April 16, 2020
Pertaining to this fanfiction: Defying Gravity will be deleted from this website within the week. If you would like to read it again, please go to my AO3 account.
General update: I am in the process of moving all of my fanfiction over to AO3. Some have been deleted, as I had a re-read and didn't think they were worth saving. At the moment Red (Naruto) is the only one moved. Defying Gravity (FFVII) will follow, once I've had a chance to go through and edit it. Yes, this means I am thinking about picking it up again, and hopefully completing it. As for an explanation as to the stupidly long hiatus I've been on... the short answer is mental illness. The long answer is... tldr, you know? A bit of writer's block, a whole wack of mental illness, and just a general loss of passion for the craft of writing, I guess. You can thank the FFVII remake for inspiring me again. :)
My AO3 - /users/miyatree