Title: Mirror in the Bathroom
Author: puccafan
Characters / Pairing: Chris / Jal, Angie featured. Mentions of Chris / Angie.
Spoilers: For "Chris."
Summary: Drabble of sorts. Set in the scene between Chris and Angie in the bathroom.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine.
A/N: I want to write happy Chris / Jal fic based on the episode. Just this came first. Warning though; it was quickly done.
" Chris? I don't mind about her. "
I do.
He doesn't say anything. He can't. He shuts his eyes and wishes to fuck that he could crawl out from under the duvet cover and that this would be all be different. She stares, unsure and thinking she knows the answer at the same time.
" It's not the same, is it?"
Even if it was it's not what he wants anymore.
Chris opens his eyes and stares at his ceiling.
Where the fuck is Jal? He needs her, she knows that. Why the fuck has she left and let him get himself into this fucking mess? With his ex-psychology teacher and ex- girlfriend ( sort of ) sitting on his bathroom sink with her legs spread apart and knickers around her ankles.
He glances at her and immediately regrets it. For when he does all he can see is a flash of Jal mirroring the exact same position. Except she had been in her underwear - pulled up and where it should be - brushing her teeth and flicking blobs of toothpaste at him as he dried himself off from the shower.
Fucking, jesus shit!
Chris's feels like slamming his head against the wall and his own throat burns with the disgust he has in himself. As it is he can barely manage a shake of the head for Angie. Angie who's still staring at him with her big eyes and party dress and stupid lipstick all rubbed off.
By him.
He pushes his head against the wall and away from her. He can't look at her and he can't risk catching himself in the mirror again.
And then comes the knocking on the door.
Angie watches Chris cautiously, her mild shame and hurt feelings pushed to the side as she listens to his girlfriend trustfully calling out to him. All of a sudden she's sorry. Sorry for him, sorry that she came back and sorry that she got him into the whole world of trouble that's now around the corner. For getting him caught.
But she's wrong. Completely fucking wrong. Chris isn't regretting getting caught. As he picks his shirt up off the floor he's sorry for getting here in the first place.
For a pissing psychology teacher Angie knew fuck-all about how the mind worked.