Alright people this is my first fanfiction. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing so...yea. This fic is a yaoi. male/male. Trad or Choy to be exact but whatever. Oh, High School Musical is NOT mine. Nope.
Well story time...although it doesn't get intresting until the end. Sorry!
It was another day at East High. Chad sat at the back of the class doodling little faces while Miss Darbus taught. He found that Troy didn't come to class often due to him meeting with a certain girl. Not that Troy skipped, it's just that Miss Darbus insisted that Troy and Gabriella were more advanced for the this drama class.
Two minutes left. Then school would be out and summer will start. Chad tapped his foot impatiently on the floor while Miss Darbus, who was now doing opera, made her way to the back.
"Well class, I hope you all did well on the end of coarse tests but that doesn't mean you'll make it to the next level of drama. Have a nice summer and please be careful." She ended her speech right as the bell rang. Chad, now grateful that summer was here, rushed to the door but was caught by the back of his collar. He looked to see that Troy was holding him back.
"You weren't going to leave without me now were you? I could have sworn that it was you who said when summer comes neither of us could leave until we're both here." Troy smirked as Chad looked up at him innocently confused.
"When did I.." Chad still couldn't quite remember.
"Aw come on. You seriously forgot?" Troy let go on Chad's collar so he could turn around.
"Oh! I didn't say that. Well...I was mimicking Taylor, so that doesn't count."
"Maybe not...but you always wait for me." Troy put on his pouting face.
"You two are like a couple, I swear. If I didn't know better than I'd say you were." Taylor was standing in the doorway. Chad noted the look of disgust and hate toward him from Gabriella, when Taylor said this.
"Well you know, I have been a little jealous of you, Taylor, for stealing my best friend away." Troy grabbed Chad's collar again pulling him closer.
"Troy that's not how best friends should act," Gabriella stated flatly.
"And it looks as if Gabby is getting jealous of Chad," Troy said laughing off his girlfriends words. Everyone was laughing except Gabriella. Instead she was fuming off to the side.
"Heh heh. You people act like I'm a pet or a thing. I'm a person who's standing right here," Chad laughed, stealing a glance at Gabby. She threw him a death glare.
"I see nothing funny," Gabby said looping her arm in Troy's.
"Hey I have an idea," Troy said, "Why don't you guys come over. My parents wouldn't mind and we can start summer there instead"
"Sure, why not? I have nothing else to do," offered Chad.
"I'm in," chimed Taylor.
"I'm coming too," Gabby said smiling up at Troy.
"Great! Um...where's the rest of the crew?" Troy asked referring to Jason, Kelsi, Ryan, Martha, and maybe even Sharpay.
"They left right after exams." Chad was already headed toward the door.
:::::::::::::Troy's house:::::::::::
"Oh good, Troy, you're here. And you brought friends," Troy's mom ran frantically around the kitchen.
"Mom?" Troy questioned while he offered his friends a seat.
"Listen I need you to take care of you little cousin for me while I go to this emergency meeting at the office. His bags are in the living room, bottles are in the fridge and he is taking a nap. I gotta go."
"But mom, I can't take care of...of..."
"His name is Trey." Mrs. Bolton once again hurried across the kitchen, planting a kiss on Troy's head on the way.
"Mom, how old is this kid?"
"Honey, he just turned two. You'll be fine." With that Mrs. Bolton shot across the room and exited the house, leaving Troy and friends baffled.
"Well let's go find the tot, shall we?" Taylor got up walking into the living room.
"Why not," Troy said between clenched teeth, before he followed the rest of his friends into the living room. There they found the kid curled up on the couch. His bags were by his head and a light blanket was thrown over him. Gabby and Taylor were marveling over how cute he was while Troy and Chad watched from afar.
"Man. We just got out on break and we're babysitting." Troy ran a hand through his hair.
"Well at least he's not a..." Chad wasn't able to finish his sentence due to Taylor squealing something.
"He's awake. Chad look." Taylor turned to show Troy and Chad a sleepy Trey.
"What were you saying," Troy asked turning his attention back to Chad sarcastically.
"Never mind."
"Well I got to go. My dad is taking me to Nevada for shopping. Gabby you interested?" Taylor stood up looking towards Gabby.
"Yeah I'm not doing anything."
"Wait. You guys are just going to leave us here? With him?" Troy pointed to Trey who was starring at the four with intense curiosity.
"What do you mean us?" Chad said looking at Troy.
"Chad, if you leave, I'll kill you," Troy threatened without even turning around.
"That's not fair," Chad mumbled as he sat on the couch next to Trey. Trey immediately crawled over to Chad, trying to mess in his hair.
"Well, Troy, I'm sure you guys can handle it. He's only two. What could he possibly get into while you watch him?" Taylor smiled, then headed for the door. "See ya Chad." Taylor kissed him on the forehead.
"Bye." Chad was holding Trey's arms while he winked at Taylor.
"Bye bye Boo," Gabriella said planting a small kiss on Troy's lips. "I'll see you when I get back." Troy smiled.
"Let me walk you to the door." Troy said.
"Oh no. You need to help babysit your cousin. We can find our way out just fine." With that Taylor and Gabriella walked into the kitchen towards the side door.
"Well..." Chad was now holding Trey on his lap bouncing him. Trey happily giggled.
"Wow, Chad I think he likes you. I'm jealous all over again." Troy laughed as he sat beside Chad and Trey. Trey acted as though he couldn't even see Troy. Instead he kept bouncing on Chad's lap.
"Yeah, well, then you take him." Chad lifted Trey into the air waiting for Troy to take him.
"Oh no, you're good. I was just saying." Troy watched as Chad resumed bouncing Trey.
"You know, he looks just like you, when you were younger." Chad turned Trey around so Troy could see. Sure enough the blue eyes matched, along with the brown mane, the nose, and even the little dimple on the left side of their cheeks.
"Heh, so it's almost like you're carrying my baby." Troy thought about it a moment. "Wait. That implies so much." Troy laughed.
"Get your mind out the gutter Troy. I hope your cousin turns out better then you," Chad said shifting his position.
"Ah Chad, that's mean."
"Chad no mean." Troy and Chad looked at Trey who was frowning at Troy.
"Troy you didn't tell me your cousin could talk." Chad said.
"I didn't even know I had a cousin named Trey, let alone that he could talk."
"Mine!" Trey attached himself around Chad's neck, then he stuck his tongue out Troy.
"What? No he's mine." Troy pulled on Chad's shirt, scooting Chad closer to him.
"Stop! Stop!" Trey swung out at Troy.
"Damn kid, you need to find your own friends." Troy dodged Trey's arm and pushed him to the other side of Chad.
"Troy, you're acting his age." Chad said, preventing the little boy from falling off his lap.
"He started it, and I am not about to let this snotty nosed kid take my best friend and take over my house." Troy growled showing his teeth at Trey.
"Chad mine. Girwfwiend." Trey turned toward Chad and left a wet kiss on Chad's lips. "Mine."
Troy was momentarily shocked but regained his composure. "No, he's mine." Troy pulled Chad by his hair into a kiss. At first Troy just moved his lips against Chad's but then he ran his tongue over Chad's lips. Chad gasped feeling the wet appendage, which allowed Troy to stick in his tongue. Troy could taste grapefruit. Pulling back, he smirked, still looking at Chad. "Mine."
Trey was mad. He jumped off of Chad's lap and on to the floor, looking for his play bag. Finding it he dug into it. He pulled out his toy pool stick and swung.
"OWWW!!" Trey had successfully hit Troy in the nuts. Trey smiled. Score Trey 1 Troy 0.
"Mine." He then tugged at Chad's shirt. His blue eyes sparkled innocently. "Me hungy."
"You are soo dead kid." Troy bit out holding himself. He was hurting too bad to do anything else, but he swore he would kill that kid.
"Let's go into the kitchen. I think Troy's mom left you something."Chad grabbed Trey's hand and led him into the kitchen for a snack of some sort.
Troy growled as he watched Chad lead the brat into the kitchen. That kid was proving to be more trouble then he thought. Not only that, but also he noticed that Chad seemed to have a soft spot for the kid. Chad was only allowed to have a soft spot for him, Troy, not Trey. While thinking Troy figured out why he was acting so possessive. He liked his best friend. He knew he wasn't lying when he told Taylor he was jealous, but he didn't think he was jealous like in, Taylor I'm in love with your boyfriend.
Slowly but surely Troy got up. He was still a bit sore but at least he could move around. He made his way into the kitchen where he saw his cousin eating a peanut butter sandwich at the table. Chad was standing at the counter fixing a jelly sandwich.
"Fixed you a bag of ice. Thought you could use one after..." Chad didn't finish his sentence but instead offered Troy the bag of ice, plus the jelly sandwich. Chad knew exactly how he liked his sandwiches. Troy saw Trey scowl.
"Thanks. I needed something." Troy took a hold of the bag of ice and sandwich but made sure to touch Chad's hand as well. Trey growled.
"Yeah, um...I gotta go..." Chad went to head for the door.
"NO! Don't leave me with this kid. He'll be dead in two hours."
"NO! NO! Chad stay!" Trey jumped out of his seat and ran over to Chad.
"No. I have to go to the bathroom." Chad chuckled. He exited the room leaving Troy and Trey alone. Sitting down at the counter Troy put the ice on his crotch and faced Trey. "Listen kid, I know Chad is a good guy and all but he's taken. On several levels. First of all he has a girlfriend. Second he's my best friend. Third he's about to be boyfriend."
"Chad. My girlfriend. Not yous. Mine!" Trey went and sat back down, turning his nose in the air.
"Kid. Lay off. He's mine. You saw how he kissed me back. Plus you're way too young. Me, though, I'm just the right age." Troy looked longingly at the door. "I wouldn't mind just..."
"No MINE!" Trey didn't let Troy finish by throwing the rest of his peanut butter sandwich at Troy.
"What the...Kid you are so dead!" Troy went to grab Trey but was too slow due to that stupid pool stick.
"NO! Noooo!" Trey ran around the counter picking up Troy's jelly sandwich.
"Put that down. Chad made it for me." After he saw that it wasn't helping he continued. "Fine, fine. But this isn't the end."
Trey smiled devilishly at Troy. The score was now Trey 2 and Troy 0. Scowling Troy sat back at the counter while Trey made his way back to the table.
"Well, I'm bored." Chad walked into the kitchen with his hair pulled back.
Troy's mouth hit the floor. He knew his friend was hot, but now he saw why girls threw themselves at his feet.
"Chad. Mine." Trey said matter-of-factly.
"You're pushing your luck kid," Troy muttered under his breath. Trey just smiled at him.
"Smoter den you tink, Troy. Chad, mine. I stay summer."
This was the beginnings of war. If what Trey said was true then Troy would have his hands full with trying to get Chad and trying to keep Trey away. Another thing Troy noticed was that Trey was smart to be a two year old.
Notice that the points are for whoever can dis the other not for who Chad agrees with.
Also I made Trey a whole lot smarter than the average two year old. But you remember Tommy and Chuckie and friends were pretty smart for their age as well. I guess this is why it's a fanfiction.
Well? Was it horrible? Need I update? Can I have feed back? Review!! Thanks!