Chapter One

I'm Sorry, but sometimes "Sorry" isn't enough, or is it?

A/N: Here it is, the sequel to "Till the End of Time". I hope everyone enjoys, and I know it isn't much yet, but believe me it'll get better. I promise. :) I want to say thank you to all those who have reviewed the other story, I'm glad you guys like and I hope this story meets every ones expectation. I'm putting a review limit, just so I can get some feedback on whether I should continue or not, I'm asking for 5 reviews on this chapter, before I update. But thank you to all of those who have been reading my story, I'm glad you guys like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers, I'm using them as characters this story is completely fictional.

Miley's POV

I sat there chewing on my pen cap, as I looked down at my Anthropology homework, flipping through the pages of my textbook. Reading the lines across the text, and stopping every so often to jot down some random notes. The sun was bright outside, as I was sitting on a corner coffee shop, outside under an umbrella. I was waiting for Nick; he was supposed to meet me, over an hour ago. I took a sip of my ice coffee before turning my attention back to my notes. I was frustrated because this is how it had been lately, we would make plans to meet off campus to avoid commotion, and so I would be able to spend a little time with him here and there, in between his recording and concerts. And whenever we made plans, he would always show up late. I looked up once again, looking around, wondering if he was ever going to show up, and as I glanced over my shoulder, I noticed his black car pulling up. "Finally" I mumbled, as he got out, and was immediately bombarded with girls asking for autographs, I sat there tapping my foot, taking another sip of my coffee, as he caught my eye, he gave me a weak smile, as he tried his best to pass through the crowd.

He walked over to my table, and sat down, and leaned in to kiss me, as I turned my face, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. He looked at me a little disappointed before I spoke up, "You were suppose to be here an hour ago, Nick." He frowned, before he replied, "I'm sorry Miley; I know we just got caught up at the studio." I frowned, before I retorted, "And obviously it was too much work for you to pick up your cell phone to give a call? To tell me you were running late, so I wouldn't have to sit here waiting for the past hour." He let out a groaned, before he said, "I'm sorry ok Miley, I really am, but I'm here now, isn't that enough?" I let out a soft sigh, "Nick, seriously, I know this is your job, but it's not that hard for you to call me when you are going to run late, I understand perfectly. But instead of apologizing all the time, maybe you should do something about it." He nodded. I looked at him and said softly, "I'm sorry but, I need to run, I have class in half an hour, and I don't want to be late." I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss. And quickly stood up, "I'll call you later ok?" he nodded, as I started to walk pass him, he pulled onto my wrist pulling me back, I groaned, "Nick…" He smiled, and pulled me into another kiss, "I love you Miley, drive safely, ok?" I nodded, and gave a quick wave goodbye, before heading to my car.

I drove past the familiar streets, heading back to campus. I pulled into my parking spot, and grabbed my things, locking the door behind me, heading up the steps to my dorm room. I opened the door, and found my room mate sitting on her bed, doing her homework. I greeted her, "Hey Amy, how is English Literature?" she smiles, before she replies, "Absolutely torture, how was coffee with your boyfriend?" she grinned. I frowned before replying, "I wouldn't know exactly, he was late and we talked for a little bit, before I had to leave to go." She looked at me with a little concerned, "Is everything ok Miley?" I shrugged and nodded, "yeah its fine, I'm just going to change and grab my things for class." She nodded as she watched me placing my notebooks, pens, textbook, and laptop into my bag. I opened the closet and pulled out a green t-shirt and some dark washed jeans before slipping into a pair of flats. I tied my hair up into a pony tail, and pulled a sweatshirt out of the closet, pulling it over my head. I glanced in the mirrored and decided that was good enough. I rubbed some lip balm onto my lips before doing a quick check of all the things I needed, I had everything perfect. I threw my bag over my shoulder, and took my phone, before waving to Amy and walking out the door, closing it behind.

I walked over to the main building, and slipped into the lecture hall.

Nick's POV

I was driving back home, pulling into the driveway of our family two story manor. I turned off the engine, and step out, locking the car behind, as I walked up the path to the entry way. I pushed the front door open; it was quiet inside, mostly because Kevin and Joe moved out already into an apartment closer to the studio.

I walked into the kitchen and found my mom sitting on a barstool eating her lunch, I walked over and wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, before I greeted her, "HEY MOMMY." She grinned and faced me, "Hey sweetie, how was coffee with Miley?" I shrugged my shoulders before replying, "I wouldn't know we talked for like 10 minutes and than she had to go, I was an hour late, what are you eating? I'm hungry." My mom stood up and patted the seat, for me to sit down, and I gladly took it, "I'll make you a sandwich, why were you late? Well did you at least call her to tell her that you were running late?" she rummaged through the fridge, as I quietly replied, "I was at the studio with Kevin and Joe, and I may have forgotten." She flipped head around and looked at me with a disappointed look, "Was Miley upset?" I nodded slowly as I looked down at my shoes. I looked up at my mother, watching her face as she frowned, "Nick…" she started but I quickly stopped her. "I know Mom, and I apologized, and she was still upset." She shook her head, "Nick, I would be too sweetie, instead of apologizing all the time, why don't you do something about it. You know she loves you, but that's not fair to her, she already has to work around your schedule just to see you. She was really looking forward to seeing you, you know that right?" I frowned before I faced her, "How did you know she wanted to see me?" "Well honey I may be your mother, but Miley is like a daughter to me, and they have these crazy invention called a cell phone, which I used to call her." She retorted smiling. "Very funny mom, I know I messed up, I really want to make it up to her, especially since we will have less time to spend together now, that I'm about to head onto another tour." She placed a plate in front of me, and place a hand onto my shoulder, "Sweetie, it's not about what you do, but it's about the effort it takes you to just make time to see her. She really misses you." I was about to say something, but my mom had already walked out of the room.

I sat there eating the sandwiched my mom had made me, knowing that she was right about everything, the band had been doing really well, and unfortunately Miley's and I relationship had been taking the backseat to it. I finished eating, and placed the dish into the sink before running up the stairs and into my room; I had an idea that I needed to do. I pushed opened the door to my room and walked into my closet finding a pair of dark wash jeans, and a blue polo. I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom, taking a nice long shower, I changed and got dressed.

I ran downstairs and announced to my parents I would be going out and would be home, a little late, they nodded and told me to call them. I ran out into my car, and pulled out of the driveway, I wanted to get to the florist before they closed.

I pulled in front of the florist and ran inside, and found a mix arrangement of Lilies and Roses; I paid the cashier and placed the flower gently in the passenger seat next to me. I drove over to the coffee shop ordering two cups of ice coffee, before I headed over to Miley's dorm.

Miley's POV

After Anthropology I was completely exhausted I was about to pass out as soon as I got back to my dorm. I had promised Nick I would call him when I was done, so I pulled out my cell phone dialing the number I knew by heart. It rang three times before he picked up.

M: Hey Nick, It's me!

N: Hey Miles are you done with class?

M: Yeah I'm done, I'm walking back to the dorm right now, I'm actually at the front door, what are you doing?

N: Just missing you, (grinning) are you almost there?

M: yeah, almost why are you so impatient, I'm opening the door right now (sticking her key into the keyhole and pushing the door open, she walks in and immediately drops her phone and bags onto the ground)

"Nicky?" I asked confused, "what are you doing here?" He smiled and at me, and pulled me into a hug, "Well I wanted to make it up to you for missing coffee, so I brought you, your favorite coffee," handing her the coffee, "and I got you some flowers, I'm really sorry about this afternoon." I smiled, and pulled him back into another hug, before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Thanks Nick, but you didn't have to do all of this; I'm just really glad too see you." "I'm glad too, Miley, well I bet you are hungry, did you want to maybe get something to eat with me?" he asked. I nodded, and stood up, "But let me change first, I would say make yourself comfortable, but it already seemed as if you already had, who let you in anyways?" I laughed questioning him. He smiled before replying, "your room mate Amy, she said she was going out and wouldn't be back to later, and that you would be back soon, so she told me to stay put." I smiled, as I changed into a tank top and a brown Henley. I threw my phone into my purse and grabbed my wallet off the counter, and smeared some peach color lip gloss on. "Ok all set, let's go." I placed my hand out for him to grab onto as he pulled himself up, he pulled me into another kissed and softly whispered, "I love you Mi, and I hope you know that." I smiled, and nodded before I replied as softly as he had, "I love you too Nicky." We walked out hand and hand, as I locked the door behind.

A/N: I still need help with proofreading, if anyone would like to help me out, the only benefit I could offer is pre screening of each chapter. Plus it always helps to have a second set of eyes. So if anyone is interested please let me know. I'm asking a different person for each of the stories. Don't forget to review!