Always wanted to write a parody. Here it is. A playthrough of my Silver Version, with a ten-year-old narrating the sequence in first person. Yes, it's one of those "OC is sucked into the Pokemon world!" things - but it's Parody. I didn't write the main character's backstory because it has nothing to do with the plot, except that he's a Pokemon fan. Anyway, I'm going to stop consuming the entire document with an author's note, so read on.

No, of course I don't own Pokemon. If I did, it would be so much worse.

I was underwater, staring at Shellders. I started to float upwards, and I saw a group of four Magikarps. I then breached the surface, and I saw a biting Lapras sailing by. I started to float along after it. It sailed away, and I moved to my left quickly - and everything flashed white. I was now on solid land, with no water in sight. I thought nothing of it, and looked at the nearby Jigglypuff, singing its lullaby. A Pikachu entered my sight, and glared at the Jigglypuff, before attacking it and shoving it out of my sight. I somehow moved downwars into the ground, and everything cleared again. This time, however, a Chikorita appeared, flying nearly out of sight to my right. It vanished, and a completely black Charizard came up. A Cyndaquil appeared, flying to the left. It vanished, the Charizard raised. A Totodile appeared (flying to the right), and the Charizard raised, and then colorized, before shooting fire in my direction. I didn't move, only stared at it.

And then I sat bolt upright. A dream... I thought to myself, sadly. I love Pokemon... I thought dreamily to myself. I was an average ten-year-old boy who lived in Idaho with a completely average family named Mike Elech, and a great fan of Pokemon. I yawned, and looked around the room. Everything was pitch black. Suddenly, a voice from nowhere,



While wondering how I heard a giant ellipse, an actual voice spoke up.

"Zzz... Hm? Wha...?

You woke me up!"

I looked around the room, and, seeing nobody, I cautiously replied,

"Yeah, I just woke up too. Who are you? Where are you?" The voice continued unabated.

"Will you check the clock for me?

What time is it?"

I looked around in the complete blackness that was this room. Obviously, I didn't see a clock.

"Um... I don't know. Nine?" I guessed wildly, using my normal wake-up time. The Voice responded,


MORN 9 o'clock?"

I jumped a bit when he said "MORN", but slowly answered,

"I'm not sure. I guess..." No response. "Yes." I answered simply.

"How many minutes?"

I sat for a second after hearing that question.

"How many minutes? What?" I giggled. No answer. "Umm, 20." I answered, raising an eyebrow.

"Whoa! 20 min.?"

I stared at the blackness where the voice seemed to be coming from.

"...Yes. I just said that." I carefully responded. The Voice grumbled,

"MORN 9:20!

I overslept!"

Everything turned white. Joyful music played, and I jumped, issuing a small cry. An old man stood in front of me. I stammered, before The Voice, which seemed to belong to this old man, continued.

"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

My mouth hung open for a second, and I said,

"W-waiting for what? Where am I!?" Old Man ignored me.

"Welcome to the world of POKEMON!"

I didn't respond to that.The world of Pokemon...?

"My name is OAK."

I just stared.

"People call me the POKEMON PROF."

"Sooo... You're Professor Oak, and I'm in Pokemon, is what you're saying." I slowly asked. OAK, the POKEMON PROF., vanished, and a Marill appeared. I looked around nervously.

"Oak? Where'd you go!?" I asked. I was answered with,

"This world is in-

habited by crea-

tures that we call


and Marill squeaked.

"Well, if it's the POKEMON world, then it would most likely be inhabited by Pokemon, don't you think? That's pretty obvious." I pointed out. The Voice, back to its disembodied state, continued.

"People and POKEMON

live together by

supporting each


Some people play

with POKEMON, some

battle with them."

Marill vanished, and OAK reappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief - I generally don't like mysterious voices telling me things I already know. OAK added,

"But we don't know

everything about


There are still

many mysteries to


That's why I study POKEMON every day."

I sighed. "POKEMON PROF., you're bothering me. I know all this." I pleaded, and Oak vanished.

"Professor? Professor!? Sorry..." I hastily apologized, but a picture of me appeared. The Voice asked,

"Now, what did you say your name was?"

"Well, I never said, but my name's Mike." I answered, staring at me.

"Mike, are you


Your very own

POKEMON story is

about to unfold.

You'll face fun

times and tough


A world of dreams

and adventures


awaits! Let's go!"

I stared. "Prof., could you stop speaking in such short lines and paragraphs? ... They're really starting to annoy me." I asked. Voice continued,

"I'll be seeing you later!"

and then I turned white. No, not really me, but rather, the avatar of me in front of me. And then he/I started to shrink, becoming increasingly smaller, until I was utterly puny. I colorized, and I stared at myself. Just then, a whirl of colors, a dizzy sensation, and a falling sensation. After I stood up from my fall, I looked around. I was in a large, mostly empty room, with an empty table, a bed in the corner, a computer, radio, television, bookcase, and map on one wall, and a flight of stairs in another corner. I looked at my computer. There were two buttons, "Up" and "Down", and one giant button, labeled, "Action". I pressed it, and the computer beeped, then said, "Mike turned on the PC." A list appeared on-screen, reading,







Withdraw Item was highlighted. I pressed Action, and a box appeared. It was mostly empty, and text on top read,


"Well, that was useful." I noted, trying to walk away from the computer. For some odd reason, I found it impossible. I selected CANCEL, then moved down to TURN OFF, and selected that. The computer screen cleared, and I cautiously stepped away. It worked. I shook my head, walking towards the stairs.

As I walked onto the staircase, and took three steps. The world flashed black for a second, and I was turned around, walking the way I came, but downwards. I shrugged and continued down the four remaining steps. A woman was standing at the table, doing nothing. When I stepped out onto the floor, an exclamation point appeared over her head, and she quickly walked over to me, and said,

"Oh, Mike...! Our

neighbor, PROF.

ELM, was looking

for you.

He said he wanted

you to do some-

thing for him.

Oh! I almost forgot!


GEAR is back from

the repair shop.

Here you go!"

Some voice said,

"Mike recieved the


and my side suddenly felt a bit heavier. I looked over to see a black square on the belt I was wearing. I shrugged, and the woman continued,


It's essential if

you want to be a

good trainer.

Oh, the day of the

week isn't set.

You mustn't forget that!

What day is it?"

I stared for a second. "You don't know the day of the week?" I asked, bewildered. She continued to stare at me. I answered, "It's Tuesday."

" TUESDAY, is it?" she asked.

"Yes." I confirmed simply. She continued,

"Is it Daylight

Saving Time now?"

"You really are clueless. Are you supposed to be my mother? And live here? Why don't you know this?" I asked. She stared. I sighed. "Yes."

" 9:31 PM DST,

is that okay?"

"Yes. That's okay." I answered.

"Come home to

adjust your clock

for Daylight

Saving Time."

she said. I nodded in response, and she continued,

"By the way, do you

know how to use

the PHONE?"

I sighed loudly. When does she stop!? "Yes." I responded, remembering a couple of Pokemon games. She said,

"Don't you just

turn the POKEGEAR

on and select the

PHONE icon?"

she asked. "Why are you explaining it to my if I said yes!?" I yelled. She answered,

"Phone numbers are

stored in memory.

Just choose a name

you want to call.

Gee, isn't that convenient?"

she asked, before abruptly walking back to the table. I stared, and walked towards the door, which was indicating by a big, bright red mat on the floor. I stepped out, and the world flashed white.