Hiya there well its me again and man I cannot think of a good fanfic lately so I need you guys help tell me what kind of fanfic I should do or if I should just make a one-shot story like some other people are doing? Ok so thx plz tell me what I should do and while you are thinking plz read this.

DISCLAMER: I do not own Naruto or Beyonce or Shakira

Btw they are all 15 and well they are all wearing what they have on in the time skip except Sasuke he when home to change now he's wearing practically the same thing when he was a genin but his shirt and shorts were black




(Authors notes

in minds

"Well well well look what we have here, so you finally brought him home huh Naruto?"

"You betcha Tsunade-obaa Chan I promised and I never brake my promise"

"Well you did good but um watts with the red headed dog?"

"IM NOT A DOG IM SASUKE-KUNS FUTRUE WIFE!" yelled a red headed girl next to Sasuke

"Tsunade-sama her name is Karin and she was our tracker on my team" said Sasuke

"Like I said she's practically a dog"

"Yeah I like your Hokage she thinks Karin's a dog" yelled an over enthusiastic Suigetsu

"Oh shut up Suigetsu Sasuke doesn't think that he thinks I'm beautiful don't ya Sasuke-kun?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh ………..no you're very ugly"

"Hahahahaahah nice 1 teme can't wait till I tell Hinata-Chan that……….hey wait where is Hinata-Chan? Tsunade do you know where she is? In fact I don't even think I saw Sakura-Chan yet where are they?"

"Oh Hinata and Sakura are down at the stadium getting ready for he concert"

"Concert what concert?" Asked a confused Sasuke

"Oh right I forgot to tell you Hinata, and Sakura are performing in the concert so you guys should watch they are very good"

"Pff I know my Sasuke-kuns not going I'm the only girl for him right Sasuke-kun?"

"Ehhhhhh no I have someone else in mine sooo……………………………… Tsunade can you plz get her arrested for umm sexual assault?"

"w-what Sasuke what are you saying I never tried to rape you" said a bewildered Karin

'hah yeah right you tried to rape him plenty of times"

"Sure Sasuke if that's what you want now get your asses to the stadium"

"Hai Hokage-smama"

When the guys got to the stadium they made it just in time the music started and they could make out 2 womanly figures through the smoke that was forming around there bodies

in Naruto's mind

Wow they look hot wonder who they are?

End Naruto's mind

in Saukes mind

Dam what I would give to revive my clan with one of them

End Sasuke's mind

Then the girls turned around to show who they were and were they guys shocked it was Sakura and Hinata.

Hinata was wearing a strapless shirt, tight black pants and black high heeled open toe shoes

Sakura was wearing a 1 strapped shirt with a black mini skirt and the same black high heeled open toe shoes.

They began to sing and the guys were blown away they sounded so hot they also dance hot

(The song is beautiful liar buy Beyonce and Shakira I edited the song a bit but it's still the same they are also dancing like in the video)

Sakura singing

Hinata singing

(Ay, nobody likes being played)

Oh, Hinata, Hinata
Oh, Sakura, Sakura (Hey)

He said, I'm worth it, his one desire

I know things about him that you wouldn't
want to read about

He kissed me, his one and only
(Yes) Beautiful Liar

Tell me how you tolerate the things you
Just found out about
you never know

Why are we the ones who suffer?

I have to let go

He won't be the one to cry

(Ay) Lets not kill the Karma
(Ay) Lets not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a Beautiful Liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (ha ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) we can live without him
Just a Beautiful Liar

I trusted him
but when I followed you
I saw you together

I didn't know about you then till I saw you with him when, yea

I walked in on your love scene
slow dancing

You stole everything
How can you say I did you wrong

we'll never know

When the pain and heartbreaks over
I have to let go

The innocence is gone

(Ay) Let's not kill the Karma
(Ay) Let's not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a Beautiful Liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (ha ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

Tell me how to forgive you, (ooo)
When its me who's ashamed? (Oh)

And I wish I could free you
of the hurt and the pain
but the answer is simple

He's the one to blame (hey)

--- (music plays) ---

Ay, Hinata, Hinata
Ay, Sakura, Sakura
Oh, Hinata, Hinata

Oh, Sakura, Sakura

(Ay) Lets not kill the Karma
(Ay) Lets not start a fight
(Ay) It's not worth the drama
For a Beautiful Liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it (Ha Ha)
(Oh) It's not worth our time
(Oh) We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

"Thanks everyone for coming se ya later we have our solos coming up so stay plz"

"Wow teme they were hot right"

"For once I actually agree with you dobe do you think there mad at us?"

"Why would they be mad at us?"

"Um oh I dunno maybe cuz we left them for how long 2 years"

"Oh right ehheheh oh I hope there not mad for our sake man hope your right"

(OK guys that's my first chapter this is probably going to be a short Story maybe a 3-5 shot I dunno I got other chapters already so I need your guys help I need reviews and I mean I good amount of reviews maybe like what maybe 5 or more would do if I get more that would be even better and ill update much sooner probably this week cuz its March Break Yayazzzz)

(That's was a long rant ok so yeah R&R plz)