Sakura's Secret
Sakura returns from a 3-year-long mission in the Land of Snow. Kaskashi is starting to realise that she means more to him than only a close friend. When Sakura goes on a mission again, something goes terribly wrong. Will Kakashi discover the secret which Sakura desperately is trying to hide?
Author's note: This is my first attempt to a naruto fanfic.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters.
Chapter 1: Welcome home
A pink haired girl, well more a woman now, walked in the direction of big green gates.
She wore a black cape that hung loosely over her shoulder, a red shirt with a Haruno symbol, a brown skirt with black shorts and black boots that nearly reached her knees.
'Finally home,' she thought happily.
After being three years in the Land of Snow for training her medic and fighting skills, she finally returned home. She missed everyone greatly.
When she was approaching the gate she saw a few people waiting for her. She smiled when she heard the knucklehead ninja yelling her name.
"SAKURA-CHAN!" and ran towards her to give her a big hug. "Hey Naruto, it's great to see you again," the pink haired said and returned the hug.
"Hello Sakura, we've missed you," Hinata said giving her a hug herself but carefully now that she was 7 months pregnant.
Sakura smiled when she heard the news that Naruto and Hinata finally got together. One year later Naruto surprised Hinata on their anniversary when he asked her to marry him. She wished she could have been there at their wedding but she would make it up to them.
"Yo, Sakura," She heard a voice behind her.
"Kakashi-sensei," she said turning around and giving him a smile. "How many times have I to tell you not to call me sensei anymore, it makes me feel old." "I'm sorry Kakashi-sen... I mean Kakashi-san."
Kakashi returned the smile and looked at her. 'She really has changed over the years. She's not the little girl anymore I used to protect. She even surpassed the Hokage now with strength and medic skills.'
"Come on Sakura, let's go to Ichiraku Ramen," Naruto said, happy to have his friend back again.
"I would love to Naruto, but Tsunade-shishou is waiting for me and I really want to go home after that to get some rest. Maybe tomorrow alright?" Sakura replied. "Fine, how about as lunch?"
"Sounds good," the pink haired said, "well I'm off, shishou is waiting for me."
With a quick wave and a flurry of petals she was gone.
"She really has changed, hasn't she, Kakashi?" Naruto said while looking to his former sensei. "Yes, she has," he replied before walking away with his nose in the latest volume of Come Come paradise.
A knock was heard on the door. Tsunade looked op from her files, "Come in."
The door went open and Sakura walked in. She closed the door behind her before turning her attention on her shishou.
"It's good to see you again Sakura," Tsunade said while she stood up to give her apprentice a welcome home hug.
After Sakura's parents died she became a mother figure for Sakura, and likewise she became like a daughter to her. She hated it that she was 3 years away from Konoha, but she was proud that she still did it.
"It's feels good to be back again, shishou," Sakura replied while returning the hug. "Here is my mission report," she said when they let each other go.
"How was your time there Sakura?" Tsunade said, taking the mission scroll and walking back to her desk.
"It was great. I learned allot new techniques medic and fighting skills. The people where I stayed were very nice and great company."
"That's good to hear," Tsunade replied with a smile. She opened the scroll and went through it briefly.
She closed the scroll again and looked to her apprentice. Sakura was now at the age of 22, a successful Anbu captain; team captain of group B. Nobody knows that she was an Anbu member though, Tsunade thought it was for the best. She was a bit taller and her curves showed more. Her hair was a bit paler and was back to the normal length she had before she cut it short. Her eyes were deeper green and showed experience and determent in them. Her face became slimmer and more defined, her lips turned pinker and her skin still remained its peachy complexion. She really matured the last 3 years.
Another knock came on the door and Ibiki walked in.
"Ah there you are, I was waiting for you," Tsunade said looking up at the Anbu head division.
"It's good to see you back alive, Shadow Sakura. So the mission I sent you on along went well I suppose?" Ibiki said, looking at pink haired kunoichi.
"Yes, everything went as planned," Sakura replied. "Timoko has been assassinated, along with his followers that were there with him at the meeting. About the others I don't know. It's all in my report, Ibiki-sama." Ibiki nodded.
"Very well, Sakura that was all. You are dismissed," Tsunade said. And a pang of proud when through her when she saw her walking away.
"Do you think she can handle so much pressure? You know that it is an s-rank mission that I'm tempting to send her on." Ibiki said while turning back to his leader. "I have no doubt that she will succeed. She surpassed me in strength and medic skills and with her shadow technique of her family and the new techniques she learned in the Land of Snow she is very powerful," Tsunade replied and went back to her files.
"Yes she is," Ibiki replied before turning and walking out of Lady Hokage's office.
"Finally home," Sakura sighed, walking through her front door and dropping her keys on the kitchen table.
It seems that Kasumi had cleaned her apartment while she was gone. She was her team mate in her Anbu squad. Since Ino moved to Suna when she married Gaara, Kasumi became her best friend. She was loyal and had amazing tracking skills.
She dumped the filthy clothes in the bathroom and went to do the laundry. A few minutes later she walked into her bedroom to grab a pair of grey sweatpants, a black tank top and clean undergarments.
She walked back into the bathroom and laid it down on the table. She turned on the shower while stripping her clothes off. She stepped in and enjoyed the feeling of warm water rushing down her body.
15 minutes later she turned of the shower and dried herself. She stepped into the clean clothes and walked to the kitchen to make dinner. Just when she wanted to start with the dinner she heard a knock on the door.
She went to the front door and opened it to see Kasumi standing in front of her. "Welcome back Sakura," the said girl said while giving her a hug.
She walked in and Sakura closed the door behind her.
"Do you want to join me for dinner," Sakura asked while turning back to the kitchen.
"I would love to," Kasumi replied while setting up the table.
They laughed and talked about everything what happened the 3 years when they haven't seen each other. Of course they wrote each other letters but it wasn't the same.
When they finished dinner and the dishes they sat down in the living room watching a movie together.
"Thanks for taking care of my apartment while I was gone."
"It was not problem at all, Sakura. It felt like I owed you since you always are there for me when I need you."
"There are friends for," Sakura replied with a smile.
When the movie was finished Sakura was asleep and Kasumi turned off the television. She forced some chakra in her hands so she was strong enough to carry Sakura into her bedroom.
She laid her captain down on her bed and rapping the blankets around her. Then she made sure she locked the door and windows before poofing back into her own apartment.
A/N: Review and let me know how i can approve it. I hope you enjoyed it and more chapters are following.