Title: The Covenant: Point of Extinction
Author: ramen.scurge
Rated: T for Teens
Note: I'm a sheep. Forgive the lack of updates of Shooting. I need some time to get that in order before we move ahead. I was cleaning out my closet and I found my Covenant DVD. I decided to do one of those insert things so I hope you'll forgive me if it totally sucks. I'm not to so good with stuff like this. Any who, I'm adding my own personal touch to the so … I hope you guys aren't totally unsatisfied with it.


No one really knows how the Power came to be.

Not even the Book of Damnation recorded its beginnings. But those who mastered it have always been hunted.

In the middle of the 17th Century, many escaped the brutal Witch-hunting in England and France by coming to America.

As the brutal persecution of those with the Power spread throughout Massachusetts, the families of Ipswich formed a Covenant of silence.

And for 300 years, it has kept them safe.

Until now …


The Dells, Ipswich …

Panda rammed her hands into the pockets of her black blazer as Kate and Sarah danced and laughed closely together, her eyes scanning the crowd for no one in particular. It was a surprisingly warm nigh in Ipswich and the students of Spencer were taking full advantage of Mother Nature's grace. A party had been set up at the Dells, a sort of initiation into the new school year that promised many new parties, just like this one, to come.

At least that's what the populace hoped for.

"So give me the scoop, guys, who's here?" Sarah asked, drawing Panda's attention from the crowd.

The dark haired girl huddled closer to the pair and followed Kate's almost teasing gaze only to find her eyes glued to something she didn't find worthy of her time. He was lanky, a busty red head hanging scantily off his arm. His curly brown hair fell around his face in waves, accentuating his eyes and cheekbones. The letterman jacket was an obvious give away to his person, an added feature to the stereotype he loved to play into.

Kate and Panda turned Sarah around; Panda pointing at the top of one of the farthest hills where a slew of club lights peeked over its head.

"Okay, first thing you have to know is that Aaron Abbott is a prick; treats girls like dirt." Kate informed as she jerked her head in the direction of the curly haired boy. "Ask Panda, she knows …"

Sarah looked over at Panda, her face scrunched up at the very mention of his name. She looked as though she was about to open her mouth and ask about the story behind that face, when her pale blue eyes caught something behind the dark haired girl.

"Who's that?" she asked, jerking her head in the direction of whatever had caught her eye. Panda turned around.

"New guy." Kate answered.

"Oooh, he's looking over here." Sarah cooed.

Panda couldn't help but smile at the small girl's giddiness as she squinted her eyes, trying to pin point exactly who she was talking about. People kept gyrating their bodies in her line of sight but as soon as her path cleared and recognition hit, she laughed softly.

"That's Chase," she said, sending a small wave in the new guy's general direction. He waved back, a smirk pressed into his handsome features.

"You know him?" Kate asked, mischief evident in her voice, as she nudged Panda lightly with her elbow, her dark eyes set intently on the mystery boy.

Panda cleared her throat. "Totally," the corners of her lips tugged. "We've got most of our classes together plus he's got my old dorm room. I was clearing out when he got here and you know me; if there's anything to trip over in a three-foot radius, I find it. I gotta say I was a bit surprised he didn't go nuclear when I accidentally emptied my fish tank all over him," she chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as a flood of colour washed over her face. Kate rolled her eyes. "What?"

Sarah laughed, linking her arms with Panda's. "Kate just finds it mind blowing that your clumsiness around the opposite sex is a hottie magnet." Panda's blush intensified. Sarah's laughing toned down into a light giggle. "Aw, don't worry, Panda, I think it's cute."

Panda looked over at the perky blonde. "Please. It's not cute. It's no wonder T-"

"They're here," Kate interrupted. The look of sheer awe that surfaced on the dark skinned beauty's face never seemed to waver as she tugged at Sarah's sleeve, drawing both her and Panda's attention.

Panda turned around, her face splitting into an ear-to-ear grin as four tall boys made their way down a nearby dune. Each silhouette was unique; the four of them together parting the sea of blissfully crunk students. Her heart somersaulted in her chest as her eyes landed on the smallest of the silhouettes, her hand tightening around Sarah's arm.

"It's about time …" she breathed.

Sarah looked at Kate at then at Panda, their expressions almost identical. "Who are 'they'?" she asked, her brows wrinkled in confusion as she peered at the handsome prep school boys with unmasked curiosity.

"The Sons of Ipswich." Kate smiled, her eyes lighting up at the longhaired boy smiling suggestively at her.

Panda felt her stomach tighten as they approached. She released her tight grip on Sarah's arm; the blonde girl was polite enough not to complain, and made a beeline for the smallest silhouette, ignoring the tall dark haired boy moving toward them.

"Hey, Kate," he greeted with some uncertainty as he turned his head back and eyed the small dark haired girl, the smallest silhouette struggling to hold her up. It seemed she'd jumped on him and was set on not letting go.

"What took you so long, Baby Boy?" Panda asked as she planted a loud, wet kiss on the dark haired boy's lips, his eyes wide with surprise. She watched with some amusement as his face turned a pretty shade of red and mumble something inaudible under his breath. "What? I didn't quite catch that …" a chesire grin crawled onto her lips as she tightened her legs around his waist.

The dark haired boy sighed as he slipped his hands under thighs despite his disapproval of her behaviour. "Do you have to do this every time we see each other? I mean we've only been apart for like, two hours. Can't we just hug each other like every other normal couple on planet and then be done with it?"

Panda cocked her head to the side, her grin melting into a soft smile. "I missed you t-" a set of warm, firm hands smacked violently against her behind, her body pressing more firmly into Tyler's. The blue-eyed boy stumbled, nearly falling in the process. Panda turned her head and found Reid smirking at her with unmasked delight. "Reid!" she snapped.

The blonde puckered his lips at her, sending Tyler a teasing look in the process before he turned on his heel and joined the brood not too far ahead. Panda sighed and shook her head before facing Tyler. His face was now a violent shade of red and she could feel his knees shaking.

"Tyler? What wrong?" she asked, concern high in her voice.

Tyler seemed almost hesitant to answer. "I …" he looked up at her with apologetic eyes. "You're a bit heavy …"

Panda chuckled and planted one last kiss on the blue-eyed boys lips before untangling her legs and soundly dropping to the floor. She grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers. "Come on," she urged as she began to drag him toward the rest of their huddle.

Tyler gave her hand a small squeeze as they approached the group. "I thought we agreed that I would wear the pants in the relationship," he grumbled. Panda squeezed his hand back. "Yeah, yeah."

When they reached the huddle of teens, Panda was unsurprised to find Caleb and Sarah flirting, a wounded Reid not too far behind them. She smirked, unable to help herself as she planted her hand on Reid's shoulder. He sent a scowl in her direction, which earned him a motherly pinch cheek from the dark haired girl.

"Suck it up, Blondie, there are other fishette's in the-"

"Hey Caleb." Kiera had somehow sauntered her way over to Caleb, manoeuvring herself in-between Sarah and the dark haired boy. Caleb returned her greeting with some uncertainty. "How was your summer?"

Panda sighed, dropping her head against Reid's shoulder. "Here we go …"

Reid seemed to have gotten over his loss. "Ten bucks says Caleb picks Kiera over Sarah. Golden Boy doesn't have it in him to let her down."

Panda chuckled as she grasped Reid's hand in hers, giving it a small shake. "You're on."

Tyler looked down at his girlfriend, mild disapproval surfacing in his bright blue eyes. "Panda, do you even have ten bucks?"

"No, but you do." The dark haired girl deadpanned, her attention focused on the scene in front of them, Reid just as captivated. Panda slid her hand out of Tyler's and slowly started moving toward the confrontation.

It seemed Caleb wasn't being too polite.

"Why don't you give it a rest, Kiera?" He said as he rubbed his jaw, probably in an effort to keep from knocking the red head out.

"Why don't you give it a rest?" Aaron materialised in front of Caleb, pushing himself into the taller boy's face.

Caleb sized Aaron up, his eyes almost teasing. Panda took this as her cue and weaved herself in between the two boys' much to Tyler's protests. She gripped onto the edge of Caleb's blazer, silently pleading with him not to start a fight. "We don't want any trouble."

"You posers make me want to puke!" Aaron's friend, Matt, spat from behind the curly haired boy, his fists clenched tightly at his sides, ready for any sudden moves from their opposition.

"Is that right?" Reid asked as he tried to force his way into Matt's face, his body language signalling that he was ready for anything and everything they were willing to throw at him.

"Hey, hey just let it go …" Caleb said, putting an arm between Reid and Aaron.

Panda braced her Converse against the soft ground, nearly stumbling from Reid's attempts, and looked up into Aaron's heated green eyes. She sucked in a breath and held it for all it was worth as she spoke. "Come on, Aaron. We all came here to have fun. Whatever's going on between you guys can wait till Monday, all right? Like Caleb said, we don't want any trouble …"

Aaron smirked down at her, amused at her attempt to play diplomat. He looked up at Caleb, something fierce sparking in his eyes, something Panda didn't like. "Of course you don't, baby," he smiled snidely. "but I think Caleb owes Kiera an apology."

Before Panda could retort, Caleb spoke up. "Actually," he started. "I think its Kiera," he pointed at the red head. "that owes Sarah the apology."

Aaron looked back at Kiera and before anyone could make a move, he shoved Caleb back. Panda ducked just as his arms sprung up, her eyes wide with surprise as a small squeak escaped her lips as she stared up at a furious looking Aaron.

Panda could feel Caleb tensing behind her, his fists clenched tightly at this side as he rolled his neck, ready to fight. Aaron made a move to shove Caleb against despite the fact that she was standing there when someone else intervened.

"Whoa!" Chase placed his hands on Aaron's chest and gave him a small push backward. He looked past Aaron at Kiera, the red head somewhat smug. "You were being kind of bitchy..."

Panda felt Caleb once again tense behind her but this time it wasn't because of Aaron. She felt her chest tighten, felt herself get pulled back by a pair of strong arms as Matt suddenly vomited all over Aaron and his letterman jacket. She vaguely heard the DJ announce that the cops were on the way to the Dells.

As soon as people where moving, Panda looked down and found her hand in Chase's. He pulled her along trying to keep pace with the rest of the group as they made their way out of the large ditch area. In a matter of seconds they were in the forest, searching for the people and cars they had arrived with.

"Need a ride?" Caleb asked, looking over at Kate and Sarah. He assumed Panda was close by and knew his offer applied to her as well.

"No, Sarah drove us out here." Kate replied, slightly out of breathe as they continued walking.

"I'll see you back at the dorms?" Pogue asked, looking down at his girlfriend.

"It's getting late, I'm just gonna crash." The dark haired girl replied, leaning up and catching her boyfriends lip with hers in a short loved kiss much to Pogue's dislike. "Call me in the morning?" she smiled, leaning against his shoulder as they continued through the forest.

Chase looked away from the four teens ahead of them and down at Panda. "You sure were brave back there, taking on that big bad bully all by yourself." he smirked, releasing her hand as they trailed behind Caleb, Sarah and Pogue. He could feel the heat that radiated from her cheeks at his comment and relished in the satisfaction of how easy it was to make her blush.

Panda smiled, ramming her hands into her pockets. "All in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood undercover dork." She joked, looking ahead of them. "Come on," she said, nudging Chase lightly with her elbow. "Sarah's our ride home."

The pair caught up with Caleb, Pogue and the girls, Panda jogging over to Sarah while Chase stayed behind with Caleb.

"Nice going back there." Caleb said, looking over at Chase while still keeping up with Panda and Sarah. "Caleb." He added, eyeing the new guy.

"Chase." He returned, amusement evident in his voice as he gave a light chuckle. "Thought that guy and I were about to go at it! His friend's puking sure came at an opportune time."

"Didn't it though?" Reid smirked from behind them, earning a very annoyed eye roll from Tyler.

When they reached the cars, the group separated. Panda, Sarah, Kate and Chase piled into Sarah's car while the remainder of the group piled into Tyler's. The world seem to move fast before Panda's eyes, maybe it was the fact that Aaron had almost killed her with his fist, but before she knew it, they were moving, heading back toward the school.


Spencer Academy …

"See you Panda," Kate whispered as she enveloped the smaller girl into a hug. "Night, Chase." She waved before she and Sarah disappeared into their room.

"I'd watch myself if I were you." Panda warned out of the blue, ramming her hands into the pockets of her blazer as they made their way down the empty hall.

"Sorry?" Chase asked, looking down at the dark haired girl.

"You heard me," she spun around as they continued walking down the hair, the hazel-eyed girl walking backward and she glared up at him with purpose. "Pogue and Kate have been going strong for two years now and I'll be damned if they break up because of some new guy who already thinks he's one of us." She couldn't stop the worlds from coming out of her mouth.

"Excuse me, crazy girl I just met who thinks she knows me … but Kate invited me out. Pardon me if I don't exactly see how that makes me a home wrecker." Chase defended, his eyes narrowing slightly at the dark haired girl.

"Please, I know your type. I used to be your type … and believe me when I say these boys aren't afraid to fight for what they want. And you know the phrase 'you mess with one of us you mess with the rest of us'? I think that goes without saying. You may be cute, charming and have the nicest ass I've ever seen but I'm onto you." Panda was definitely drunk.

Chase quirked an eyebrow, his annoyance dissipating. "You think I have a nice ass?" he asked with slight amusement.

"Just remember what I said." She grunted and turned around, stopping both of them dead in their tracks. She planted her hands firmly on Chase's chest, a too cheerful smile appearing on her face. . "I may not look it but I pack one Hell of a punch. It doesn't hurt that the Provost is my grandfather either. So I'd think real hard before I make my next move because who knows, it could be your last."


The Covenant © J. S Cardone