This is basically going to be a collection of tags to different episodes dealing with Ronon and Keller sorta getting to know each other up until Quarantine. This one doesn't really tag an episode, but I am going to put Keller's arrival into Altantis around the middle of season two. I figure she must have been there quite a while if Weir felt so comfortable giving her the position of CMO.

Disclaimer: I'm only going to say this one: I don't own any of this and I'm not making money off of it. This is simply for fun.

She had never been more terrified in her entire life. The Gate- she had never seen anything like it before. Heck, a couple weeks ago she would have laughed if someone had told her about such a thing. But here she was, now on another planet in another galaxy trying to keep up as Dr. Beckett explained the complicated systems of an alien city to her. No big deal, right?


Dr. Jennifer Keller was on the verge of a breakdown.

She wanted to go home. She wanted to sleep in her own bed and look up at her galaxy's stars. She wanted to cook her own dinner with food she bought from the store instead of military rations. She wanted to go back to working in a hospital with her own supplies instead of these clearly alien ones. Unfortunately Atlantis wasn't willing to send anyone back through the gate right now and the Daedalus wasn't due back for another three months, unless something dire happened. Jennifer really hoped that nothing dire happened during her short stay on Atlantis.

At least she was starting to find solstice in her work. She had only been on Atlantis for a few days, so she didn't understand most of the systems yet, but she was learning. Dr. Beckett was a great teacher and an even better friend. He was always willing to stay up with her while she cried.

"Ah, no son. Not again," Dr. Beckett cried, and Jen couldn't help but look up from a blood sample she was testing. It was Ronon Dex, who as far as Jen could tell, lived in the infirmary because he was injured so often in sparing matches. This time it was a small cut on his cheek. Easy enough to fix with a stitch or two. "Who was it this time?"

"One of the marines," Ronon said easily, taking a seat on one of the medical bed. "They're getting better."

"So I see, lad," Beckett agreed. "Usually it's only Teyla or Colonel Sheppard who bang you up like this."

"Dr. Beckett," one of the lab assistance called, and the doctor sighed.

"Sorry son, but I've got to look at something," Beckett said to Ronon, doing a quick survey of the room. "Dr. Keller?"

"Who?" Ronon asked in disbelief as Beckett waved her over. Trying to make herself as small as possible, Jen inched her way over to the medical bed where the giant warrior sat.

"Dr. Keller," Beckett said. "She just arrived a few days ago, but she has already proven herself to be a fine doctor. So, she'll patch you up and then you can be on your way." Beckett gave them both a bright, cheery smile before disappear after the lab assistant.

For her part Jen tried to put on a brave front as she collected her supplies and prepped Ronon for the stitches. He watched her with an arrogant smirk, but he didn't say anything until she was about to push the needle through his cheek.

"You sure you want to do that?" he asked.

"What?" Jen asked, flinching a little from the roughness in his voice.

"You're shaking," he said. "I don't want you to make it worse."

She felt her temper flare for the first time since she had arrived in the city. She was a doctor, and helping people came before everything else. How dare he suggest that she was so terrified of everything that she couldn't do her job!

"I'm fine," she told him before sticking the needle through his cheek. He grimaced a little, but other than that he sat patiently through the procedure.

"Thanks," he said once she had tied off the stitches and covered the wound with gauze. He hopped off the medical bed without another word and left the infirmary, on the prowl for his next injure.

Jen watched him until the door shut behind him, before scowling and gathering up the supplies. She didn't even notice Dr. Beckett standing next to her until she had started back to her station. She jumped, and the good doctor chuckled.

"Easy lass," he said. "You'll never rest easy if you're jumping at shadows."

"I think that's reasonable, from what I've heard about shadows in this place," Jen replied, and Beckett laughed again.

"For the record, Dr. Keller," he said. "I think you're doing a fine job."

Jen felt her cheeks flush with pride. To hear that from a man who had been in the city from the beginning, a grizzled veteran compared to her, warmed her heart a little. Smiling, she ducked away from Beckett and went back to her lab station, content to work away the rest of the day in this strange city.