-1Here's another Naruto joke. And if you didn't hear me the first time I don't own Naruto.
Naruto was trying to raise some money for some silver blades and he found out there was a grate deal to be made in the horse racing business, however, at the horse auction, the prices of horses were to much and all he could afford was a donky, which he bought.
Determined to make money, he entered his donkey in a race and it came in third. The next day, the news paper headlines read: LEAF NINJA'S ASS SHOWS.
The following week Naruto again entered the race and this time he won! The newsPaper headlines read:
LEAF NINJA'S ASS OUT IN FRONT. Annoyed by this kind of publicity, Tsunade told Naruto he was not to continue this activity. The headline read: HOKAGE SCRATCHES NINJA ASS.
Tsunade then demanded that Naruto get rid of the donky. Then Naruto then gives the Donkey to Sakura. The headlines read: SAKURA HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN.
When Tsunnade read this she orderd Sakur to sell the Donkey. So Sakura sold the donkey to a farmer for ten dollars. The next day the headlines read: SAKURA PEDDLES ASS FOR TEN BUCKS.