Know your Characters:

Shadow - Born in the Union Main base, An Evil commander of the Union killed his mother and father to evolve him and turn him into a killing machine but something evil lurks within him, when found out that his parents were killed his anger grew rapidly and turn into an evil Umbreon, in the end of the attack he woke up normal and decide to go to the Repubicin army and changed his name to Umbreon, Umbreon felt like he's the ignored type so he's better off find some peace and quiet and place called "Being alone." but soon that changed when he met Glaceon she felt so releafed when he saved her, the sad thing that she felt sorry for was how Umbreon lost his mother and father and how he wanted to get revenge to the Union who became the Empire.

Glaceon - The ice mage of Crystool the land of ice, Glaceon spend most of her time traveling before the war, she met up with Flareon who was researching old ruins from old times, they had a great time together until they were chosen to go to war, There something about Glaceon and Shadow, something that made her feel she should be with Shadow more then with Flareon. Hint: Something that had to do with the glass heart she have and her past memories.

Gardevoir - The leader of the Republicin army, her parents used to soldiers during a war long ago, Her family and her self were vary poplar back then, but after the death of her parents by the Empire she develop an army to fight back the Empire.

Eevee - Now her... well she's rather spiritedly she kind a jumps the gun sometimes she was found and raised by Roserade. She is very kind and playful and always happy around Umbreon.

Espeon - One of the warriors of the light, she's nice to anyone including Umbreon but she likes to be with Persian.

Roserade - Well she no push over that's for sure, nice and friendly but tough, if any man tries to flirt with her... I dare not say it, it' bad.

Jolteon - His an awesome dude, plays it cool, but he gets a little rough sometimes he'll do anything in his power to shock things up, rock on.

Flareon - A quiet a men of on word, he's an archaeologist who studied the old pyramids from old times, he was studying artifacts in a library, struggling to find the clue that's where he met Glacia/Glaceon, Glaceon liked to help Flareon with his researching, after he finished Flareon win a noble prize for his fantastic discovery but he give the credit to Glaceon, when his research finally end he decided to travel with Glaceon and promised to protect her when trouble comes, they all had fun together but what Flareon didn't know was that this was not their future together.

Mightyena - He was raised by the dark hunters of the dark forest (That where dark type pokemon live) at the age of 10 his father taught him to fight and taught him how to use his dark powers, he's kind a nice but he hates when pokemon play him like it's a joke, the only friends he has is Persian, Persian Mightyena are pretty strong together.

Persian- He's cool, his crush on Espeon but kept hiding it, he's sick and tired the way he put up with Leafeon but he fears to confront him.

Mawile- Ohhhh god do she got a story for you, She like to be in the war, rough and routiy makes her strong, boy does she a little hyper the meaning of "fun" come around her only friend that calms her down is Vaporeon.

Vaporeon- The noble guard to prince Manaphy of sapphire city who wanted to take part in the war with the republic, still loyal to prince Manaphy the pokemon of the water colony will always aid her in time of need, her first relationship with Mawile was common she knew that Mawile need a little help controlling her self so they get along pretty well.

Latias- She is part of a royal family (Yes she is a princess if that is what you're thinking). After losing her father from the Empire her anger grew rapidly and seeks revenge, her older brother Latios tries to calm her down but ran way, her only place now is the republic she will avenge her father and the dragon colony.

Mew- Espeon's cute little friend she only wants to protect her after Espeon's eye injury ever since Umbreon came in the party she felt not safe having him around but what Espeon think is huk of nonsense.

Leafeon- like Umbreon losing his parent, he lost his wife and children and wanted revenge, strong and powerful he was the commander of the republic.

Umbre- The little heart spirit, she known of Dark Umbreon for years, after he toke over Shadow when he was young Umbre knew that will be trouble in the future so she did the same, a heartful bond came between Shadow and Umbre she only now have one prepress: Protect Shadow at all cost and aid him when he is needed no matter what.

Dark Umbreon- The king of all darkness, he has failed to defeat the great god of pokemon Arceus but this isn't the end of him, he cursed Arceus into evil and went into a deep slumber, too weak, too warned out his only chance is to take the over a body of an Umbreon.

Dark Umbreon


55,000 years ago in world where poke' morphs live in harmony with god of all pokemon, Arceus.

With our Arceus watching over us peace will never forsaken us, until now evil lurk upon us a dark king of the black forest. The king has watched these creators, waiting, waiting for the right time rule his own world. The grow all of power and grow more stronger and stronger, the pokemon senses his power and fear for what he might do hundreds of Umbreons attacked tree and plants were burning the last that came out of the forest and see everything burn was the king of all darkness, Dark Umbreon. He is way different like the other Umbreons, he has no ring but little marks shape like slit marks one of each lag and two on his back, he also has pare of wings and horn on his forehead. Many pokemon fought to protect their home but it failed. Before all was lost Arceus shined from the heavens and stopped. Arceus and Dark Umbreon battled to the death, at last Dark Umbreon the dark king has fallen and sealed but it didn't here for Arceus, Arceus has been infected with an evil curse of Dark Umbreon, Arceus had no change of escaping the curse and went in to a deep slumber. Peace has restored to the world, history became legend, legend became myth. Dark Umbreon is too weak to escape the seal so he use all of power, his power escape the seal and screached on for new body of his own...

Chapter 1 New face of evil reborn

The war rages on, a war of the Unions against the Empire, one from every colony has fought the Empire. A colony of Fire, Water, Grass, Ground, Dark, Steel, Ice, and Dragon, their crises is that they have not fight along side each other.

The Union main Base. A female Epson by the name Espe was in the delivery room of the Union Health Centre. Espe's mate was an Umbreon name Darkside, Darkside was pacing back and forth in the corridor out side of the delivery room as he wasn't allowed to be with his mate yet. Espe meanwhile had given birth to her baby, a healthy male Eevee. The doctor came out of delivery room Darkside looked strate in the eye. "Well is she all right, is my wife ok?" cried Darkside. "Major Darkside could you come with me... in your human form." the doctor said.

Darkside turned to his human form and walked down the hall with the doctor. "Your wife is ok it a boy but..." "But what?" Darkside cried. "We discovered something unusual." said the doctor. "Unusual, what do you mean unusual." Darkside asked so confused. They stopped at window inside were cribs of new born babies. "See for your self, second crib to the left, third row." the doctor said. Darkside look what the doctor told him to see, he saw an Eevee will black hair with a black tip of his tail. "Is... is that my baby?" Darkside asked. "Yes sir, we don't know how he is born with black but the rest of his fer is normal-." A nurse came to Darkside. "Mr. Darfix, you can see your wife now." the nurse said. Darkside looked at his new born son one last time and rush to Espe. Inside the room he saw his wife. "Hey you feel all right?" Darkside asked softly. "Yes dear, I'm fine what about our baby?" Espe asked. Before Darkside said anything the nurse came in with their baby. "Congratulations Miss. Darfix, it a boy!" The nurse gave the baby to Espe and left, Espe was surprised to see an unusual look of their baby. "Odd isn't it?" Darkside said. "Not at all so with black hair he's still our son, our sweet son." Espe said softly. "We could give him a name." Darkside said. "His name... he'll be named after his black hair... Shadow, yes... Shadow it is." said Espe as she hold her son close to her arms. Darkside stay with Espe all day all night. Nether that they know they were being Eavesdropping by a doctor who diskise as a soldier. "Commander Metagross, it has finally come!" said the soldier said with a sinister tone of voice. "Is that so?" Metagross asks over the radio built into the Soldier's helmet. "Yes sir the son of Major Darfix is born!" replies the soldier. "Excellent it has finally come, it is going as planed keep watch them." ordered Metagross. "Sir, yes sir." he said as walked away from the door way.

The next morning in Darkside and Espe's quarters Espe woke up and saw in a small bed next to hers was her baby boy. Espe smiled seeing him sleeping; she looked around and frowned as she couldn't see her mate but this also confused her a bit. She wondered why he wasn't around to be with her and their new son. Before she could properly think of why he wasn't here a soldier from Darkside's company walked into her room. "Miss. Espe, your husband is on a mission, we're sorry we didn't informed you sooner but you over sleped." said the soldier. "On a mission? This early?" Espe asked. "These orders came from Commander Metagross ma'am." "I see... thank you for the report, you are dismissed." Espe said. The soldier left. Espe lowered her head onto her forepaws with a sigh. "Oh my love, always have your mind on your duty, but... what about our son?" she asked herself.

Darkside was gone for the mission for at least a week, and he returned without being detected by Empire. After giving Union the co-ordinates of the base he rushed back to base before he see his wife he went the Commander. "You have done well Major." Metagross said. "Thank you sir, it wasn't easy." "Indeed, your son seem to be missing you." the Metagross replayed. "I can only imagine how worried my wife is when I left without telling her." Darkside said. "Oh don't worry... she'll understand." the Commander said with an evil tone. "What!?" Darkside gasped. Metagross pulled out a gun and shot him, Darkside fall to the floor dead. "Now for the next step." he said. "Give our bad new to the Espe that her husband was killed in action." "Yes sir." his guard responded.

Espe woke up in the morning and saw in a small bed next to hers was her baby boy. Espe smiled seeing him sleeping; she looked around and frowned as she couldn't see her mate but this also confused her a bit. She wondered why he wasn't around again. Before she could properly think of why he wasn't here the soldier from before rushed in shock. "Miss. Darfix I'm afraid I have bad news." said the soldier. "What is it?" Espe asked. "Your husband he's... he's killed in action." the soldier said. Espe was shocked to here this. "W..What!?" "I'm sorry ma'am... I don't know to say..." the soldier left the room slowly. Espe lowered her head onto her forepaws and blinked then started to cry. She has now had lost her husband and now she was left to raise her child by herself. "Sir, now that Darkside is out of the picture, Espe will be next when she has raised Shadow to the right age." He said with a sinister tone of voice. "Good my plan is coming together, keep watch him." Metagross ordered. "Sir, yes sir" said the soldier. Espe cried for about an hour until she was interrupted by crying of another. She raised her head and saw that her son was crying so she leant over to his bed, bit down on the scuff of his neck and pulled him over onto her bed and then placed him down beside her belly. Shadow stopped crying as he latched onto one of her eight teats and began suckling on her milk to feed.

Shadow is few months older now, was rather curious and wandered around a lot, half the time giving his mother a heart attack when he walks off to something new. The commander had watched Shadow wander off and examined his actions; they found that he liked to wander into a storage room which was full of Union supplies. He wasn't of age yet so the commander waited a little longer for there plan to begin.

Espe being the only one now to raise Shadow had to teach him how to protect himself and about the world they lived in. Espe was surprised at how fast her son learnt attacks and understood the information she gave him on the world. Shadow was aware that he didn't know about his father and he was getting more and more curious

"Mommy, where's daddy?" he asked for the first time.

Espe froze; she didn't know what to say.

"Mom….what's wrong?"

Espe let out a huge sigh and sat down. "You better sit down son; it's about time you knew the truth."

Shadow walked over to his mother and sat down by her side looking up to her.

"Your father was the greatest Umbreon this organization had ever seen. I met your father when he challenged me for leadership. Half way through the battle he stopped and surrendered. He settled for second in command and being in second in command we had to go on missions together. We soon became very close and we became lovers shortly after. We were inseparable, nothing could split us apart. When we found out that we were going to have our first child he never left my side that was until the day came when you were to be born…." Espe stopped to take a breather, tears now noticeable running down her cheeks.

"What happened mommy?"

With a sigh she continues. "Shadow your father out on a mission. And then your father was killed in action." She ended it there as she became too choked up to continue talking.

Seeing his mother's displeasure losing her husband he walked up to her and rubbed his head along her body trying to sooth her pain. "Don't cry mommy please." Shadow said. Espe smiled weakly to her son before licking his head and nosing his cheek. "Thank you sweetie, that helped a little, you go and play for a bit, I need time alone." Espe says giving her son one last lick before he gave her a smile and ran out into the hall.