sit.

I made my way to the kitchen. There were a million things running through my mind.

What were we going to talk about? Was I going to be able to keep a safe distance from him, and, did I really want too?

Then the over thinking hit me.

Do I want to get involved with Edward? How far do I want to take this relationship? Freindship? Romance? Hot, Wild, Sex? That made me smile. Just the image of Edward over me, his body slick from sweat, makes my body warm.

Then there was, Love?

This last word made me cringe. Just the thought of placing my heart on the line, made my stomach turn and my heart hurt.

Love, Bella, really, you just met him, let's not get all worked up for nothing.

Then I heard her voice in my head 'Bella, stop over thinking and have a good time.' Alice came to save the day.

I pulled out another beer and grabbed the box of cookies.

Edward was still on the couch, and he was looking at one of my pictures.

"It looks like you and Emmett seem to have good times together," he said to me as I sat down next to him.

"Yeah, he acts like a big goofball sometimes, and he sure knows how to make me laugh." I looked at the pictured that he was holding. "Oh lord, that was when we went to Universal Studios. Emmett insisted that we do the House of Horrors. He had to physically make me go."

I started to laugh at the memory of Emmett picking me up, while I was kicking and squealing like a little girl. "That was one of the best times of my life."

Edward had that same facial expression he had when Em and I first came through the door. I still couldn't figure out what was going on in his head.

He placed the picture back down on the side town, then grabbed his beer and took a swig. A soft sigh came from him and he turned his head to look at me.

"Bella, I can't help but feel jealous of Emmett."

That took me by surprise. I was not expecting that one at all. I didn't know what to say. Why would he be jealous? We weren't a couple and even if we were, Emmett and I are just friends.

"Um…why would you be jealous?" I asked, with a bit of a harsh tone.

I felt a tad strange having this conversation with him. We weren't in a relationship.

All my past relationships were coming back to memory all at once. I was having déjà vu. Men in my past would get all worked up about mine and Emmett's friendship. The one, which I really didn't want think about, was coming to mind real fast and I wished that Edward wouldn't have brought up any issues with jealously.

Just the thought of him was now in the room with us. I was getting mad and could feel the heat of anger hit me all at once.

Edward, I think, must have sensed that he hit a nerve because he shifted on the couch so he was facing me. "Wait, I don't mean that kind of jealously," he shook his head. "Damn, I should have kept my mouth shut. Bella, what I meant was…uhh… I'm envious of the fact he has known you for so long. That he knows what makes you smile, or how to make you laugh. He knows all your different facial expression. What they mean and how to make you feel better if you're sad, upset or just having a bad day. He probably knows all your favorites, like color, drink, food, books, music, and time of day. I know this sounds bizarre, but every since the first time I saw you, I wanted to know everything about you, to be close to you. Do you remember the first time we met?" he asked as he picked up my hand.

His words were so rushed, I was barely able to process the fact he asked me a question. The first time we met, well that was easy, how could I forget.

"The night we all met at Fry St Bar and Grill, how could I forget?"

Edward started shaking his head before I finished. "No, we met at the deli. I came in for lunch."

I knew that that was the first time I saw his remarkable green eyes, but I don't remember actually meeting him. There's no way I would forget someone like him.

"It was almost three months ago. I came in to check out this wonderful deli that my Aunt raved about. Little did I know then, that I would see the most beautiful woman," he smiled at me.

I blushed, and looked down at our hands, "I know that was the first time we saw each other, but we never actually met, as in names."

"No, there were no names exchanged, but I consider it the first time."

He was lightly running his long, pale fingers against mine. All the anger I felt before, was slowly disappearing, and I was getting that overwhelming urge to touch him again.

"Jennifer helped me with my choice, but when I made my way down to pay; it was you that took my money and my breath away." I looked up from our hands and met his eyes. He smiled, "An older man was telling you how beautiful you were, and if he wasn't already married he would snatch you up for himself."

I had to laugh, "That was Mr. Johnston, he tells me that every time he comes in. His wife flirts with Emmett; you should see how flustered she can make him."

He laughed and continued, "I couldn't take my eyes off of you. After he was done paying and walked away, you turned to me and smiled." He touched my cheek with his other hand, "your beauty stunned me. I don't know how long I just stared at you, you must have thought I was strange," he chuckled and squeezed my fingers.

I was speechless. This gorgeous man thought that I was stunning. Ha, was all I could think. If only he knew that that particular day we first saw each other, was another one of my best days ever.

Edward brushed my hair behind my ear. His hand came to rest on the back of my neck, "Bella, I just want a chance to get to know you, all of you. Please." His thumb started to run smoothly back forth against my jaw.

His mesmerizing eyes were staring into mine; I couldn't form coherent thought. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep ragged breath. I can do this.

Why was this amazing man interested in me? Plain. Boring. Dull, ME.

Exhaling slowly, I opened my eyes and smiled, "So, would you like to watch a movie with me?"

"I would love to watch a movie with you," he said with a smirk.

I got up, placed the movie in the DVD player and grabbed some cookies and sat back down on the edge of the couch. I took a bite of my cookie and a drink of my beer to wash it down. The 'coming soon' movie previews were on, and I looked over to see Edward staring at the screen.

"My favorite color, book, and music, changes daily," I shrugged. He was looking at me with that crooked grin, "depends on my mood that day. Today, I would have to say that my favorite color is green." Edward's smile got bigger. "You already know my favorite food, Italian. And for drink, hmm…right now it would be fresh squeezed lemonade, but that could change tomorrow. Time of day, that's a tuff one for me. I guess I would have to say, Twilight."

Taking a new leap into this, whatever me and Edward were having, I placed my head on his shoulder and curled my legs underneath me, snuggling up close. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close kissing the top of my head and settled in for the movie.

"So, what are we watching?" he asked.

"Disturbia. I picked out Transformers too, if you rather watch that instead."

I looked up at him, "No, this is fine. But I am curious, why would you pick two movies with the same actor?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention back to the movie, "I think Shia LaBeouf is cute. Besides, they're both good movies, that's all that matters."

"Cute, huh? Should I be jealous of him too?" Edward asked. I quickly looked at him with narrowed eyes. He started to laugh.

I sat up straight, and gave him a slap on his chest, letting my hand rest there, "That's not funny. Now quite down so I can check out my man on T.V.," I joked.

Edward grabbed my hand and placed his other hand on the back of the couch, quickly pinning me against the arm rest, "Now come on Bella, you can't deny that that was just a little bit funny," he said.

He had a wicked smirk. My heart was flying, pounding so hard, I was sure it was going to explode.

Edward's body was hovering over mine, and his face was so close I couldn't breathe.


I couldn't control my need to touch her anymore. Bella just having her head on my chest was enough to drive me crazy, and I wanted more. I had to at least kiss her, just once, that would be enough, right? After last night, she was like a drug and I needed my fix, NOW.

This was all new to me. I have never had this over powering need to be around someone.

Staring down at her, I become aware of the electricity running between our two bodies. It was becoming so very hard to handle my need to touch her, to stoke her, to taste her. Oh god, how I wanted to taste her.

My body was so close to hers. I could feel her breast press against my chest. Bella's breathing was rapid; I couldn't help but think she was feeling the current flowing between our bodies, too.

But then there was this small voice in my head, telling me that I might be pushing her too far. She told me last night that we should slow down, was this too much?

"Bella, I'm sor…," I started to say, in the process of pulling away.

Before I could even move, her hand grabbed a fist full of my shirt, "Kiss me," she whispered.

My desire for her came on full force with those two little words.

Bella was staring up at me with hunger flaming in her deep brown eyes. She licked her lips, "Please."

Still holding onto the back of the couch, I lowered my head. Letting go of her hand, placing my other hand on the edge of the couch, keeping as much of my weight off of her as possible.

Softly letting my lips touch hers, I was in heaven. The kiss started off sweet, sending pleasure through my body.

But, Bella had other plans.

I didn't expect her teeth to nip at my bottom lip, her hot little tongue stroking over it like a lick of fire. The involuntary groan that came from my chest, made her smile against my lips.

Slightly pulling back to catch my breath, I stared down at her. She wickedly smiled back. Her eyes telling me she wanted more.

Bella's small fingers moved up my arm, to the nape of my neck, tangling them in my hair, tugging me to her. Her lips settle against mine, first in a whisper of need, then with fiery demand. Her tongue swept over my top lip, silken and damp. I was more than happy to accept, and our tongues were stroking against each other's effortlessly.

Her arms reached around to my back. She slowly ran her soft hands up under my shirt, pulling me to her, pressing my chest against hers. I could feel her beaded nipples through her thin shirt, burning into my chest. Another groan escaped my chest. I was dying to touch her.

Keeping my hands firm on the couch, I respected her 'take things slowly', but my need to hold her was starting to take over.

"Bella…" I whispered, as she gently moved her lips from mine, then to my neck. Her hands were still running up and down my bare back.

Her teeth grazed my ear. "Ahh…Bella," chills ran through my body. I was losing control real fast and she was not helping me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath trying to regain some control over my body. She was going to be the death of me.

"Hmmm…." She purred.

"We have…Nnnn…to stop…" I stuttered out, not able to find my voice.

She became still, and then she pulled her hands and mouth away from me.

Not looking at me she said, "I'm sorry, I just…"

"Oh god Bella, please believe me, I want to continue. You don't know how bad I really do want to continue." She looked me in the eyes; there still seem to be doubt. I pressed my bulge in my pants against her thigh, "can you feel how much I want you?"

That gorgeous blush came over her face. Biting her lip, and placing her hand over her eyes, she nodded.

I leaned in and placed one last chaste kiss on her swollen red lips, before pulling away. I sat up and needed to try to calm myself down.

I reach for my beer, and could feel Bella's eyes on me, "My rules, right? That's why you stopped. Last night, I said 'we should slow things down'."

"I don't want you to regret anything that happens." I said, still staring at my beer.

"Hmm…so if I give you the green light, will you accept?" I turned my head to look at her.

Was she serious?

'Yes, I would love to have passionate sex with you', I thought to myself. But I knew that she was not ready for that and, I didn't want to give her any reason to run away.

I picked up her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, "As much as I would love to say yes, I don't think we're ready for that step just yet."

She smiled and said "Always such the gentleman."

Shrugging my shoulders, "My parents raised us Cullen's right."

She turned her attention back to the movie.

I had totally forgotten there was even a movie on. The only thing on my mind was Bella. I still had the uncontrollable urge to throw her down on the couch and have my way with her. We needed to get out of this small room, and go somewhere populated by other people. Bella and me by ourselves always seems to equal trouble.

"Why don't we go somewhere else and have drinks?" I asked.

"Much easier to resist the need to touch, right, if we go somewhere there are others around us."

That was an understatement; I wanted to do more to her than just touch.

She never took her eyes from the screen. A smile broke out across her face, "But, then I'll miss seeing my cutie on T.V."

Uh oh, this is how the craziness started last time. She was throwing the bait, and I needed to swim away - Jasper and his damn fish analogies.

I stood up from the couch, "Come on, Ms. Swan, before I pin you down again. I may not stop this time." I held out my hand to help her up.

Bella took my hand and we made our way to the door. I wasn't sure where we would go, but at this point as long as Bella was with me, I didn't care.

I went to the side door to wait for her. She picked up her purse and made her way over to me.

Turning off the lights, we then made our way through the door, locking it behind us.

When we reached my car, I opened the passenger side door for her.

Bella placed her hand on mine, before she got in. "Edward, I have another favorite thing to tell you about."

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?"

She smiled, "Being with you."

Thanks for reading.